
Dion James Neely sentenced at Gladstone for stalking

A Central Queensland woman felt “scared and unsafe” as the man stalking her turned up at her home five times, a court has heard.

Dion James Neely was sentenced in the District Court at Gladstone.
Dion James Neely was sentenced in the District Court at Gladstone.

A Central Queensland man’s stalking had “an indelible effect” on his victim’s emotional wellbeing and she relocated as a result, a court has heard.

Dion James Neely, 49, was sentenced in the District Court at Gladstone after pleading guilty to stalking.

The court heard Neely’s offending happened between March 17 and May 26 and involved him sending a woman 20 emails and attending her home five times when he was not permitted to be there.

The court heard as a consequence of Neely’s persistent contact and attempts to contact her, the woman felt “scared and unsafe.”

It was told the emails did not involve any threats and in them, Neely reiterated his desire to see the woman and his struggles overcoming the end of their relationship.

The Crown said Neely’s offending had “an indelible effect” on the woman’s emotional wellbeing.

The court heard she had to move elsewhere as a result, suffered from anxiety, and had to seek counselling.

The Crown further stated Neely had two “convictions of relevance” on his criminal history, being for domestic violence offending.

Dion James Neely.
Dion James Neely.

Barrister Scott Moon said Neely was born in Lismore and he was a father of one, an 18-year-old daughter.

“My ultimate submission is, Your Honour, in respect to his remorse and insight into this offending, was during conference (Neely) made it very clear... and his exact words were that ‘I would hate to think this would happen to her’ (Neely’s daughter),” Mr Moon said.

“The 66 days (he spent) in (pre-sentence) custody (Neely) described as the circuit breaker he needed - and that shows his maturity and his reflection in relation to this matter and the fact that the custodial environment has sent that very strong message to him that he doesn’t want to repeat.”

Mr Moon said Neely, who had no mental health issues, had been living on “a country property out of town” and working there since being released on bail from pre-sentence custody in July.

“He is extremely remorseful about his conduct.

“It is a very early plea.”

Judge Vicki Loury said Neely’s offending had finished in May so it was about as early as a plea could be.

On September 12, Judge Loury declared 66 days’ pre-sentence custody as time already served and sentenced Neely to nine months’ jail with immediate parole.

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