
‘I was thinking how hot and sexy you are’: James Simpson’s excuse for sexual assault

James Alred John Simpson, 33, was sentenced in Gladstone District Court on Monday for the sexual assault of a female friend. Read what happened in court. WARNING: Graphic content.

A man who only stopped sexually assaulting a woman after she tried to bite him has been sentenced in the Gladstone District Court.

James Alfred John Simpson, 33, pleaded guilty on Tuesday, August 22 to sexually assaulting his friend on January 2 of last year.

Crown prosecutor Chontelle Farnsworth said Simpson visited the victim at her home to watch a movie, where they took a small amount of drugs and drank some alcohol.

“While watching the movie, (Simpson) rested his hand on the complainant’s upper inner thigh. The complainant told the defendant she felt uncomfortable and asked him to remove his hand, and he did,” she said.

Ms Farnsworth said that an hour and a half afterwards, Simpson did the same thing, and the victim again told him she was uncomfortable.

“After the movie, when the complainant began walking to the stairs… the complainant used both hands to pull the defendant’s pants down to her ankles.

“He grabbed above her hips with both of his hands… she broke out of his grip and curled up with her knees together tucked up to her chest.”

The court heard the victim said she feared she would be raped or killed, and asked Simpson why he was doing this, to which his answer was “because I like you”.

“(Simpson) knelt on both knees and began to use his right hand to pull the complainant’s legs apart. She kicked out with both of her legs… he moved so he was laying on his side and he placed his fingers on the outside of her vagina.

“She punched him 10 to 15 times in the face and scratched him.”

The court heard the assault continued for one to one and a half minutes, and only stopped when the victim attempted to bite Simpson.

Defence barrister Julie Marsden said Simpson had been diagnosed with a hearing impairment at the age of five, which had impacted his learning, and also acknowledged he had a problem with drugs and alcohol.

“He started using marijuana at the age of 17, and started using hard drugs or party drugs in his mid 20s… drugs are clearly the problem,” Ms Marsden said.

Ms Marsden described the sexual offending as “out of character” for Simpson, and said that his impairment under the influence of drugs and alcohol might have explained his behaviour.

“He is not someone who is violent or aggressive, and he has no prior sexual offending,” she said.

The court heard Simpson apologised to the victim in a text message several days after the offending.

“I hate myself for it, but it’s also what I want from you every time I see you,” he said.

“I was thinking how hot and sexy you are.”

Judge Terry Gardiner sentenced Simpson to a 15 month suspended sentence, of which he will be required to serve three months.

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