
Longest serving staff member eager to celebrate milestone

Each month, Mandy writes a newsletter for her colleagues about what happened at work.

Anuha employee Mandy Harch celebrates the organisations 35th Birthday. PHOTO: ALI KUCHEL
Anuha employee Mandy Harch celebrates the organisations 35th Birthday. PHOTO: ALI KUCHEL

MANDY Harch was so excited about her work’s 35th birthday, she wrote a note to the admin staff reminding them it was happening.

Today, Anuha celebrates its 35th birthday, and Mandy has been a part of the support group and business since its inception in 1985.

Mandy, who has down syndrome, was 16 years old when she started with Anuha, originally in the kitchen and adding recycling facility jobs to her resume.

“I work three days here,” Mandy said.

“I like sorting out milk bottle, PET bottles, cardboard and mixed plastics on the line.”

Working in the kitchen preparing jams and preserves is still a task Mandy enjoys, having recently created two new jams – cherry and bumbleberry – which are yet to be released.

Anuha general manager Robert Evelyn with employee Mandy Harch. PHOTO: ALI KUCHEL
Anuha general manager Robert Evelyn with employee Mandy Harch. PHOTO: ALI KUCHEL

Mandy also worked on the Qantas project, where staff would pull economy head sets apart, replace the earmuffs and repackage them for re-use.

She also writes her own monthly newsletter, which is emailed to all the staff, reminding them to work safely, wash hands regularly and updates from the kitchen.

In addition to her work with Anuha, Mandy also volunteers at the Gatton kindy each Monday.

Jane Martin, Anuha’s admin assistant, said Mandy was a volunteer at the kindy when her son attended.

“My son used to go to Gatton Kindy in 2004, and Mandy was at the kindy then,” she said.

“I’m not sure how long Mandy’s been there, but she’s been there a very long time.”

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