

Vote now: Which dog is the Fraser Coast’s cutest?

More than 100 adorable fur babies have been nominated by their doting “parents” as the Fraser Coast’s cutest dog of 2023, but there can only be one winner. Vote in our poll:

It's time to vote for the Fraser Coast's cutest dog.
It's time to vote for the Fraser Coast's cutest dog.

It’s time to vote for the region’s cutest pooch.

The Chronicle’s poll comes as the council revealed the top 10 dog breeds on Fraser Coast.

A quick look at the stats for the 2022/23 dog registrations shows there are 1718 staffordshire terriers, closely followed by 1592 maltese terriers and 1416 border collies across the region.

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While chihuahua may be a small dog, they still outnumber bull arabs, mastiffs and rottweilers.

Last year 21,000 dogs were registered on the Fraser Coast.

“While the number of animals being surrendered to the council has increased from last year, the number of animals (cats and dogs) that we have been able to find new homes for has also increased,” councillor Zane O’Keefe said.

“Last year 209 cats and 151 dogs were adopted out compared to 157 cats and 110 dogs finding new homes in 2021,” he said.

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Animals generate multiple calls to the council’s customer service centre.

In 2022, the council fielded 6569 calls from residents regarding animals, including wandering stock as well as cats and dogs.

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“The calls cover everything from inquiries to change registration details (445) to calls for information on wandering dogs (269), barking dogs (553), and 708 people calling to be put through to the adoption centre to look for a missing pet or arrange to adopt a pet,” Mr O’Keefe said.

“There were 239 calls regarding dog attacks which is about average.”

More than 100 dogs have been nominated as the cutest on the Fraser Coast for 2023.

Voting will close on February 8.

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