
OUR SAY: No need for outrage over book donation

I don't understand the outrage over the donation of books by America's First Lady, Melania Trump.

Just because she's Donald Trump's wife doesn't mean Melania Trump should be a source of constant outrage. Picture: Evan Vucci
Just because she's Donald Trump's wife doesn't mean Melania Trump should be a source of constant outrage. Picture: Evan Vucci

I'LL preface this by saying I can't stand the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

I think the US has stooped to a low they will struggle to ever repeat again in terms of their national representation.

But I'm getting tired of the outrage surrounding every little thing that is done by Trump, or First Lady Melania.

Melania tried to donate some books to a school.

Suddenly, this is an atrocity, the worst thing any First Lady has ever done.


Because the school doesn't need books.

The school is privileged and the librarian at the school says the books should go to an under-privileged school. Suddenly Dr Seuss books are inappropriate. Even "racist".

Would this have happened to the former First Lady, Michelle Obama, who incidentally read Dr Seuss books to children without an ounce of negative comment?

I strongly doubt it.

Humiliating Melania Trump when she has tried to do something generous and kind is sickening and a sign that the left wing anti-Trump brigade are willing to find fault with absolutely anything he or his family does.

I accept that, like it or not, the First Lady and Trump's family are open to scrutiny thanks to his position.

I do not accept that every step they take is therefore a misstep.

People need to save their outrage for the many things that actually deserve it.

The gracious donation of some books, even to a school that apparently doesn't need them, is not reason for outrage.

And the librarian who rejected the donation could have shown a bit of class and quietly donated the books elsewhere if they really weren't needed.

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