

Opinion: David Crisafulli contributed to Qld fluoride crisis

David Crisafulli was the presiding minister when the LNP let the loonies loose on water fluoridation, writes Robert Schwarten.

Then local government minister David Crisafulli in 2012
Then local government minister David Crisafulli in 2012

If there is one truth when it comes to the vexed issue of fluoride in the water supply, it is this: Queenslanders are tragically being robbed of proper healthcare by weak-gutted local councillors who are influenced by the lunatic fringe, who in turn are hiding in the thick hedge of social media.

Why are these councillors so unwilling to believe in science? Why are they meanwhile willing to kowtow to the unscientific low grade scare tactics of a minority?

The only possible reason is an unfounded fear of losing their position around the council table.

Premier David Crisafulli was the local government minister when the previous LNP government gave councils the green light to let the loonies loose on elected representatives in late 2012, by saying it would now be up to each town to decide if they wanted fluoride in their water.

In my home town of Rockhampton, there was only one councillor (and it was not my own brother, who was on the council at the time) who voted to keep fluoride in our water supply after that decision was made.

The link between poverty and poor diet is well established and – as many letters writers to this newspaper have stated – manifests itself in the lifetime punishment of rotten teeth and a downhill spiral into bad general health which costs the taxpayer in public health costs.

The Local Government Association of Queensland is mute on the issue. It seems content to leave the agenda to others while banging on the door of government for more funding from taxpayers.

Maybe that’s the answer? To turn away their begging bowls unless they reinstate fluoride.

I don’t know why our side when in power for a decade did not reinstate the Bligh-era legislation I voted for that mandated fluoride in the water supply.

But it is at least arguable to say to Premier Crisafulli that you caused this mess, why don’t you fix it?

Before the election he was out tub thumping about how decisive he is. Now he’s hiding under the bed on this critical issue.

It has become evident that local government sector outside of the southeast corner is pretty much gutless and dictated to by cranks.

It makes you wonder what other poor judgments they make.

I, for one, would like to see the return of political parties in councils to break up the squalid club culture which prevents robust debate and accountability, while leading to poor public health outcomes such as this.

Robert Schwarten was a Labor government minister

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