
OPINION: Trump shows the world leader vacuum

It has been amazing watching the word slowly turn from a joke to possibly becoming “the leader of the free world”.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump


It has been amazing watching the word slowly turn from a joke to possibly becoming "the leader of the free world".

Just a few months ago he was the joke candidate who would say outrageous things but would not get much past the Iowa or New Hampshire primaries.

But now we are looking down the barrel of Super Tuesday and Donald Trump has delivered on all expectations bar one.

He has not dropped out and looks like he could take out the race.

The slightly terrifying prospect of Trump as president has me asking one question - what happened to the impressive leaders?

In the UK, last year they had the choice between a man who may or may not have done something inappropriate with a pig (David Cameron) and a man who resembled a wet Muppet (Ed Miliband).

Here in Australia, we are expected to choose between a man with the charisma of paint drying and a man who cannot get his party to follow in his footsteps.

I am tired of settling for the lesser of two weasels.

I want to be inspired, to have hope for the future, to know the slightly crazy person is not making defence decisions.

Will the real world leaders please stand up?

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