
Fraser Coast council changes local laws concerning animals, nature strips

Fraser Coast Regional Council has given a number of its town laws an overhaul in an effort to keep up with community expectations. Here are the new rules.

Residents can continue to keep up to two dogs, but will not be able to keep three dogs or more if they have a lot size of 600 square metres or less or live in a residential unit.
Residents can continue to keep up to two dogs, but will not be able to keep three dogs or more if they have a lot size of 600 square metres or less or live in a residential unit.

Rules surrounding animal ownership and planting on nature strips have been changed, with the consent of neighbours no longer required to own a third dog, while compulsory desexing would also no longer be enforced.

An extensive review of the council’s seven local laws had been carried out to ensure they still reflected “current community expectations”, a statement from the Fraser Coast Regional Council read.

Councillor Paul Truscott said the council was responsible for making and enforcing local laws on issues not governed by state or federal laws.

“Local laws help make our communities safer and better places to live, work and play,” he said.

“Council has been progressively updating the local laws since the 2021 review and the amendments to local laws 1 and 2 are the final phase of the changes.”

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Mr Truscott said the council would remove the local law mandatory desexing and breeding approval process to align with the Queensland Government system that started in 2017.

“It is important that our local laws do not overlap or duplicate State legislation. By creating a registration system for desexed and entire dogs, council can more effectively regulate pet ownership across the Fraser Coast region,” he said.

Residents can continue to keep up to two dogs, but will not be able to keep three dogs or more if they have a lot size of 600 square metres or less or live in a residential unit.
Residents can continue to keep up to two dogs, but will not be able to keep three dogs or more if they have a lot size of 600 square metres or less or live in a residential unit.

“Council is committed to reducing the number of unwanted cats and dogs within our area, and we provide reimbursements to eligible pet owners of $50 for cats and $100 for dogs that have recently been desexed.

“The changes to our local laws are all about simplifying processes.

“It means a breeding permit will no longer be needed to keep an entire dog but there will still be a higher registration fee.

“Council recognises that desexing has many benefits and that a desexed pet is generally more content, less aggressive and has fewer health problems.

“That’s why we will continue to have higher fees for those who keep entire dogs and offer incentives to eligible owners who desex their pets.”

At its December meeting, the council also passed resolutions that the regulation of quails and the changes to how mobile food and roadside vending applications are assessed be reviewed after the laws have been in operation for six months.

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Changes taking effect from December 22 this year:

• A new animal noise nuisance offence will be introduced with a maximum penalty of $7824 and references added to acceptable noise levels being measured using electronic devices as well as traditionally discretionary methods such as the impact on affected residents;

• Simplifying the framework for keeping animals by removing references to urban or rural land to instead impose limits per allotment size with a focus on minimising disruption to neighbours. Chickens and bees will still be able to be kept in yards starting from 600 square metres while there are no restrictions on native beekeeping;

• Allowing Council officers to assess if mobile food vendors could trade near similar businesses in certain circumstances, such as markets or major events. Under current rules, mobile food vendors can’t operate within 200 metres of a similar business;

• Removing the requirement for neighbours’ consent for applications for an additional pet with the circumstances of each application considered by council. Residents can continue to keep up to two dogs, but will not be able to keep three dogs or more if they have a lot size of 600 square metres or less or live in a residential unit;

• Amendments around public place activities which require approvals and setting stringent guidelines for camping grounds and tourist parks, with a new reference to nature-based tourism facilities in recognition of the growing interest in eco-tourism in the region;

• Amendments to pave the way for residents to plant small shrubs or other certain types of vegetation on their nature strips without a permit in preparation for new council guidelines currently in development.

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