
Monica Josephine Garvey: Thieving mum spends night in watch-house

A mother of two was forced to spend a night in the watch-house after failing to front court on a stealing charge three times. See her excuses for not showing up:

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A mother with a history of dishonesty is back before the magistrate, this time after being taken into police custody after refusing to face the music.

Monica Josephine Garvey was seen roaming the aisles of IGA on August 4, 2021 before going to the haberdashery section and placing $27-worth of items in her pocket.

Police prosecutor Chris Hutchins said the 41-year-old has a history of “stealing” with some “violent” offences.

“She just seems to be someone that fines aren’t working for,” he said.

“(The offences) are at the lower end but it doesn’t seem the deterrents work.

“The courts have given her numerous fines in relation to theft and fraud.”

Lawyer Julia Molloy said her client was an SES volunteer and studying to be a paramedic, and claimed she put the items in her pocket by mistake.

“She instructs the groceries she did pay for were a lot more expensive,” Ms Molloy said.

The Cecil Plains woman failed to appear in court on three occasions after she was charged, claiming the roads were flooded on two occasions and car troubles on the third.

Magistrate Kerrie O’Callaghan chastised her for not attempting to contact the court.

“The stealing was almost 12 months ago and you haven’t made any attempt to come to court. You didn’t contact the court at all,” she said.

Garvey, who spent one night in the watch-house before finally attending court, pleaded guilty to stealing.

She was fined $700 and ordered to pay $27 restitution to IGA Millmerran.

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