
'Legend of Dalby': Publican's legacy will not be forgotten

Her popular catchphrase, "happy days, luv,"; after serving a beer was just one of the many things about her that made Miss Barry a town favourite.

PUB FAVOURITE: Mary Barry owned the Commercial Hotel for 58 years. Picture: FILE
PUB FAVOURITE: Mary Barry owned the Commercial Hotel for 58 years. Picture: FILE

THE memories of Mary's Commercial Hotel will remain in the Dalby community for many years, according to a close friend of its most famous owner.

Warwick Geisel was a great friend of Mary Barry, who owned the Commercial Hotel for 58 years.

Her popular catchphrase, "happy days, luv," after serving a beer was just one of the many things about her that made Miss Barry a town favourite.

Mr Geisel, a former mayor of Dalby, said .Miss Barry's legacy would live on, despite the pub being destroyed last week

"As I said during the eulogy at her funeral, happy days may have moved on, but happy memories will remain with us for many a year," Mr Geisel said.

"If I ever mentioned Mary Barry's pub when I was away at meetings or conferences, people immediately knew I was from Dalby."

Mr Geisel said he still fondly remembered the many lunches he had at the iconic pub, and said it was Miss Barry's mission to make sure every customer was satisfied.

"There is no other way to describe her other than a legend of Dalby," he said.

"In her time, Mary helped so many people and sporting clubs in so many different ways."

Mr Geisel said she had an impact on the community that could never be overshadowed.

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