
Missing Mount Isa teen Kyle Coleman shot by friend James Coleman on hunting trip, Coroner finds

A MOUNT Isa teenager was shot by his friend, his body and belongings burnt by the side of a farm track and lies told to throw off police, the coroner has found.

The coroner found Kyle Coleman’s killer committed suicide rather than admit he had shot the teenager.
The coroner found Kyle Coleman’s killer committed suicide rather than admit he had shot the teenager.

KYLE Coleman was shot, his body and belongings were burnt by the side of a farm track and lies were told to throw off police.

The person responsible was his mate and travelling companion James Coleman (no relation) who later killed himself.

The findings were handed down yesterday by Coroner Jane Bentley after an inquest last month into the disappearance of Kyle in February 2014 from Undilla Station, near Mount Isa, where the pair had gone hunting.

INQUEST: Coleman’s version of events ‘impossible’

Ms Bentley found Kyle, then 17, likely never left the station and his burnt remains were likely eaten by animals.

“I find that Kyle died at or near the fire site and his body was left on Undilla Station and his remains have since been moved and/or disposed of by animals,’’ the finding read.

“I find that after Kyle died James burnt Kyle’s belongings including his swag and his backpack which contained his watch and his time sheet book.’’

The Coroner’s findings stated Kyle was accidentally shot by James, while the pair were most likely drinking alcohol.

“I find that he was killed by James Coleman and his death was as a result of the discharge of a firearm by James Coleman,’’ she said.

“James shot Kyle with a Mossberg bolt-action shotgun. I find that both Kyle and James were intoxicated at the time of the shooting.

“Kyle and James were very good friends when they left Mount Isa to go camping on 21 February 2014. There is no evidence of any falling out or animosity between the two.’’

But she also found James lied to police, family and friends about what happened on the camping trip.

“James Coleman was deliberately untruthful when he said that he and Kyle had returned to Mount Isa together.’’

The Coroner said James committed suicide rather than admit what had happened.

* Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

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