
Cody Thomas Pagel sentenced for supplying drugs in prison

The identity of a prison drug smuggler can be revealed after a package packed with meth, marijuana and other contraband made it into a Queensland jail, sparking a Code Yellow.

Woodford Correctional Centre. Picture: Patrick Woods.
Woodford Correctional Centre. Picture: Patrick Woods.

A play-by-play of how a prisoner brought drugs and mobile phones into a Queensland jail via drone delivery can be revealed.

This is after Cody Thomas Pagel, 23, was sentenced in Brisbane Supreme Court for three counts of supplying dangerous drugs within a correctional facility, including meth, buprenorphine and cannabis.

According to court documents obtained on Tuesday, Pagel, who is now a prisoner at Maryborough jail, was 21 and serving a sentence at the Woodford Correctional Centre when the offending happened.

On June 17, 2022, Pagel, from Wynnum, was in the exercise yard and used a phone to call a woman.

Cody Thomas Pagel organised for drugs to be dropped via drone to Woodford Correctional Centre.
Cody Thomas Pagel organised for drugs to be dropped via drone to Woodford Correctional Centre.

According to documents, once Pagel hung up the phone, he walked over and stood at the wire fence looking towards the road for a drone.

About 4.41pm on the same day, a small package fell from the wire roof.

Pagel ran towards the package and hid it in his shorts.

He continued to walk around the yard with a blue towel over his shoulder before he called another prisoner to the rear of the yard.

Pagel handed a portion of the package to the other prisoner, who concealed the item down the back of his shorts.

A short time later a Code Yellow was activated and prisoners were directed to move towards the wall.

Prisoners at Woodford Correctional Centre were forced to lean against wall during the Code Yellow. FILE PHOTO: Patrick Woods.
Prisoners at Woodford Correctional Centre were forced to lean against wall during the Code Yellow. FILE PHOTO: Patrick Woods.

Pagel walked across the yard with the package in his right hand and put it on top of the emergency exit door.

Officers searched the prisoners and locked them in their cells.

The other prisoner was located in possession of one mobile phone, one phone charger 99 suboxone films, 1.807 grams of methylamphetamine and four grams of cannabis, the documents state.

Officers also located a black mobile phone on top of the emergency exit door where Pagel was seen to place the other package.

On June 22, 2022, police attended the correctional centre and obtained CCTV footage, which “clearly depicted” Pagel’s movements within the exercise yard.

Following a review of the prison telephone system, Pagel was identified as organising the supply of dangerous drugs into the correctional facility, the documents read.

Justice Williams also noted Pagel’s grandmother continued to support him and believed he would be able to leave his criminal life behind.

“That supervision and support of your grandmother is an important element of your recovery and your ultimate transition into the community,” the decision read.

“But equally, you will require the assistance of the parole authorities in order to assist you when you do

transition to the community, as it appears that on the prior occasions it has been the early period in transitioning from life in custody to life in the community which has seen you relapse into further offending.”

Woodford Correctional Centre. Picture: Patrick Woods.
Woodford Correctional Centre. Picture: Patrick Woods.

Following the smuggling incident, Pagel was moved from Woodford Correctional Centre to Maryborough Correctional Centre, had been away from family and had not the opportunity to have visitors.

“It is submitted that this has made the time that you have spent in custody harder,” Justice Williams said.

“It is also submitted that since that transfer to Maryborough, this has been a wake-up call for you and you have started taking positive steps towards your rehabilitation.

“This includes obtaining a white card, undertaking a first aid course and also undertaking a medium intensity substance course.

“I also note that you are currently on the suboxone program, and you hope to be able to continue with that.”

Pagel was given a head sentence of two years in prison and two suspended sentenced were found to have been breached.

Those two-month and nine-month sentences were invoked to be served concurrently.

A parole eligibility date was set for April 26, 2024, and convictions were recorded.

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