Heavy rain to continue splashing Darling Downs region
Darling Downs residents shouldn’t be fooled by Monday’s blue skies as forecasters predict more heavy falls in parts of the region. Here’s the latest
Darling Downs residents shouldn’t be fooled by Monday’s blue skies as forecasters predict more heavy falls in parts of the region. Here’s the latest
After the highs and lows of 2024 which featured opposition to a major project and some fresh faces on council, Western Downs mayor Andrew Smith has looked back on his first year in the role.
After eight long years trying to fall pregnant, Tiomi Nickolls never gave up hope and in May this year miracle baby Aksel was born. Now, following weeks of voting, the adorable bub has been crowned the Western Downs’ cutest baby.
The landlords of a southwest Queensland rental property made the stomach-churning discovery of dead cats in a freezer after a months-long legal battle to evict their ‘horror tenants’. WATCH THE VIDEO.
A Chinchilla charity has been forced to downsize its services in the face of volunteer shortages. Find out more.
Two Dalby daycare providers say mandatory staffing ratios, cost of living pressures and population growth have left their wait list at their highest. Find out more.
A new public shooting gallery catering to unlicensed shooters as young as 11 has opened as firearm sports experience a surge in popularity. See our exclusive list of all gun clubs in Queensland.
We put the call out for the Western Downs’ most inspiring rural women and received dozens of replies. Hear the story of four women contributing to their rural communities.
With the Sunshine Coast Lord’s Taverners side locked in for finals, head coach Wayne Anderson has uncovered his side’s key batting and bowling threats for their run home. See the full 24/25 squad breakdown.
Living in a tin shed and running a word of mouth campaign on little more than a few hundred dollars, independent candidate Duncan Scott is contesting his ninth election, this time for the state seat of Callide. Here’s why he does it.
Find out where, when and how to vote in the Callide electorate ahead of the October 26 Queensland election. FREE STORY.
Created during the 1950s, the electorate of Callide has been a conservative stronghold for most of its existence but candidates from Labor, the Greens, Family First, One Nation and an independent will look to challenge incumbent LNP member Bryson Head at this year’s election.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/chinchilla/community/page/4