
'Beef up the Beef Road'

Backing for Dingo-Nebo link upgrade.

SAFETY PUSH: Ken O'Dowd, Tamara Finger, Michelle Landry, James Pisaturo and Lachlan Millar. Picture: Contributed
SAFETY PUSH: Ken O'Dowd, Tamara Finger, Michelle Landry, James Pisaturo and Lachlan Millar. Picture: Contributed

"IT'S time to beef up the beef road!”

This message from a group of concerned Central Queensland MPs is crystal clear and comes after a recent tour of the infamous Fitzroy Developmental Rd between Dingo and Nebo.

State Member for Gregory, Lachlan Millar, and Federal Members for Capricornia and Flynn, Michelle Landry and Ken O'Dowd, toured the notorious "Beef Road” on Monday, stopping to inspect sites of serious and near-fatal accidents.

The group said it was determined to fight for funding for the road that is important for the Brigalow Belt and Bowen Basin communities.

Mr Millar is calling on the State Government to dedicate funding to improve the road's safety in the State Budget.

"The Fitzroy Development Road is a vital link for farmers, graziers, mining companies and locals in Central Queensland,” he said.

"Recently, there's been an increase of accidents along this road. The accidents are partly caused by workers fatigued from their shift at the mines, but increasingly, from the actual road.

"The community is crying out for safer roads, and it's vital for all levels of government to work together to deliver these upgrades.

"From the one-lane bridge crossing the 12 Mile Creek, to the dangerous shoulders on the recently resealed parts of the road, we need to focus attention to making this road safer.

"We need to work with mining companies and employees around safe road travel, especially when it comes to driving tired after shift.”

Mr Millar said the Queensland Government was responsible for most of the road network throughout Queensland.

"It's vital that the State Government is on board to fund and support upgrades to this road, and with the State Budget being handed down next week, now is the time for the State to commit to supporting Central Queenslanders and fund vital upgrades to this road,” he said.

"I think that it's important for all levels of Government to see the issues first hand, hear the issues for locals first hand, and work together to better our area.”

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