
Queensland family shares how they have been haunted through the generations

Multiple members of the same Queensland family all seem to have the same propensity for the paranormal. Here they share their stories and the haunting images the say could show the proof of their encounters: See the photos.

A Queensland family has shared the chilling tales of their paranormal encounters.
A Queensland family has shared the chilling tales of their paranormal encounters.

A Queensland family has opened up about their paranormal experiences that seem to run in the family.

While wanting to only be identified by initials, multiple members of the family say they have a strong history of hauntings and paranormal experiences.

It seems that the paranormal follows them wherever they go, with experiences ranging from mild to severe in almost every family home.

It got so bad that in one instance a mother gave her home over to the bank just so she could get out.

Here they tell their stories in their own words.

A pale white apparition appears in front of a door in a family photo.
A pale white apparition appears in front of a door in a family photo.

The Brown House (Marsden, Queensland) by DS

The brown house got its name for a very obvious reason, the exterior and interior were brow panelling, it was a cosy little house on a corner block in Marsden, Queensland.

In 1993 I purchased the brown house and soon, myself and my three children moved in.

It should have been a time of new beginnings, but instead it turned into something else, something that I could never have dreamt of, something of your typical thriller movie.

It didn’t take long before we started experiencing things of an unexplainable nature - taps would turn on and off through the night, shadows moved through the hall and one day the curtains blew up and out with so much force, that it whipped me right in the face as I walked by leaving a red welt on my cheek; this was particularly frightening as I inspected to find that there were no open windows or doors or any logical reason at all as to how it happened.

I wanted to believe that there could have been a draft but with such force, I don’t think so.

I knew things weren’t right so one day my boyfriend came to visit and we decided to make a ouija board to see if we could get some answers.

We didn’t get any answers and found the board game to be nothing more that just an interesting game - or so we thought.

We found ourselves playing regularly and it sat on the coffee table like it was a game of unfinished Monopoly.

Now, back in these days, the dangers of ouija boards were not widespread, we didn’t understand what we were dabbling in and as I reflect on these days, I can wholeheartedly say that those unexplainable activities within the brown house, severely escalated after we introduced the ouija board.

Most nights at the dinner table, my son would hear the bathroom taps turn on.

He would leave the table, head to the bathroom, turn the taps off then return to the dinner table only to hear them turn on again as he sat back down.

This happened all of the time, to the point where I would say “leave them! Just eat your dinner!”

Another night, my youngest son woke me up to tell me that something was sitting on top of the fan that sat on his night stand and it was talking to him, he was visibly shaken, I checked his room to find nothing.

He slept with me for quite some time following this.

Some days were good with next to no activity to report, but the minute we started to feel relaxed, things started to happen again.

One morning my boyfriend was standing across from me in the kitchen when a pen that sat atop the kitchen bench, simply and shockingly arose directly upwards in thin air, it was pointed directly at my boyfriend when suddenly, faster than our comprehension could keep up, the pen speared at my boyfriend, it was aimed for his heart and it came to halt millimetres from his chest before dropping to the floor.

In hindsight, this event should have been the day I called it quits on this home and moved my family out but I didn’t.

We continued battling the daily events of taps, shadows and noises until one night I had a friend over, the kids were asleep in their own beds which didn’t happen often as they often tucked in with me out of fear.

My friend and I were watching TV when an advert came on saying “if you want to remove unwanted spirits from your home, stay tuned!” needless to say, we stayed tuned!

But no sooner than five seconds after the show started, my son let out the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard, we ran to his room to find him stood up in bed, stiff as a board, in a complete trance with urine running down his legs.

Within seconds of finding my son like this, we heard another scream, this time from my daughters’ room, she was found in the exact same state but in a different room at the opposite end of the house.

I frantically cleaned the kids up, packed them in the car and headed to my parents’ house, only ever returning to the brown house to remove our belongings.

I abandoned the mortgage, allowing the bank to take ownership and never returned.

The kids had no recollection of the spirit possession of their bodies that night and we never did get to watch the program about getting rid of unwanted spirits.

Child in my bed (Waterford, Queensland) by DS

My kids and I were staying the night at my parents’ house; we were all sharing a queen size bed, I had two kids next to me and one at my feet laying across the end of the bed.

I woke to find a child standing next to me, so I threw back the blankets allowing the child in to bed next to me and then pulled the blankets back over us.

As I moved to get comfortable, I kicked my child who was still sleeping at my feet, realising that all three of my children are still sleeping soundly in their sleeping spots and none of them had just woke me to snuggle in with me, I panicked and jumped out of bed to run to my parents’ room as I did, the curtains flew up in front of me, hitting me.

I ran to my parents’ room and thought “what the hell am I doing? I can’t leave my kids in there” so I went back and everything was calm, I stood in there for a moment, pondering before crawling back in to bed and trying to go back to sleep.

My brother who is much younger than I and lived in this home, would often be found sleeping on the floor, his reasoning would be that someone keeps getting into his bed.

Night shuffler (Waterford, Queensland) by TW

One night I had to stay at my grandparents’ house, I have always been scared of this house; it carries an uneasy energy and is notorious for paranormal activity, this home has seen two deaths and what I believe is the attachment of many other spirits whether they are connected to my family or connected to the land, I don’t know; nonetheless, it’s a highway for spirits.

This particular night, I had no choice but to stay there as I was flying out early the next day with my grandmother.

No one else was in the house, just my grandmother and I.

She asked if I wanted to sleep in the guest room or with her, as I was only 12 and she knew I was fearful of her home, without hesitation I said “YOU!” we went to bed and to sleep, I was woken at 1am by a noise of some sort, my heart started racing as I heard water running from a tap somewhere in the house.

I can still feel the way my heart was pounding and the way my chest rose with each fast and heavy breath.

I then heard what sounded like shoes scuffing on the tiles in the hallway; it was like someone was walking up the hall in that manner, the noise got closer and closer until... it began scuffing on the carpeted hallway that led to the master bedroom, the bedroom I was sleeping in.

I pulled the blankets over my head, I could feel my heartbeat through every vein in my body, particularly in my head.

The scuffing shoes got closer and closer and then stopped... then it started again but this time it had turned around and was heading out of the room.

After it had left the room, I heard what sounded like shampoo bottles falling into the bathtub, one after another - anyone would have thought that someone had broken in and was rummaging through their home, but this wasn’t the case.

I couldn’t sleep, I recall peeking out of the blankets just enough to see the red numbers on the alarm clock that read 1.43am and to get a breath of fresh air and back under the blankets I went.

In the morning I told my grandmother and she just smiled … “why are you smiling?” I said; she responded: “Your uncle, used to shuffle his

feet up the hallway in his slippers, he must have been just checking on us, I wish you had woken me”.

My uncle passed away the year before at the age of 18.

Upon inspection, nothing was out of place in the bathroom, all bottles sat neatly up in the bathroom niche.

Phantom sounds and things going bump in the night are nothing new for the Queensland family.
Phantom sounds and things going bump in the night are nothing new for the Queensland family.

Toy fire truck (Waterford, Queensland) by DS

My family and I were sitting around just chatting when all of a sudden, a push-along toy fire truck stood up on its back wheels and drove along the floor right in front of us.

This was not battery operated, simply and push along toy.

Who’s that boy? (Meadowbrook, Queensland) by MB

As a teenager, mum had turned the garage into a large room for myself and my younger brother who was about 10 years old.

It was a Saturday night and I was really tired, I hopped into bed but my younger brother was on his side of the room playing music, I asked him to turn it down and he did, seconds later it turned back up, I said to him “TURN IT DOWN!” he responded “I did, but it turned up by itself!” He was a bit freaked out and said “I’m going to sleep with Mum”.

I didn’t realise at the time, but he actually did leave the room and go sleep with mum, all the while I lay in my bed and had a young boy approach me.

I thought it was my brother so I moved over to let him in, but this young boy jumped up on my bed, tripped over me and fell down the back of the bed in-between the bed and the wall, physically pushing my mattress forward, with me still laying on it, I sat up, confused at what was going on and then I saw a complete black shadow of a young child walk out of the room into the main part of the house through the door that was open only about 15cm, the door didn’t move, it remained just ajar as this shadow moved through the small opening.

In this same house, my sister saw a large black shadow figure walk out of her room and into the next room, which had a bunk bed, she then heard the creaks of the bunk bed when someone climbs the ladder.

Some of the family’s experiences are enough to send shivers down your spine.
Some of the family’s experiences are enough to send shivers down your spine.

Girl with sharpy fingers (Holmeview, Queensland) by DS

We lived in a house that was main living upstairs and bedrooms downstairs, one day my grandson stood at the top of the stairs and just stared down to the bottom, he was about five years old, I asked him if everything was ok and he said “there’s a little girl in the house”

My son and I went to stand with him to have a look and there wasn’t a little girl there.

We asked what she looks like and he said “look! She’s right there! She has black hair and sharpy fingers” so my son and grandson went down the stairs and my grandson said “she’s going in there! She’s getting under the bed, now she’s gone, where did she go?”

The homemade board wouldn’t burn. Photo: File
The homemade board wouldn’t burn. Photo: File

Ouija boards don’t burn (Holmeview, Queensland) by TW

My brother wanted to make a ouija board and he asked me if id play with him; I said “NO WAY” as I was a bit older than him and was once the little girl that lived in the brown house and been a victim of spirit possession.

He went ahead and made it anyway out of a cardboard box he found in the rubbish; he tried to play on his own but nothing happened so I said “burn it! Get rid of it before mum finds out what you have been doing”.

I went with him out the front and we attempted to burn this cardboard ouija board, but it would not burn.

My brother, being a boy said “ I know! Ill spray some deodorant on it, that’ll get it going” but it didn’t, nothing we did, allowed us to burn that board.

Then, I thought “what if something is not letting us burn it for safety reasons?” maybe we are leaving some kind of portal open for spirits to come in if we burn it, so I told my brother to go and get the box that he originally made the board out of; he did that and wouldn’t you know it, it burned, no problems at all.

That ouija board got wrapped up and dumped in a bush somewhere probably just waiting to be found by some young kids, like a game of Jumanji.

Peek-a-boo (Buccan, Queensland) by SC

I work for a family home business and on this particular day, I had taken my two-year-old son with me to work, we were the only ones there as the family had left earlier that morning to go away for work.

It was time for me to leave for the day and I headed out to my car, on my way out I realised that I couldn’t find my car keys.

It’s not uncommon for my son to take my keys from my bag so we headed back inside to look for them, I had a quick look around the office then headed to the toy corner in the living room, as I was looking, a toy that sat up on a shelf with the TV remotes sounded “PEEK-A-BOO I SEE YOU”.

I was instantly freaked out, to make the situation worse, the TV turned on, while the remote sat untouched next to this freaky talking toy.

I found the keys in amongst the toys on the floor and headed for the front door, on my way I noticed the door to a spare room was open, many people have reported feeling uneasy in this room; I had been in there earlier in the day packing things away in the cupboard and must have left the door open.

Later in the day, as luck would have it, or should I say, “unluck”, I received a phone call from my boss asking me to return to the property to do a few things they had forgotten to do before they left that morning; I was dreading this so I called my mum and asked if I could pick her up on the way to come with me.

As we are driving there, I explain to mum what happened and we both enter the house together.

When we entered, we found that the spare bedroom door is now open again and the talking toy was now sitting on the lounge.

Twins (Runcorn, Queensland) by DS

My daughter was a twin, but unfortunately, in early pregnancy, one baby was lost.

Many times as my daughter was young, I would see her playing in one room only to continue up the hall and find her playing in another room, I would return to the first room to find no one playing in that room. Could it be her twin?

Unexplainable (Calamvale, Queensland) by TW

This home certainly isn’t haunted, but we have certainly witnessed our fair share of unexplainable energy within the home.

Every so often it the middle of the night while sleeping, the TV in our bedroom turns on.

I mean, one could be lead to believe there is an electrical fault somewhere or something triggering the remote signal, I just don’t know however, we also have a battery operated Ryobi radio that sits in our garage which also happens to house our coffee station and every now and again when making a coffee it will suddenly turn on and play music.

Another time I got up in the middle of the night and went to the toilet, everyone was asleep so I didn’t bother shutting the door while I was sitting on the toilet and from the toilet I could see a balloon on the floor in the kitchen, just sitting there not moving when suddenly, it started moving in a circle then it stopped and went on to circle in the opposite direction.

I sat in complete shock for a moment before getting up and going to approach it; as I did, it just kind of bounced as it stopped doing circles and it went back to a rest on the floor.

On another occasion, we had some family over and we were sitting at our outdoor dining table when a guests can of drink shot out of his loose grip and slid across the table super fast stopping in front of another person at the other end of the table.

Most nights I also hear what sounds like someone walking into our room but when I lift my head off my pillow, I hear nothing; one night I without a doubt heard someone walk in and head to my husband’s side of the bed.

Sometimes if one of the kids wakes up and need us, they try wake me and if I don’t wake up they go over to their dad, so on this occasion I just thought they had not bothered with me and instead went straight to Dad, so I sat up and said “hey, I’m awake, what‘s up?” but no one was there.

I got up and checked the kids and both were fast asleep.

Give me a sign (Calamvale, Queensland) by VN

When Mum passed away, I asked for a sign to know that she was ok.

Prior to mums passing, I would stop into my local newsagent every morning on my way to work to buy a drink.

The newsagent staff were familiar with my face and it was the same purchase every day.

The day after Mum’s passing, I made my usual stop into the newsagent, the only different this time was that I was on my way to Mum and Dad’s house, not work.

I went to the counter to pay for my drink and the lady said “would you like to purchase an angel or a frog today?” Mum was a green tree frog lover, something this lady definitely did not know and she didn’t know anything about me personally to know that mum had just passed.

She had also never tried to sell me other things and never did again. I think that was my sign to know that mum was ok.

Fast forward nine years, Dad passed away. Again, I found myself asking for a sign.

It was the day of Dad’s funeral and my husband and I were sitting in our outdoor area when two little fluffy dogs came running up to us in our backyard.

We have a dog of our own so the yard is fenced and gated, so we aren’t sure how they got in but there they were right in front of us.

Having to now leave to go to Dad’s funeral, we didn’t have time to hold onto these dogs until the owner was found so we opened the gate and shooed them out.

Two days later we were at Dad’s house which is five minutes away, the same two dogs came running up into the garage to greet us.

We thought: “what are the odds?!” We put the dogs in our car and took them home to track down the owners, the owners came and collected them and we never saw the dogs again.

I believe mum and dad are together again and that was my sign.

Anniversary signs by TW

Every year my family celebrates two occasions for my uncle who passed away at a very young age, we celebrate his birthday and his death day.

Something extraordinary about him was that he was born on the 11th of the 11th at 11:11.

On these two dates in particular we always find that we receive signs that include the number 11 or one of a handful of songs that we have dedicated to him plays on the radio.

One time, my radio self-tuned itself off of the station I was listen to, to a complete random station that’s not a known station that happened to be playing P-Diddy, I’ll be missing you which was one of the songs we have dedicated to him.

Without fail, every year, one of the songs will play on the radio, none of the songs are new and now at least 25 years old.

If it’s not songs, its receipt dollar amounts that come to $11.11.

It’s just truly special and too uncanny to be a coincidence.

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