
Bundaberg grandfather sentenced for raping his grandson

When a Queensland granddad moved in with his daughter’s young family, she thought he’d be the father figure they all needed but four years later the depraved truth, captured in photos and on video, was revealed.

A man has been found guilty of raping his own grandson and filming the heinous acts.
A man has been found guilty of raping his own grandson and filming the heinous acts.

A 57-year-old man will spend up to nine years in prison after raping his grandson and taking vile videos and photos of the abuse.

The man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the child, pleaded guilty in Bundaberg District Court to five domestic violence offences – maintain unlawful relationship with a child, making child exploitation material, possessing child exploitation material, and rape.

Crown Prosecutor David Rigby said the boy's grandfather was living with his family when the abuse began, however it continued even after the man had moved out of the residence.

The abuse had spanned up to four years and started when the boy was under 10 years old.

The man had bribed the boy to commit acts on him with things like money, gaming devices, and mobile phone data.

On August 8, 2022, police executed a search at the man’s home where they found 15 videos and 20 photos of the grandfather sexually abusing his grandson.

The boy’s mother, and offender’s daughter told the court in a written statement she had grown up with an absentee father and an unstable household, leading her into an unhealthy relationship which resulted in her raising her children alone.

She said that hearing the news of her father coming to Bundaberg filled her excitement for her children to have a grandparent around and to have her father present in her life.

Victims mother said before she knew what happened her son completely withdrew and she wasn't sure why.
Victims mother said before she knew what happened her son completely withdrew and she wasn't sure why.

“In the absence of his father, (my son) looked toward his grandfather as a person he could trust and would have his best interest at heart – someone would be proud of him and his achievements,” the statement read.

“(My son’s) excitement for a relationship with his grandfather was very short-lived, you immediately started to groom him and take advantage of situations and trust.”

In early 2022 the child made the decision to withdraw from his grandfather and began to isolate himself.

After finding out what had happened to her son, the boy’s mother felt as though she had been “punched in the gut”.

“To hear the pain and such in (my son’s) voice as he described these experiences was almost unbearable, no child should ever have to detail such things,” the statement continued.

Referencing the man’s history of retail jobs before moving into a career in manufacturing and warehousing and as a committed animal welfare volunteer, defence barrister Liam Dollar said his client had “a good work ethic” and was “willing to contribute to his community”.

Judge Nathan Jarro took into account the offender’s early plea of guilty into account when sentencing him to nine years in jail with parole eligibility set after three years.

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