
LETTER: Pauline's plan would be a disaster for state

PAULINE Hanson's plan to halve the number of electorates and reinstate the Upper House or Senate would be disastrous for regional Queensland.

BAD IDEA: The last thing Queensland needs is to import the political problems and chaos seen in Canberra, writes Deb Frecklington. Picture: Patrick Woods
BAD IDEA: The last thing Queensland needs is to import the political problems and chaos seen in Canberra, writes Deb Frecklington. Picture: Patrick Woods


PAULINE Hanson's plan to halve the number of electorates and reinstate the Upper House or Senate would be disastrous for regional Queensland.

It would mean regional Queenslanders have less representation and their voices would be drowned out even further.

Regional Queenslanders need a bigger voice, not a smaller one.

Regional Queenslanders don't want larger electorates and less representation, they want equal representation.

Queensland needs better government not more government.

They certainly don't need a bunch of senators who are voted in as a result of back-room deals and are unaccountable to the people they are meant to serve.

The last thing Queensland needs is to import the political problems and chaos seen in Canberra.

Queensland's unique one-house system isn't a weakness, it's a strength.

Remember, it was Labor who abolished Queensland's Upper House during the 1920s.

It's interesting that the only people calling for the reinstatement of an Upper House in Queensland are those self-interested politicians.

I will continue to stand up for regional Queensland and call out those self-interested politicians when I see it.

Queenslanders want politicians more focused on creating jobs rather than making their jobs easier.

Enough is enough. We need to start talking about the real issues that matter to Queenslanders.

DEB FRECKLINGTON is the Queensland Deputy Opposition Leader 

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