
NT Election 2024: Guide to Blain, Brennan, Drysdale and Spillett

Chief Minister Eva Lawler faces a real risk of losing her seat at Saturday’s election – threatening to leave Territory Labor rudderless whether it wins or loses.

While the Opposition Leader is all but certain to hold her seat, there are questions about whether Eva Lawler will be able to survive for a third term. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
While the Opposition Leader is all but certain to hold her seat, there are questions about whether Eva Lawler will be able to survive for a third term. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

Chief Minister Eva Lawler faces a real risk of losing her seat at Saturday’s election – threatening to leave Territory Labor rudderless whether it wins or loses.

Ms Lawler won the seat of Drysdale in 2016, holding with an eight per cent margin at the last election.

But a redistribution of electorate lines has carved out a chunk of her supporters, and, with the crime issue hitting hard among Palmerston voters, there are nerves within Labor ranks she could struggle to retain Drysdale for a third term.

The repercussions for the party would be significant, with no obvious candidate to take the leader’s mantle in her place.

“If Eva loses her seat then the maths suggests minority government is unlikely,” one party insider said.

Lia Finocchiaro is safe in Spillett, though she is expected to resign as Opposition Leader if the CLP fails to win government.

Your guide to Palmerston seats in the 2024 Northern Territory election.
Your guide to Palmerston seats in the 2024 Northern Territory election.

Blain will be a seat to watch, with Mark Turner hoping to win a second term as an independent after an acrimonious exit from Labor last year.

Polls conducted earlier this year showed Mr Turner holding the seat, however Charles Darwin University researcher Nathan Franklin expected a CLP win in the historically conservative seat.

“I don’t think Mark Turner will get up, he had the Labor Party machine last time” Dr Franklin said.

“I think it’ll go to the CLP, I’m pretty certain of that.”

Brennan MLA Marie-Clare Boothby and Labor candidate Tony Sievers had a narrow race at the last election with just 104 votes between them – a gap political analyst Rolf Gerritsen expected to grow this time around.

“None of the CLP seats are in danger,” Professor Gerritsen said.

“The election will be decided by the two Labor seats in Palmerston (Blain and Drysdale) and the Labor seats in Darwin.

“Historically, when parties have lost government, the leader has held their seat, it’s very unusual that the leader of a party will lose their seat.

“What happens is, because they’re the leader, the electors think, ‘Well, we’ve got someone important’.

“But I think if I were the Chief Minister, I’d be slightly worried, she hasn’t got much of a margin.”

The NT News asked each candidate to identify the top three issues facing their electorate, and what they plan to do about them. Here’s what they had to say.

JUMP TO:Blain | Brennan | Drysdale | Spillett


The division of Blain comprises the southern part of the City of Palmerston and includes the suburbs of Bellamack, a small southern portion of Moulden, Woodroffe, and the western half of Rosebery.

Dani Eveleigh (Labor)

Labor candidate for Blain Dani Eveleigh. Picture: Supplied.
Labor candidate for Blain Dani Eveleigh. Picture: Supplied.

If elected to represent Blain, as a member of Eva Lawler’s Palmerston team I will work together every day to make our community an even better place to live, work and raise a family. I will use my experience as a Palmerston Councillor to work for a better Palmerston.

My key areas of focus to deliver for Blain is to lower crime, support residents with the cost of living and deliver a $10m Palmerston community infrastructure package. I will support Eva Lawler to deliver her common sense plan to lower crime and improve community safety in Palmerston and across the Territory.

As Palmerston City Councillor, I played a key role in delivering the new SWELL for Palmerston – and I know how critical it is to invest in community infrastructure locally to make Palmerston an even better place to live and raise a family.

If elected I will ensure Palmerston residents benefit from the Labor investing an extra $570m into the NT Police Force over the next five years. I am also committed to ensuring that access to health services are streamlined to make it easier for parents to get the support they need for kids with special needs.

As Blain is home to so many young families I am particularly keen to see Labor’s Positive Preschool Plan that doubles the amount of free preschool hours from 15 to 30 – the same as primary school hours delivered. This will save young families in the Brennan at least $5000 a year.

Our Palmerston community infrastructure package will deliver a new cafe at SWELL, $2.5m for a community hub in Driver, $2m for a hub in Zuccoli, extra lighting, more greening and upgraded parks right throughout Palmerston including Brennan.

Matthew Kerle (CLP)

CLP candidate for Blain Matthew Kerle. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Blain Matthew Kerle. Picture: Supplied.

Reducing crime

I’m proud to be a born and bred Territorian, but in the last eight years the best parts about living here in Palmerston are increasingly under threat. We can’t go to the shops without looking over our shoulder or holding our kids close. It’s why I’m running for the CLP team. We will strengthen the laws in week one of parliament, including stronger bail and better measures for police to deal with public drinking. We’ll also address the root causes of crime with early intervention and youth bootcamps. Our approach to public housing will introduce a three strikes policy, which will enforce accountability and provide relief to residents who have been putting up with ongoing disturbances.

Supporting families

This is a great place to raise a family, but I know when I talk to people it’s getting harder. Not only crime, but the increase in the cost of living is biting. The CLP team is proud to commit to doubling the solar feed-in tariff in peak times to bring down energy bills. We’re also supporting families with more medicines available at pharmacies saving the costs and time of going to a GP. A CLP Government would also make meningococcal B vaccine free all infants under the age of two, and adolescents aged 15 to 19 years, not only saving cost but saving lives.

Investing in our local area

With the growth in our area, we need more investment in our local facilities. My commitments include better lighting at Moulden Oval so the Palmerston Crocs and Northern Sharks can hold more seniors games at home. As a proud Raiders supporter it’s great to commit to a new bore and solar pump to supply the water we need to keep the field green all year round. We’ll also upgrade the club house with a separate female change room to help further build up our female leagues.

Mark Turner (Independent)

Independent candidate for Blain Mark Turner. Picture: Supplied.
Independent candidate for Blain Mark Turner. Picture: Supplied.

Law and order

Our streets aren’t safe, and our police are hamstrung by bureaucracy. It’s time to empower our officers to act decisively, ensuring safety for all, especially the vulnerable. I’ll push for: Community based policing while allowing officers to do their job without fear of backlash; Leadership accountability, addressing issues like the failed Rolfe prosecution and ensuring police leadership reflects community values; Prioritising public safety over image management.

When even our local MLA can’t get a response to drunks exposing themselves to children, or buildings about to collapse, it’s clear we’ve got a systemic problem. It’s time to say enough is enough.

Social housing

Palmerston’s housing crisis stems from political cowardice. High property prices and overcrowding result from attempts to pander to all generations which has ended up costing us all. My solution: A bold reset, using available land for affordable, high-quality housing; Learning from Vienna’s success, where nearly half of all housing is social and integrated without stigma. We need homes that people can afford, not just political posturing.

Cost of living

Handouts aren’t the answer; smart, sustainable solutions are: Using examples like Qatar or Norway’s Oil Fund, ensuring resource profits fund essentials like food programs, rent assistance, and utility subsidies; Investing in infrastructure to ensure we’ve got safe buses reducing commuting costs, making life more affordable – when seniors are too scared to catch a bus, something’s very wrong; Enhancing education and training to equip people with skills for high-demand jobs, increasing earning potential; Promoting science-based energy efficiency in homes to cut utility bills; Diversification and public private partnerships to take account of emerging industries like medical cannabis.

This comprehensive approach secures basic necessities while ensuring our natural wealth benefits Australians first, fostering a community where everyone can thrive, not just survive.


The division of Brennan comprises the north-eastern part of the City of Palmerston and includes the suburbs of Bakewell, Farrar, Gunn, and the eastern half of Rosebery.

Tony Sievers (Labor)

Labor candidate for Brennan Tony Sievers. Picture: Supplied.
Labor candidate for Brennan Tony Sievers. Picture: Supplied.

I have been in the Brennan electorate for 30 years; three decades of getting to know local people and local issues. In the past six months I have led my volunteer team to have 3000 conversations on local doorsteps, so I have heard what many local people are saying. They are talking about three things:


Labor in government is tackling a crime crisis with more police, tougher laws and improving services to make life better in remote communities – all under the no nonsense leadership style of Eva Lawler. I am championing a tougher focus on changing behaviour to tackle youth crime – boot camps, bush camps and prison farms, proven approaches to make a real difference.

Cost of living

We do the practical things. Labor in government has ensured a fair deal on power prices, with over $1000 subsidy for every home while keeping power companies in public ownership. We have promised to improve subsidies for four year old preschool, offering a saving of over $5000 per year per family. Seniors receive an annual allowance as part of the Seniors Recognition Scheme, which has just risen to $550.

The next stage of growth for Palmerston

I represented Brennan in parliament 2016-2020, when Palmerston was developing fast and we needed investment to build and open the hospital, built Zuccoli School, add the Kiss and Go to Bakewell School, and provide an appropriate Palmerston police station. I was the champion for all that, making the case, attracting attention and getting resources. Now Labor’s promising a $10m package, partnering with Palmerston Council for the future of our city, promises include next stage investment – for community hubs and halls, leisure facilities and environmental initiatives.

Marie-Clare Boothby (CLP)

CLP candidate for Brennan Marie-Clare Boothby. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Brennan Marie-Clare Boothby. Picture: Supplied.

Out of control crime

This used to be a place where kids could go out riding their bikes after school and enjoying our Territory lifestyle. Now I worry about my two boys catching the bus to school. Despite what Labor says, there are things we can do now to make it safe. Stronger laws like Declan’s Law for stronger bail, will mean all serious violent offenders, with or without a weapon, start on the back foot when it comes to getting bail. We will also break the cycle of crime, with programs and bootcamps for young offenders working with Indigenous mentors to show young people a better way and a life outside of crime.

Supporting local businesses

Backing our local businesses has always been a passion of mine. As the Shadow Small Business Minister, I am proud to be able to deliver much needed tax relief to hard working business owners. Under a CLP Government we will lower payroll tax, making our tax regime the most competitive in Australia. This enables small businesses to hire more employees, expand their operations, and pass on the savings to customers. Rosebery Mini Mart and the hairdresser there have installed bollards to protect their windows against ram raids and break-ins, we shouldn’t have to live like this. By addressing crime, we’ll help businesses avoid the costs of frequent repairs, security measures and lost inventory, which in turn can help bring down prices.

Cost of living

Making ends meet is getting harder and harder, the bills keep stacking up. The CLP will increase the solar feed-in tariff during peak hours to help lower your energy bills. We’re also doubling the battery bonus to $12,000, so you can better store the energy your solar panels produce. Freezing rego costs, giving you a free licence for a year and our plan to expand services at pharmacies making medicines cheaper and more accessible will help all local families.


The division of Drysdale is located in the north-west part of the City of Palmerston. It includes the suburbs of Driver, Gray, most of Moulden, and the Palmerston CBD area.

Eva Lawler (Labor)

Labor candidate for Drysdale Eva Lawler. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
Labor candidate for Drysdale Eva Lawler. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

My key areas of focus to deliver for Drysdale are to lower crime, support residents with the cost of living and deliver a $10m community infrastructure package to make Palmerston an even better place to live and raise a family.


I’m delivering on my common sense plan to lower crime and improve community safety in Palmerston and across the Territory. We built the Palmerston police station and now my government is investing an extra $570m into the NT Police Force over the next five years.

This record boost to the police budget will deliver an extra 200 sworn officers, around 70 support staff to help police focus on frontline duties, 26 vehicles, upgraded forensics capabilities and a dedicated $125m police infrastructure fund.

Cost of living

To help young families in Palmerston with the cost of living, I will deliver my Positive Preschool Plan that doubles the amount of free preschool hours from 15 to 30 – the same as primary school hours. This will save young families in the Territory at least $5000 a year. Around 90 per cent of a child’s brain develops before the age of five, and early education is critical to help kids learn and acquire skills they will need to enter the workforce later in life.

My government has also increased the Seniors Recognition Scheme by $50 to $550, we’re subsidising the cost of power by around $1500 for the average Territory household – in partnership with the federal government – and we increased the Back to School Voucher by $50 to $200 earlier in the year.

Developing Palmerston

If re-elected, my government will work with the Palmerston Council to deliver a $10m community infrastructure package that will deliver a new cafe at SWELL, $2.5m for a community hub in Driver, $2m for a hub in Zuccoli, extra lighting, more greening and upgraded parks right throughout Palmerston.

Cindy Mebbingarri Roberts (Independent)

Cindy Mebbingarri Roberts is running as an Independent candidate for Drysdale in the 2024 NT general election. Picture: Supplied.
Cindy Mebbingarri Roberts is running as an Independent candidate for Drysdale in the 2024 NT general election. Picture: Supplied.

More community consultation: Empowering Palmerston and local businesses with community consultation

Crime: Community discussion into how we tackle crime as a community as a whole, targeting major issues of concern within Palmerston.

Accountability: Where is all the money going to in sustaining our communities.

Clinton Howe (CLP)

CLP candidate for Drysdale Clinton Howe. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Drysdale Clinton Howe. Picture: Supplied.

Making our community safe

The CLP team’s plan will take immediate action to strengthen the laws, so serious violent offenders aren’t put back on our streets, and police have the powers they need to do their job. Problem housing will be dealt with under a three strikes policy, bringing much needed accountability to those doing the wrong thing and reprieve to neighbours suffering from sleepless nights. Previously working as a residential youth worker I am also passionate about addressing the root causes of crime. I’ve got first-hand experience and know what needs to be done to turn around the lives of young people who find themselves on the wrong path. The CLP’s plan for youth bootcamps working with Indigenous mentors will provide a safe and structured environment where young people can be taught skills, responsibilities and values.

Bringing down cost of living

When I knock on doors, people tell me it’s harder and harder to make ends meet. That’s why the CLP team’s plan to grow our economy and lower cost of living is so important. Small businesses will pay less tax so they can employ more, grow and pass on savings. Reducing crime will help take the pressure off everyday prices as businesses aren’t having to pay for constant repairs to windows or missing stock. Our plan to freeze rego and provide your licence free for a year will also help take the pressure off the family budget. The CLP will double the solar feed-in tariff in peak times to help with your energy bills and we’ll double the battery bonus up to $12,000 so you can store the energy your panels produce.

Honest and local representation

Residents feel neglected and they don’t feel like they have been listened to when it comes to their concerns for safety. We need someone standing up for us, who is willing to take action, be accountable and deliver for our local area. For too long people have had their numerous complaints about issues like anti-social behaviour at social housing residences or repeatedly suffering from alcohol fuelled violence in our streets ignored.


The division of Spillett surrounds the City of Palmerston and incorporates the newer eastern Palmerston suburbs, as well as the industrial area bridging Darwin and Palmerston. It includes the suburbs of Archer, Durack, East Arm, Johnston, Marlow Lagoon, Mitchell, Pinelands, Tivendale, Winnellie, Wishart, Yarrawonga, and Zuccoli, as well as a portion of Berrimah and the newly established suburb of North Crest.

Caleb Burke (Labor)

Labor candidate for Spillett Caleb Burke. Picture: Supplied.
Labor candidate for Spillett Caleb Burke. Picture: Supplied.

If elected to represent Spillett, as a member of Eva Lawler’s Palmerston team I will work together every day to make our community an even better place to live, work and raise a family. I will use my experience in the ADF, as advocate for workers and contributor to our local sports community to work for a better Palmerston.

My key areas of focus to deliver for Spillett is to lower crime, support residents with the cost of living and deliver a $10m Palmerston community infrastructure package. I will support Eva Lawler to deliver her common sense plan to lower crime and improve community safety in Palmerston and across the Territory.


If elected I will ensure Palmerston residents benefit from the Labor investing an extra $570m into the NT Police Force over the next five years. This will deliver more police on our streets and more equipment and infrastructure police need so they can focus on lowering crime and keeping us safe. We will also boost private security funding and give new powers to Public Housing Safety Officers to ensure that unwanted visitors to public housing homes don’t cause disturbances and damage for tenants and neighbours.

Cost of living

As Spillett is home to so many young families I am particularly keen to see Labor’s Positive Preschool Plan that doubles the amount of free preschool hours from 15 to 30 – the same as primary school hours delivered. This will save young families in the Brennan at least $5000 a year.

Developing Palmerston

Our Palmerston community infrastructure package will deliver a new cafe at SWELL, $2.5m for a community hub in Driver, $2m for a hub in Zuccoli, extra lighting, more greening and upgraded parks right throughout Palmerston including Spillett.

Lia Finocchiaro (CLP)

CLP candidate for Spillett Lia Finocchiaro. Picture: Supplied.
CLP candidate for Spillett Lia Finocchiaro. Picture: Supplied.


Crime is the key issue in Spillett and affects the everyday lives of local families and small business. We will immediately implement our plan of action to bring back consequences for crime and hold offenders responsible for their actions. We will address the root causes of crime, work with parents to gets kids back to school and co-design programs with Indigenous mentors to provide youths pathways away from crime. Residents have every right to feel safe from anti-social behaviour and criminal activity and only the CLP team has a plan to provide that.

Cost of living

By removing payroll tax for small businesses we will help business create jobs, employ more people, pass on savings and grow. We will also freeze the cost of car rego and give drivers and motorcyclists a free licence for one year. We will revitalise the CBD by fast tracking the conversion of empty office space into student accommodation and our housing incentives are the most generous in the country helping Territorians to build a new home, and encouraging people to move to the Top End. We are also doubling the solar feed-in tariff in peak times to take pressure off energy bills and doubling the battery bonus up to $12,000 so you can store the energy your solar panels produce.

Lifestyle and tourism

The Territory of today is not the one I grew up in and we must work hard to restore our iconic Territory lifestyle. We must be free to safely enjoy our parks, campgrounds and waterways, not just for Territorians, but also to rebuild our suffering tourism sector. We need more tourists coming to Darwin to support our local businesses and events. Under the CLP there will be greater support for recreational fishing, cleaner parks and waterways, and we commit to no park entry fees for locals, no fishing licences or boat regos.

Originally published as NT Election 2024: Guide to Blain, Brennan, Drysdale and Spillett

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