1/8Bill Delves and Christie Wise with Kira Donohue. Picture: Picture: Vethaak Media
Top pics from Popolo relaunch
Brisbane foodies have celebrated the relaunch of much-loved South Bank restaurant Popolo.
2/8Ben Srinopharkun and Yutaro Inaba. Picture: Vethaak Media
3/8Bridget Minuzzo, Charmaine Manewell and Brendan Colch. Picture: Vethaak Media
4/8Emily Lambert, Alexandra Ovens and Joanne Withy. Picture: Vethaak Media
5/8Jessica Law, Andrew Baturo and Kerry Heaney. Picture: Vethaak Media
6/8Marlene Morahan with Di and Graham Agnew. Picture: Vethaak Media
7/8Michael Notman and Paul Jones. Picture: Vethaak Media
8/8Shane and Ruthie Kelley with Nik Mastrapostolos. Picture: Vethaak Media
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/lifestyle/top-pics-from-popolo-relaunch/image-gallery/c1a7c22819aa4017fca6d42fd8f1de16