How to turn coronavirus isolation into gardening bliss
If you get nothing else out of this once-in-a-lifetime social isolation, turn that painful backyard into a low maintenance dream – with gardening expert Melissa King.
If you get nothing else out of this once-in-a-lifetime social isolation, turn that painful backyard into a low maintenance dream – with gardening expert Melissa King.
Sorry kids, grandpa is spending the inheritance, giving away a penthouse he bought for $2.75m a dozen years ago to help fight coronavirus.
Social isolation may be a godsend for introverts and hell for extroverts, but there are six ways it can be made better – and improve life post coronavirus.
The fate of over 600,000 landlords and significantly more renters will go before QLD’s parliament today, with the tabling of the Palaszczuk government’s emergency amendments to ensure tenants are not ‘thrown out on the streets’ during COVID19.
In a win for investors, the Palaszczuk Government has watered down residential emergency measures it was set to put to parliament, meaning tenants will foot the rent bill – even if deferred – in return for landlords not kicking them out.
A post-war cottage in Brisbane’s popular middle ring has sold for over half a million dollars as buyers settle in to the ‘new normal’ with online auctions.
Coronavirus has done what elections, oversupply and the mining bust could not, breaking property confidence to its lowest point since 2011 – and prices could follow, the latest Big Four Bank survey warns.
Landlords may soon be forced to foot the bill for losses from tenants they will be also be banned from evicting under the Palaszczuk Government’s controversial proposed Covid-19 protections.
This Brisbane riverside home fetched the highest price of property sales reported in Queensland in the past week, landing $4.5m.
This Queensland suburb is so exclusive, it has just 15 properties, and two of them are on the market right now, including the dream home of one of the city’s young richlisters.
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