Confusion over auction rules
The easing of COVID-19 restrictions will see public live on-site auctions return on the weekend. But not even the state’s peak real estate body is sure how exactly they’ll work.
The easing of COVID-19 restrictions will see public live on-site auctions return on the weekend. But not even the state’s peak real estate body is sure how exactly they’ll work.
If you go down to the city today, you’re in for the big surprise, with the four towers at the Queens Wharf mega-development now starting their climb towards transforming Brisbane’s skyline. See time-lapse video.
Auctions and open homes will return to normal in Queensland from July 10, with restricted auctions beginning next weekend when 10 people will be allowed on-site at a time.
One of the Big Four banks, NAB, has put a figure and timeline on how far house prices could fall off COVID-19, predicting ‘significant’ double-digit impact.
NSW has lifted its ban on group auctions and open homes from this weekend, so why aren’t we? The head of one of Queensland’s biggest agencies has called for us to follow suit, arguing “there are more crowds at coffee shops”.
When all this is over, demographer Bernard Salt – who went viral because of smashed avo – predicts life as we know it will dramatically change. Here’s how.
Coronavirus restrictions are not stopping homes from selling in a matter of days when they hit a sweet spot, like this one on a small block that went in just 10.
The fashion journey for Sabo Skirt co-founders Thessy and Yiota Kouzoukas began in this stunning Queensland home, with their outfits now so hot that fans include music megastar JLo.
If you’re curious about whether your Netflix and UberEats habits might hinder your request for a rent reduction, the Queensland government’s new rental guide is a must-read.
Kids riding bicycles and playing in communal areas have sparked disputes in strata communities, with calls for by-law changes. Should they be allowed to do so during COVID-19?
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