‘Battleplan’ for 14,000 new jobs amid COVID-19 downturn
More than 14,000 new jobs would be created across Queensland under a $608 million “battleplan” to fight the economic crisis caused by COVID-19.
More than 14,000 new jobs would be created across Queensland under a $608 million “battleplan” to fight the economic crisis caused by COVID-19.
The survival of Queensland’s restaurants and cafes will be the focus of high-level talks today as business owners complain delivery services like Uber Eats and Deliveroo are milking them dry.
The Education Minister says she doesn’t expect parents to teach their children at home when Term 2 starts tomorrow, despite schools only opening for kids of essential workers.
Queensland’s coronavirus tally to 1019 overnight, with Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk saying most of those patients have recovered.
The Palaszczuk Government has promised to consult more widely on its proposed rental protections after a stinging campaign by landlords delivered thousands of angry letters to the Premier’s office in just one day.
People who have lost their jobs in the COVID-19 crisis will be matched to new roles on a government-launched “Job Finder” portal amid fears 272,000 Queenslanders will be out of work by June 30. FULL LIST OF FREE ONLINE COURSES SO YOU CAN UPSKILL
As Queensland’s Covid-19 case tally passes 1000, authorities have revealed just how much of an impact our love for travel has had on bringing the deadly virus to our shores, with more than 80 per cent of cases linked to international arrivals.
Parents at a Brisbane school have been urged to keep kids at home if they can because not all will fit in classrooms under social distancing measures, as the Premier refuses to release the health advice her government relied on when making its decision on schools reopening.
Laws designed to protect renters during the COVID-19 shutdown will put hundreds of thousands of landlords at risk of losing their own homes, a peak property body says. It’s asking the government to put in these changes to make it fair for both parties.
The Queensland Parliament has been asked to consider whether a Labor MP is eligible to sit in Parliament amid questions over a business transaction with the state through his legal practice.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/journalists/jessica-marszalek/page/102