Crime isn’t on the rise: police
CRIME in Rosewood has not grown, according to police statistics – despite local comment to the contrary.
CRIME in Rosewood has not grown, according to police statistics – despite local comment to the contrary.
EMU might not be in your fridge yet, but it might be part of regular meals sooner than you think.
CLAIMS coal seam gas could increase the price of potatoes twenty-fold have been dismissed by an agribusiness expert.
A POPULAR boating and fishing lake in Somerset has been closed because of an increase of a poisonous algae.
HUNDREDS of people made their way to the Kalbar Country Day and Hay Festival where the streets were lined with bales of hay, stalls of local produce and games.
TAILS were wagging when dogs and their owners enjoyed Woofstock.
COAL mine and coal seam gas wells will have no place in the Scenic Rim if mayor John Brent has his way.
MORE than $3000 was raised on Friday night for the Special Care Nursery at the Bling for Babies event.
PLAINLAND resident Shane Woods and his wife Lisa were woken on Saturday morning by a pink flash, a frightening crash of thunder and breaking roof tiles.
AN AREA of land from the recently approved Lockyer Valley airport will be given to the Lockyer Valley Regional Council to establish an emergency helicopter pad.
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