
Courtney Thorpe wants ‘Queensland-oriented’ wedding

SHE’S a model, he’s a footballer, and they’re both Queenslanders through and through — which is how they’ll tie the knot.

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COURTNEY Thorpe is planning an entirely Queensland wedding to Gold Coast Titans star Jarrod Wallace.

“We are both proud Queenslanders, so we are looking at local wedding dress designers and vendors and we are keeping it very family and Queensland-oriented,” the former Miss World Australia said, adding that maroon and gold looked “better on the footy field than in a wedding chapel”.

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Thorpe has been planning the wedding, which will happen within a year, since her rugby league star beau proposed during a recent trip to Paris.

“I’ve just thrown myself into it to get everything booked, and as fun and exciting as it is… I’m that typical little girl who has always dreamt of my wedding and who I am going to marry, so I do want to just enjoy being engaged,” she said.

Courtney Thorpe has partnered with Gambaro Hotel for a Live Like a WAG package.
Courtney Thorpe has partnered with Gambaro Hotel for a Live Like a WAG package.
Courtney Thorpe and Jarrod Wallace at home on the Gold Coast
Courtney Thorpe and Jarrod Wallace at home on the Gold Coast

Thorpe has partnered with Gambaro Hotel in Brisbane for a new $2200 Live Like a WAGpackage, including a two-night stay, a chauffeured Range Rover, an in-room facial, oysters and Moet champagne and a $300 dining credit at Gambaro Seafood Restaurant, within throwing distance of Suncorp Stadium.

“As partners of professional athletes… there’s so much that does fall on you,” she said.

“There’s a few negative stereotypes attached but it’s something we should be proud of.

“It’s not as easy and cushy as it might seem.

“But one of the pros of that lifestyle is staying in these beautiful hotels and this concept is a bit of fun, showing you can be a tourist in your own city.”

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