Rio, Worley join retreat from Russia
Finding an alternative to Russian oil in landlocked Mongolia poses a tricky problem for Rio, and it has no easy way to force a Russian aluminium giant out of its Australian operations.
Finding an alternative to Russian oil in landlocked Mongolia poses a tricky problem for Rio, and it has no easy way to force a Russian aluminium giant out of its Australian operations.
The economic boom is expected to continue in Western Australia for another two years despite the pandemic, but experts have issued a warning about one thing.
Driverless trucks have made their biggest move in the mining sector since they were first deployed on Pilbara iron ore mines a decade ago.
Private text messages from West Australian Premier Mark McGowan have revealed what he really thinks of mining magnate Clive Palmer.
AN AUSTRALIAN energy executive accused of drunkenly challenging a colleague to a penis-measuring contest has been charged in a $26 million “blood diamond” scam.
IN THE waters off our coast, a gold mine is waiting to be plundered. The potential for profit, and disaster, is scarily high.
MINING giant BHP Billiton has defended its increased dividends and cut spending after annual profit halved to $US6.4 billion.
THERE are some towns where the mining industry has been warmly welcomed. But tonight’s episode of Insight on SBS will reveal the towns where the opposition is fierce.
THE mining downturn is devastating Australian towns, with entire populations are disappearing and leaving virtual ghost towns behind.
CLIVE Palmer’s Mineralogy has lost its long-running court battle with its estranged Chinese joint venture partner over the Cape Preston port in WA.
AUSTRALIA’s biggest mining company, BHP Billiton, is in a perilous fight with angry locals over one of its most prominent projects.
THE upside of the mining giant’s share price fall has been a high dividend boosted by a falling Aussie dollar.
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