

This was published 8 years ago

New Islamic State video threatens a Paris-style attack on Washington

By Ruth Pollard

Beirut: As the world comes to grips with the idea that Islamic State is determined to expand its reach well beyond Iraq and Syria, the terrorist group reportedly released a new video warning that the United States' capital was now in its sights.

Despite suffering recent territorial losses in Iraq and Syria, IS is building on the fear generated by its multiple attacks in Paris on Friday that killed at least 129 people and the twin suicide bombings in Beirut the night before that killed 44, by threatening to attack Washington.

Monday's video – its authenticity yet to be verified – warned that countries conducting air strikes on Syria would suffer the same fate as France, Reuters reported. Australia is part of the US-led coalition against IS, also known as ISIS.

"We say to the states that take part in the crusader campaign that, by God, you will have a day, God willing, like France's and by God, as we struck France in the centre of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its centre in Washington," one man in the video said.

US Capitol Police officers keep watch over the East Front of the Capitol after a fresh threat from Islamic State.

US Capitol Police officers keep watch over the East Front of the Capitol after a fresh threat from Islamic State.Credit: AP

France has already stepped up its air strikes on IS's de facto capital of Raqqa in northern Syria, with 10 fighter jets dropping 20 bombs on the city on Sunday, France's Defence Ministry announced in a statement.

The air strikes reportedly struck a command centre, recruitment centre for jihadists, a munitions depot and a training camp for fighters, the statement said.

Meanwhile, the White House also indicated it would expand its campaign of air strikes.


Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser, told NBC's Meet the Press "in the coming days and weeks, working with the French, we'll be able to intensify our strikes ... to make clear that there's no safe haven for these terrorists."

A young Muslim woman holds white roses outside the French Embassy among candles, messages and flowers left by mourners commemorating the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris.

A young Muslim woman holds white roses outside the French Embassy among candles, messages and flowers left by mourners commemorating the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris.Credit: Getty Images

The US-led coalition against IS has reportedly conducted about 8000 air strikes at a cost of $US5 billion ($7 billion), according to the Pentagon.

Supporting Kurdish and Iraqi forces on the ground, the air strikes have helped those fighters take back the Syrian border towns of Kobane and Tal Abyad, the Iraqi city of Tikrit and just this week, the strategic road linking Sinjar in Kurdistan and Raqqa in Syria as well as the town of Sinjar itself.

But experts have warned that military action alone cannot defeat IS while so many other bitterly divisive issues are at play, including the war crimes committed by the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against civilians throughout Syria.

Relying solely on military power is not the solution, warns Sami Nader, director of the Levant Institute for Strategic Affairs and a professor at University of St Joseph in Beirut.

"The strategy that has been in place for the last 15 months has relied solely on military power, no political solution has been offered," Professor Nader says, noting recent diplomatic efforts, triggered by the Russian engagement in Syria, had so far failed to achieve any breakthroughs.

"Daesh [IS] is a state of mind, it is an ideology and you cannot counter an ideology with an F-16 only."

To date the military action against IS has been little more than "piecemeal", Professor Nader says, and has only empowered the terrorist group.

"The Turks have their own agenda, which is not in line with the US agenda, the Russians have a different agenda again ... while the Americans have another agenda and the French priorities are different again, the same for Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

"Who is taking advantage of this multiplicity of agendas? Daesh."

It would be a serious mistake, he says, to put Western forces on the ground in Syria and Iraq. Only Sunni Arab fighters such as those who pushed back al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2007-2008 can have any success against IS.

"You cannot empower the Kurds any further, no matter how effective and reliable they are, because you will stir sectarian tension and sectarian tension is a strategic card in the hands of Daesh."

And he stresses: for any internationally backed strategy to work in Syria it is vital that Mr Assad is forced to step down.

"You cannot keep the leader responsible for killing 250,000 of his own people and creating millions of refugees in power – you cannot allow this leader to continue."

The capacity of IS to control land long-term is being seriously tested in Ramadi in Iraq, as well as Sinjar and Aleppo in Syria, says Rami Khouri, senior public policy fellow at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut and a senior fellow of the Harvard Kennedy School.

But repeating the mistakes of the past – of relying on a military-heavy strategy that has not destroyed al-Qaeda in 17 years – while ignoring the underlying reason young men are joining IS will just further the terrorist group's reach, Mr Khouri says.

Writing in the Cairo Review of Global Affairs journal, he notes the real difficulty in defeating groups like IS and al-Qaeda is not destroying their headquarters or killing their leaders.

Instead, it is about "eradicating the underlying structural reasons for discontent and alienation among millions of individual citizens, across much of the Arab-Islamic world".

"That discontent and alienation ultimately generate desperate young men who join groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda, or carry out lone-wolf attacks to emulate them."

A much more critical and urgent task is to devote serious attention to addressing the political, economic and social drivers that led to the creation and expansion of IS, Mr Khouri notes.

"ISIS and the violence it has sparked must be seen as the cruel outcome of the last six decades of autocratic and authoritarian Arab states dominated by soldiers and social chieftains, to the almost total exclusion of citizen rights," he writes.

"This structural failing of the modern Arab world cannot be fixed by foreign armies and Arab counterterrorism efforts, but rather only by transformations towards participatory, pluralistic and accountable governance systems."

In the meantime, countries that have been victim to IS attacks, from France to Lebanon and Turkey, remain on edge and the tens of thousands of refugees who have fled Syria for Europe are facing greater scrutiny and suspicion.

One of the main aims of IS is to polarise and divide European societies, to create a sense of "Islam against the West", says Peter Neumann, director of the London-based International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation.

"European societies are becoming more polarised," he told PBS's News Hour, warning the merging of the "refugee issue with the terrorism issue and the effect on European society could be terrible ... we are at a fragile moment here in Europe and we have to be very careful".

With IS on the defensive in its core territory in Iraq and Syria, the attacks on Paris and Beirut motivate its supporters and make them feel they are on the "winning team", he notes.

According to Aaron Zelin, an expert on jihadist groups and a fellow at the Washington Institute, IS "loathes that individuals are fleeing Syria for Europe".

"It undermines IS's message that its self-styled caliphate is a refuge, because if it was, individuals would actually go there in droves since it's so close instead of 100,000s of people risking their lives through arduous journeys that could lead to death en route to Europe," he wrote on his site.

He cites numerous examples of videos released by IS that warn of Europe's plan to convert refugees to Christianity, where they will be subjected to civil, rather than sharia.

One video posted on September 18 features an interview with refugees who fled the Kurdish Peshmerga forces to find refuge in IS, "where they say they have been welcomed and are living a good life with no problems", Zelin writes.

Ultimately, as IS faces continued threats to its territory in Syria and Iraq, it will seek new ways to preserve its strength, J. M. Berger, an expert on terrorism and co-author of the book, ISIS State of Terror, wrote on Politico.

"And if the coalition succeeds in dislodging ISIL from its primary geographical strongholds, it will free up thousands of fighters take up new roles as terrorists in more far-flung places, a prospect that most in the West are probably not adequately prepared to face."

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