

This was published 8 years ago

Election 2016: is Donald Trump the second coming of Ronald Reagan?

By Paul McGeough

Washington: Like political graverobbers, the rest of the pack was so busy stealing relics from the tomb of that Republican deity Ronald Reagan that none saw the wannabe Donald Trump's real advantage – if Election 2016 is a political second coming, the loudmouth from New York is Reagan reincarnated.

In policy, philosophy and emotion, many Republicans remain suspended in 1980s aspic.

They swoon at invocations of the name of this patron saint of all things conservative - in one of last year's primary debates, Reagan was mentioned no less than 60 times.

On his leaving the White House in 1989, Americans were ambivalent, but these days, historians invariably count Reagan in the presidential Top 10.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.Credit: AP

The adoration drives a campaign to have a Reagan monument in every state and to have him acknowledged in every county in each state; and even for his visage to be squeezed among those of four revered past presidents already chiselled into the sides of South Dakota's Mount Rushmore.

Unpacking the notion that Reagan is a Republican rock, commentator Jonathan Chait writes in New Republic: "To associate an idea with Reagan is axiomatically to establish its truth."

Forgotten in all the adulation is that in policy terms Reagan did pivot to the right but more importantly, he was AC/DC.


After the Watergate debacle, Reagan urged the GOP to offer voters "a cause to believe in … raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colours".

Reagan fans have campaigned for his likeness to be added to those of Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Lincoln on Mount Rushmore.

Reagan fans have campaigned for his likeness to be added to those of Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Lincoln on Mount Rushmore.

Yet, as noted by George Skelton, a journalist who covered Reagan in office, a secret to Reagan's success that is little understood by Republicans was that "he governed in pastels, as a pragmatist".

Across the years, as a two-term president and earlier as a two-term governor of California, Reagan seriously grew taxes and federal spending; he didn't bother to appear personally at anti-abortion rallies; he couldn't get fired up about school uniforms; he was a friend of the environment; and two of his three Supreme Court appointees proved to be moderates.

Governing in pastels: Ronald Reagan with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in Switzerland, 1985.

Governing in pastels: Ronald Reagan with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in Switzerland, 1985.Credit: AP

He signed legislation allowing collective bargaining, the most liberal abortion laws in the country, one of the strongest gun-control laws, and an amnesty for 2.7 million illegal immigrants.

Fast-forward to this campaign, and a ruffian is dive-bombing into the pool of Reagan veneration and nostalgia – it's the very AC/DC Donald Trump.

Ronald Reagan during his career as a baseball broadcaster in 1937.

Ronald Reagan during his career as a baseball broadcaster in 1937. Credit: AP

In the GOP's primary contest, all the wannabes talked about what Reagan had done for them, except for Trump who, as is his way, talked about what he had done for the former president, to whom he'd routinely compared himself.

Triggering alarm in the corridors of the Reagan library in Simi Valley, California, Trump told NBC: "I helped him. I knew him. He liked me and I liked him."

Donald Trump on <i>The Apprentice</i>.

Donald Trump on The Apprentice.

Really? Trump doesn't get a mention in the Reagan diaries and a review of every mention of his name in the Library's mountainous collection of documents, as reported by The Washington Post, reveals a constant effort to push back the advances of the pushy real estate developer from New York.

  • 1983: He requested a presidential telegram of congratulations on the opening of his Trump Tower; White House says no
  • 1984: Trump is planning a gala to honour Vietnam veterans – will hold it any day that is convenient for Reagan; White House says no
  • 1986: Trump invites Nancy Reagan to stay at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida; Mrs Reagan declines
  • 1987: Trump advises Reagan on who his running mate should be; Reagan runs with another guy
  • 1988: Reagan invited to New York function at which Trump is to be presented with an "outstanding executive award". Reagan is a no-show.

Commentators point out sharp differences between Reagan and Trump – Reagan was a sunny optimist, he didn't seethe in anger; he was driven by an ideological core, as opposed to pursuing power for its own sake; and far from being an isolationist, he was aggressive in wanting to box in the old Soviet Union and assert US leadership in the world.

Mourners wave as the hearse carrying Ronald Reagan's casket passes in California in 2004.

Mourners wave as the hearse carrying Ronald Reagan's casket passes in California in 2004.Credit: AP

But drilling down, New York magazine's Frank Rich finds great similarities in the political style of the two men – "of all the empty boasts that have marked Trump's successful pursuit of the Republican nomination, his affinity to Reagan may have the most validity and the most pertinence to 2016".

Rich is writing of Reagan the canny political operator who, after dozens of years of failed efforts "attended by non-stop ridicule", clawed his way to the top of the 1980 GOP ticket at the same age as Trump is, 69; and who like Trump, was best known as a B-list showbiz personality.

Rich entwines the tapestry of their lives – Trump as host of NBC's The Apprentice, Reagan as host of CBS's General Electric Theatre; Trump's 1991 turn with Bo Derek in Ghosts Can't Do It, Reagan opposite a chimp in Bedtime for Bonzo in 1951; Trump owned casinos, Reagan emceed a casino nightclub review act; Trump would be the first president to be three-times married, Reagan was the first to be a divorcee.

Both manipulated the same anger in the same demographic segments, offended the same elites, challenged the same jeering press and even had some of the same frontline warriors on their campaign teams. Trump relies on the tabloids and TV talk shows for his version of facts; Reagan took his from Reader's Digest.

Both were ridiculed for their exceedingly odd hairdos and their slogans were mirror opposites – Trump's "Let's Make America Great Again"; Reagan's "The Empire is in Decline".

Rich writes: "[They both] outmaneuvered similar political adversaries, and espoused the same conservative populism built broadly on the pillars of jingoistic nationalism, nostalgia, contempt for Washington and racial resentment."

As with Trump, the grassroots were with Reagan. But with the GOP establishment, Reagan was as on the nose as Trump is today – one of the respondents judged Reagan's intellect as "thinner than spit on a slate rock" and a Reagan loyalist from the era wrote: "The other major GOP players – especially easterners and moderates – thought Reagan was a certified yahoo."

A 1976 poll of Republican state chairmen found Reagan to be simplistic, with "no depth in federal government administration … and no experience in foreign affairs"; and a 1980 poll of the same party chiefs much preferred George Bush snr to Reagan as a nominee.

Like Trump, Reagan would bend the truth of his life story – he regularly claimed to be one of "the soldiers who came back", but wartime service took him no further than California; he told Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir that he had filmed the liberated Nazi death camps – he hadn't.

A gem of the Reagan campaign playbook that trumps Trump's outrageous demeaning of Mexican immigrants as rapists and murderers, as he stokes the anger of white working-class Americans, was the case of the so-called Chicago "welfare queen".

By Reagan's telling, she had 80 names, 30 addresses and 12 social security cards – and was collecting veteran's benefits on four non-existent deceased husbands, by which she looted the taxpayers of more than $US150,000 a year without paying tax. Revealing the truth of the story, Rich writes that she actually had four aliases and netted just $US8000.

Reagan couldn't have been more Trumpesque than in 1977, when he told a conservative convention: "If we are to attract more workingmen and women of this country, we'll do so not by simply 'making room' for them, but by making certain that they have a say in what goes on in the party."

The editorial writers at Harper's couldn't have been more like their mainstream media counterparts writing of Trump today, when they wrote that Reagan as a serious candidate for president was "a shame and an embarrassment for the country".

But writing in 1976, The New Yorker's Elizabeth Drew saw Reagan much as some observers see Trump today.

Drew wrote: "[His appeal] has to do not with competence at governing but with the emotion he evokes. Reagan lets people get out their anger and frustration, their feelings of being misunderstood and mishandled by those who have run our government, their impatience with taxers and with the poor and the weak, [and] their impulse to deal with the world's troublemakers by employing the stratagem of a punch in the nose."

From what we've seen, we can say that Reagan was smarter than Trump.

Reducing the presidential challenge to Reaganite simplicity, former Reagan aide Ken Duberstein says: "The job … is not to build a consensus in Washington, but to build a consensus in America – and then Washington will follow."

To the extent that Trump has attempted the former, he's making a hash of it; as for the extent that he'll succeed in the latter, time will tell.

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