

This was published 8 years ago

Emerging Republican Party platform veers far to the right

By Jeremy Peters

Cleveland: Republicans have moved toward adopting a staunchly conservative platform that takes a strict, traditionalist view of the family and child rearing, bars military women from combat, describes coal as a "clean" energy source and declares pornography a "public health crisis".

It is a platform that at times seems to channel the party's presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump - calling on the United States to "destroy ISIS", belittling President Barack Obama as weak and accusing his administration of inviting attacks from adversaries.

But the document positions itself far to the right of Mr Trump's beliefs in other places - and amounts to a rightward lurch even from the party's hard-line platform in 2012 - especially as it addresses gay men, lesbians and transgender people.

As delegates debated in two marathon sessions on Monday and Tuesday, they repeatedly rejected efforts by more moderate members of the platform committee to add language that would acknowledge or condemn anti-gay discrimination - something Mr Trump has done himself.

Corporal Christina Oliver, centre, and other female Marines on patrol in Afghanistan. The new Republican Party platform would bar women in the military from combat.

Corporal Christina Oliver, centre, and other female Marines on patrol in Afghanistan. The new Republican Party platform would bar women in the military from combat.Credit: New York Times

The numerous additions to the platform on marriage, family, homosexuality and gender issues were a reflection of just how much society and the law have shifted since Republicans adopted their last platform four years ago. And the debate this week showed just how unsettled many Republicans remain with those changes.

In 2012, the Supreme Court had not yet ruled that same-sex marriage was a constitutional right, and transgender rights had not yet become a matter of intense national discussion.

But while public and legal opinion has moved steadily in one direction, the official declaration of Republican Party principles appears to be heading sharply in the opposite one.

The party's approach to social issues now threatens to disrupt the convention next week. Moderate delegates pushing for gay rights language in the platform secured enough signatures on Tuesday to demand a vote on their proposals from all 2475 delegates.

The main stage on the convention floor at the Quicken Loans Arena in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, is prepared for the upcoming Republican National Convention.

The main stage on the convention floor at the Quicken Loans Arena in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, is prepared for the upcoming Republican National Convention.Credit: AP

Social conservatives in the party exerted significant influence over the drafting and amending of the platform this week, succeeding in almost all their efforts to add language that pushed the document more to the right.

And what Republicans will probably end up with when they formally vote next week to ratify the platform approved in committee on Tuesday is a text that can seem almost Victorian-era in its moralising and deeply critical of how the modern American family has evolved.

Milo Yiannopoulos, right, a gay conservative and Donald Trump supporter, may find the Republican Party's new platform confronting.

Milo Yiannopoulos, right, a gay conservative and Donald Trump supporter, may find the Republican Party's new platform confronting.Credit: New York Times

The platform demands that legislators use religion as a guide when legislating, stipulating "that man-made law must be consistent with God-given, natural rights".

It also encourages the teaching of the Bible in public schools because, the amendment said, a good understanding of its contents is "indispensable for the development of an educated citizenry".

A bible in the pew at a church in Des Moines, Iowa, on Dec. 11, 2011. Conservative Christian voters in Iowa cannot agree on which Republican presidential candidate to support, finding faults based on principle or electability. (Eric Thayer/The New York Times)

A bible in the pew at a church in Des Moines, Iowa, on Dec. 11, 2011. Conservative Christian voters in Iowa cannot agree on which Republican presidential candidate to support, finding faults based on principle or electability. (Eric Thayer/The New York Times)Credit: New York Times

The pornography provision was not in an initial draft that the Republican National Committee drew up and released on Sunday. But delegates added it on Monday at the same time that they were inserting many of the amendments opposing gay and transgender rights. It calls pornography "a public menace" that is especially harmful to children.

Much of the most combative debate centred on language in the platform that describes gay and transgender people, and efforts to strip those words out and replace them with language proposed by a minority contingent of socially moderate delegates.

Supporters wait to see Donald Trump in Westfield, Indiana. The Republican Party platform contained criticism of Hillary Clinton, whose role in the death of US personnel in Benghazi has become an article of faith for Republican activists.

Supporters wait to see Donald Trump in Westfield, Indiana. The Republican Party platform contained criticism of Hillary Clinton, whose role in the death of US personnel in Benghazi has become an article of faith for Republican activists.Credit: New York Times

An amendment to specifically recognise that gay people are targets of the so-called Islamic State caused a stir among more conservative delegates who said they felt there was no need to single out any one group.

As the delegate who offered the amendment, Giovanni Cicione of Rhode Island, argued his case - by saying he believed it was an "innocuous and important" way to tell gay people the Republican Party does not exclude them - another delegate moved to shut off the debate.

Israeli soldiers stand guard outside settlements in the occupied West Bank in March. The Republican platform rejects the notion that the territory is occupied.

Israeli soldiers stand guard outside settlements in the occupied West Bank in March. The Republican platform rejects the notion that the territory is occupied.Credit: AP

Jim Bopp, a delegate from Indiana, said the Republican Party had always rejected "identity politics". Arguing against the measure, he said: "Obviously, there's an agenda here."

The amendment was defeated, as were others in a similar vein.

Donald Trump will be pleased that the party's platform contains no reference to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Donald Trump will be pleased that the party's platform contains no reference to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.Credit: AP

But nearly every provision that expressed disapproval of homosexuality, same-sex marriage or transgender rights passed. The platform calls for overturning the Supreme Court marriage decision with a constitutional amendment and makes references to appointing judges "who respect traditional family values".

"Has a dead horse been beaten enough yet?" asked Annie Dickerson, a committee member from New York, who chastised her colleagues for writing language offensive to gays into the platform "again and again and again".

The new Republican platform is far to the right of Donald Trump on social issues, notably in its stance towards gays.

The new Republican platform is far to the right of Donald Trump on social issues, notably in its stance towards gays.Credit: New York Times

Additional provisions included those that promoted state laws to limit which restrooms transgender people could use, nodded to "conversion therapy" for gays by saying that parents should be free to make medical decisions about their children without interference and stated that "natural marriage" between a man and a woman is most likely to result in offspring who do not become drug-addicted or otherwise damaged.

If Mr Trump, who has children with three wives, does not share all of the party's most socially conservative stances, he could certainly be heartened by other additions to the platform, especially on national security and defence.

One section is titled "A Dangerous World", echoing Mr Trump's assertions of the unstable nature of current geopolitics. There is specific reference to the failings of "the secretary of state" - a jab at Hillary Clinton, Mr Trump's presumed Democratic Party opponent.

Mr Trump's influence was also evident in the absence of any mention of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement that was promoted in the last Republican platform.

Another tweak to the platform's language on immigration will also please Mr Trump: Though the initial draft called for building a "physical barrier" along the US border with Mexico, that passage was amended yesterday to call specifically for a wall.

Rejecting decades-old bipartisan US policy and the advice of its own senior figures, the party also removed any reference to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. David Friedman, a key Trump adviser, is a supporter of and fundraiser for Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank.

The new platform also "reject[s] the false notion that Israel is an occupier" in the West Bank and calls support for Israel "an expression of Americanism".

Yet it was the lack of much interference by Mr Trump or his aides that seemed to set the tone for the platform's direction. That allowed conservative activists like Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, to exert greater influence. Mr Perkins' hand could be seen in dozens of amendments on issues like gun control, religious expression and bathroom use.

"He is going to be the nominee for the party. He has his own ideas," Mr Perkins told reporters on Monday. "But this is a statement of not Donald Trump's campaign, but of the Republican Party."

New York Times

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