

This was published 2 years ago

Shinzo Abe’s legacy divides Japan, opposition to his state funeral grows

By Eryk Bagshaw

Tokyo: Two-thirds of Japanese people oppose the funeral of Shinzo Abe, thousands are protesting against his legacy in Tokyo, and on Wednesday morning, a man set himself on fire.

Abe, the prime minister who cemented Japan’s role on the world stage and was assassinated in July, has become a lightning rod for domestic discontent.

Shinzo Abe after being named Japan’s prime minister in 2012.

Shinzo Abe after being named Japan’s prime minister in 2012.Credit: AP

The mood in Tokyo could not be more different from the scenes of ceremony across London. There are no corflutes, posters, or signs that dozens of the world’s leaders are about to descend on the Japanese capital.

Quiet, respectful mourning for Abe has turned into political damnation for the Liberal Democratic Party he once led. The $18 million price tag of his funeral, continuing revelations about the links between the LDP and the Unification Church and economic stagnation have compounded the public’s disenchantment in the months since his death shocked the nation.


Just before 7am on Wednesday, a man in his 70s walked into Tokyo’s Kasumigaseki district, the home of Japan’s government ministries and parliament, doused himself in oil and set himself alight. “I personally am strongly opposed to the state funeral,” said a note the man had carried with him, according to Kyodo News.

The man on fire was no lone ranger. Thousands marched as a typhoon bore down on Tokyo on Tuesday, protesting against Abe’s legacy of militarisation, nationalism and the LDP’s links to the church that impoverished his assassin’s mother. Tetsuya Yamagami shot Abe in the back with a homemade gun at a campaign rally in Nara in July. He told police he killed the 67-year-old because of his links to the Unification Church, a cult that had taken millions of dollars in donations and bankrupted his mother, where Abe had been a paid speaker to whip up political support for the LDP.

Police and firefighters inspect the scene where a man set himself on fire in Tokyo on Wednesday.

Police and firefighters inspect the scene where a man set himself on fire in Tokyo on Wednesday. Credit: Kyodo News

In August, the LDP revealed Abe was one of 179 members who have been linked to the church, an evangelical sect with branches across Japan and South Korea that pressures its followers into making donations through the promise of salvation. The church was easy political pickings for the LDP, which harnessed thousands of its members to hand out flyers and drum up support for its conservative government in a country where only 55 per cent of eligible voters cast their ballots.


Up to 62 per cent of Japanese people now oppose the state funeral for Abe, Japan’s longest-serving and internationally revered prime minister, according to a poll on Sunday by the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper, up 9 per cent from a week earlier. The backlash is also having a significant impact on his successor’s approval ratings – just 29 per cent support the cabinet of Fumio Kishida – while 76 per cent say the government has not done enough to investigate its links with the church.

Two local councils run by Japan’s opposition parties, the Kamakura Municipal Assembly, south of Tokyo, and the Hayama Municipal Assembly, have written to Kishida urging him to call the funeral off.


“It runs the risk of forcing the national government’s evaluation of Abe upon the Japanese people, and suppressing their freedom to make their own decisions,” wrote the Kamakura Assembly. “We must not hold a state funeral that would divide the people.”

Four Australian prime ministers – Anthony Albanese, Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott and John Howard – will arrive in Tokyo on Monday. It will be among the largest contingents of current and former prime ministers assembled for an international event.

They will land in a divided Japan; one struggling to reconcile the statesman-like legacy of Abe with the domestic consequences of his years in power.

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