
Parental leave

Qld unions call for 18 weeks of paid parental leave – for both partners

Qld unions call for 18 weeks of paid parental leave – for both partners

The pre-election push, to benefit public servants, seeks to fix “outdated” entitlements disadvantaging all parents.

  • by Matt Dennien


Babynomics: Is starting a family good for you, or just for the nation?

Babynomics: Is starting a family good for you, or just for the nation?

Having children can be a joy, but they don’t come cheap. They are also important to the economy.

  • by Rachel Clun and Shane Wright
Parental leave super is no silver bullet, but it’s better than nothing

Parental leave super is no silver bullet, but it’s better than nothing

Efforts from employers, government, and frank conversations between partners about super being a shared expense are still needed. But it’s a start.

  • by Victoria Devine
Want to be a true romantic? Top up your pregnant partner’s super

Want to be a true romantic? Top up your pregnant partner’s super

Expensive gifts are a lovely way to show your love, but supporting their long-term financial independence is even better.

  • by Renae Vercoe
Superannuation has a huge divide. This change will help fix it

Superannuation has a huge divide. This change will help fix it

The government will seek to close a gap in retirement savings between men and women by paying super on top of parental leave.

  • by Rachel Clun
How Amy’s newborn dream turned into a financial ordeal

How Amy’s newborn dream turned into a financial ordeal

The first time mother loved being home with baby Bernadette. But the months-long wait for parental leave payments became a financial problem.

  • by Caitlin Fitzsimmons
Why businesses need to do more to help dads take parental leave

Why businesses need to do more to help dads take parental leave

While the uptake in fathers taking more parental leave is great, we have more to do to help organisations prepare for it.

  • by Justine Alter
Fatherhood is changing. But will men let that affect their work?

Fatherhood is changing. But will men let that affect their work?

Employers must treat paternity leave as seriously as when women take time off work for parenting responsibilities, advocates say.

  • by Mary Ward
More support needed for families of newborns who require neonatal care

More support needed for families of newborns who require neonatal care

Aside from the emotional toll, families caring for a premature baby also report significant financial impacts on their household budgets.

  • The Herald's View
By the time her baby came home from hospital, Kat’s parental leave was gone

By the time her baby came home from hospital, Kat’s parental leave was gone

New Zealand first introduced extra paid parental leave for babies born before 37 weeks in 2016, but Australia has no provisions.

  • by Mary Ward
Extra paid parental leave is welcome, but it’s still missing one thing

Extra paid parental leave is welcome, but it’s still missing one thing

As we laud the progress we’ve made on parental leave, I believe there has been a massive oversight that the government should address.

  • by Victoria Devine

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