

This was published 12 years ago

Thousands march against Newman budget

Thousands of public service workers attended a series of co-ordinated protests against the Newman government's first budget. We provided rolling coverage of the Brisbane CBD rally, followed by coverage of parliamentary question time when ministers defended budget decisions.

By Staff reporters

3.45pm: This brings to a close our rolling coverage of today's anti-budget protests and parliamentary question time. Scroll down to see how the day unfolded, or use the following links to jump to some of the key developments:

3.30pm: Premier Campbell Newman insists the numbers in the budget papers are “basically of course correct”, following a question from Labor’s Jo-Ann Miller about the discrepancy between Queensland Health job cuts announced on Friday and the number contained in yesterday’s document.

Health Minister Lawrence Springborg this morning said the number of people losing their jobs in his department would be lower than the 4100 redundancies figure outlined in the budget papers, as reported in this story earlier today.

Budget Paper number 2 yesterday outlined a department-by-department list of how many full-time-equivalent redundancies would occur this financial year. Next to “Health”, the document stated there would be 4140 redundancies.

This appeared to contradict Health Minister Lawrence Springborg’s announcement last Friday that 2754 full-time-equivalent jobs would go from Queensland Health.

However, Mr Springborg said today 2754 was indeed the correct number and the difference was explained by savings made through a combination of not filling vacant roles and the hiring of numerous new Queensland Health employees this financial year.

In parliamentary question time this afternoon, Mr Newman said: “The figures in the budget papers are basically of course correct but there is a bit of complexity about this.”

Following some interjections, Mr Newman admonished opposition MPs, claiming they were using job losses as a political issue.


“Don’t laugh at the people who are losing their job,” he said.

“Shame on them [Labor MPs]; this is about people’s livelihoods.”

Mr Newman went on to repeat Mr Springborg’s explanation of the differences between the two health job figures.

3.07pm: Independent MP Liz Cunningham asks why the government has provided funding to support the production of the Nine Network’s Big Brother program, when the government had cut funding to schemes such as the Fanfare student musical initiative.

Mrs Cunningham asks whether the government will review its funding priorities given the “rather dubious value of some reality programs”.

Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek, to whom the question was directed, says the Big Brother matter falls outside his portfolio, but the government has had to make some tough budget decisions.

Mr Langbroek says it hasn’t been easy to cut funding for various initiatives but the government has told stakeholders it will look to restore support as the budget position improves.

2.48pm: Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney says the government would have been irresponsible if it had not looked at increasing mining royalties.

Mr Seeney says some of the mining industry’s claims about the impact of the increases announced yesterday “stretch the bounds of credibility”.

2.42pm: Premier Campbell Newman refers to the thousands of people who rallied outside Parliament earlier today, saying many of them had lost government jobs.

“I feel for those people, I am sorry for those people,” he says.

However, Mr Newman says there is a certain irony in Labor MPs joining the protest rally, arguing the party was responsible for the need for the current decisions to restore the budget.

“I assure those who rallied today that the Queensland that we see in the future is a Queensland where there are plenty of jobs,” he says.

“We are committed to the 4 per cent unemployment target in five and a half years’ time.”

Mr Newman says Qantas has just announced more flights into Gladstone and there are “some green shoots of economic recovery”.

He argues the first home owner construction grant of $15,000 and other decisions will “get the economy going”.

2.35pm: Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk starts question time by asking Premier Campbell Newman about what message the budget sent Queenslanders about confidence, pointing to the 6 per cent unemployment forecast.

“There are all sorts of commentators who have in the last 24 hours acknowledged that this government has made the right decisions,” Mr Newman says.

“Queensland has a bright economic future but to ensure that bright economic future the first thing we’ve had to do is sort out the state of the state’s finances.”

2.28pm: Thousands of protesters may have denounced the Newman government’s budget at the rally outside Parliament, but inside the chamber, ministers are promoting some of the good news.

Energy and Water Minister Mark McArdle says the budget has put cost of living at the centre of the state’s agenda and provides relief for householders. The budget includes a one-off $80 rebate on southeast Queensland water bills in 2012-13.

Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Minister Tracy Davis speaks about the $15 million trial to help parents who care for adult children with disabilities plan for future support.

2.19pm: The government is using parliamentary ministerial statements to promote the $200 million school maintenance boost announced in yesterday’s budget.

Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek criticises the head of the Queensland Teachers’ Union for questioning the suitability of P&C Association members to administer the funds.

Mr Langbroek says it is a “reprehensible” smear from an “out of touch union”.

2.13pm: Queensland Parliament is now under way. Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney is speaking importance of coal industry, in the wake of yesterday’s budget decision to increase coal royalties to raise an extra $1.6 billion.

Mr Seeney argues after the increases occur, the government will commit to a “royalties freeze” for 10 years to provide the industry with security to invest.

“Miners can have a decade of certainty,” he says.

“Royalties are only one part of the government imposed costs on miners.”

Mr Seeney says the LNP government will examine regulation to find ways to cut red tape.

2.11pm: Meanwhile, as public servants were taking to the streets to protest against his government, Treasurer Tim Nicholls spoke at the traditional state budget lunch to spruik the first conservative Queensland budget in 15 years.

Mr Nicholls concentrated heavily on the $7 billion plus fiscal repair job to the Queensland budget.

There was one reference to unemployment rising to 6 per cent.

But Mr Nicholls said Treasury estimated unemployment would drop back to 4.25 per cent after 2014-15.

Businesswoman Sarina Russo asked Mr Nicholls about $500 million dollars that will shift from the public sector to the private sector.

Ms Russo, who runs training programs, asked how much would go to education and training.

"Treasurer, we need this. Education revenue is down, training is down," she said.

Mr Nicholls said it was ‘‘probably a better question than I will get in the House’’ and confirmed the government would transfer $500 million of government expenditure to the private sector.

How much goes to private sector training would depend on the Skilling Queensland report, which was given to Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek late last week, Mr Nicholls said.

2.07pm: Queensland Council of Unions president John Battams says today’s rally is “just the beginning” of the community campaign against public sector job cuts.

“At the end of the day all of the polls are showing the community wants good services and local jobs,” he tells reporters.

“The government needs to look at who’s making the noisy protests. It’s ordinary Queenslanders.”

Mr Battams says the budget is “not the be all and end all”.

“At the end of the day we can’t put the numbers first and the people second,” he says.

2.01pm: The crowd has now dispersed and some politicians have fronted the media.

Labor Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk says the huge protest should send a message to Premier Campbell Newman.

“This has been a tremendous turnout today and it sends a very clear message to Campbell Newman and his government that people are definitely not happy,” she says.

“The government’s made their decisions but what it highlights is there are thousands of people out there who are not happy with this government.”

Immediately after Ms Palaszczuk’s short media conference, federal MP Bob Katter fronts reporters to say the former National government was not about job cuts.

Some protesters, still leaving the rally, denounce Mr Katter, shouting: “Katter, you homophobe.”

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1.57pm: An update on the questions over the size of today's rally.

Queensland Police told us they estimate between 8,000 and 10,000 people attended the protest in the CBD today.

1.49pm: Though the rally is over, we are going to continue our live coverage this afternoon during parliamentary question time. Parliament starts at 2pm and question time from 2.30pm.

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk, Federal MP Bob Katter and QCU president John Battams are all about to hold post-rally press conferences. We will have reports from them soon.

1.45pm: The rally is over and the crowd is beginning to disperse:

Photo: Bridie Jabour

1.40pm: It's always difficult to estimate the size of rallies like this, but journalists have been trying.

The Gold Coast Bulletin's Sue Lappeman says:

We have sought an estimate from Queensland Police.

1.35pm: The protest is now wrapping with the chant: "Campbell Newman, listen up, Queenslanders are standing up, Campbell Newman LNP, your lies exposed for all to see."

As the crowd disperses they are singing, "We will be sacking Campbell Newman in three years," to the tune of She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain.

1.31pm: Kerry Henderson, from the Queensland Ambulance Service, is now addressing the crowd, saying her colleagues and herself transport "Your loved ones, and your loved one Mr Newman."

She works in patient transport and spoke of industry rumours the service may be privatised.

Photo: Bridie Jabour

"Every day patient transport officers spend time with patients [in palliative care]," she said.

"We care for these people and you want to outsource us and put the care of your family and friends in the hands of people who are not trained properly."

Ms Henderson said the patients she looked after "trust this uniform" and people wouldn't be able to afford patient transport for dialysis and terminal cancer treatment if it was privatised.

"We do so much for this community," she said.

"Who did you call on in the floods and Cyclone Yasi? It's wasn't politicians risking their lives.

"It was us, risking our lives for strangers."

1.27pm: Another shot of the crowd gathered at Parliament House, taken by reporter Daniel Hurst:

1.24pm: Union representatives are now handing over a letter to Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk, intended for Premier Campbell Newman.

They have asked that she table it in Parliament.

"While I'm up here I'd like to say a big hello to the people down at Alice Street," she said to cheers as she took the letter.

1.22pm: Look who has just turned up at the rally:

Photo: Bridie Jabour

Federal MP Bob Katter has joined the protest and the chants, yelling ''Out'' along with the rest of the crowd when the MC calls out, ''Newman''.

1.19pm: Barry Parker from QBuild is now addressing the rally. He has just lost his job.

"We take a lot of pride in our work and I'm very proud of the people I work with and what we've done over the years," he said, to cheers.

1.18pm: Penny Carr, who works in the community sector, is now speaking as a representative of a number of community groups and as a member of the services union.

She is slamming cuts to housing services and community groups.

"Shortly, 90 of my colleagues across the state are going to lose their jobs," she said.

Ms Carr finished by calling on the government to reinstate and refund the tenant advice and advocacy program.

1.07pm: Another image from Nine News of the rally, gathered outside Parliament House:

1.05pm: Vivienne Doogan, president of the public sector union Together, is addressing the crowd at Parliament House, reading out promises Premier Campbell Newman made before the election, including his statement there would be no forced redundancies in the public service in his first term.

"Many Quenslanders believed him and you voted for him," she said.

"He lied. He lied 14,000 times, that's the number of public servants who no longer have jobs."

She said the Premier wanted people to believe this was the end of the cuts, "but we know it is not the end."

Ms Doogan said she had heard a manager called a mass meeting yesterday of a department, telling staff, "You, you, you, still have jobs and the rest of you have lost yours".

"That is disgusting," she said.

"Our workers are not numbers on a spreadsheet for Tim Nicholls."

Ms Doogan said when there was no job security the public service was too scared to perform their key duties of "honest and frank" advice to the government.

Ms Doogan finished her speech by saying Treasurer Tim Nicholls had called the budget a "once in a generation budget" and last year Queensland had had a "once in a lifetime natural disaster".

"I think this budget is a once in a lifetime man-made disaster," she said.

12.52pm: Opposition leader Annastacia Palaszczuk has joined the crowd and is watching the chanting from the side of a stage which has been set up especially for the rally.

Photo: Bridie Jabour

12.51pm: The general secretary of the Queensland Council of Unions, Ron Monaghan, has told the crowd they are on a tight timetable because public servants were sent emails telling them to "strictly" be back by the end of their lunch hour.

"Well done Campbell Newman," he said.

The protest is so big Alice Street has been closed because the crowd does not fit in the area in front of Parliament House.

Mr Monaghan also rubbished the Commission of Audit led by former federal treasurer Peter Costello.

He said the report ignored the impact of natural disasters while using faulty data and methods.

"In short the Costello audit was a political stunt to justify the attack on the public service," he said.

Meanwhile the head of the QCU, John Battams, said Premier Newman had promised he would govern for all Queenslanders.

"I want my vote back," someone in the crowd yelled in response.

Mr Battams said the Premier had backed down on cutting 20,000 public service jobs "not because of his generous nature" but because of polls and union campaigns.

"Obviously sacking 14,000 people is a disaster," he said.

"People received emails telling them they lost their job yesterday.

"What a disgrace, what a way to treat people."

Mr Battams told the crowd the government relied on a "flawed" report to create their economic policy.

"The very basis for sacking so many people is a lie," he said.

12.48pm: The crowd has started to arrive at Parliament House.

Photo: Bridie Jabour

12.47pm: To give you a sense of the scale of the rally, here's a screenshot from footage taken by Nine News a short time ago:

12.46pm: The protesters are almost at Parliament House, where loud music is blaring and the chanting has changed to, "The workers united will never be defeated".

Photo: Bridie Jabour

12.45pm: Some more raw footage of the march, taken by reporter Bridie Jabour:

12.42pm: The crowd is now chanting, ''What do we want? Permanent jobs. When do we want it? Now.''

Photo: Bridie Jabour

12.40pm: The march has begun, with no uniform chant yet.

Photo: Bridie Jabour

12.38pm: Back in the CBD, firefighters in uniform are at the rally, practising chants ahead of the march.

The chants include, "You know you're gone Campbell Newman, you know you're gone Campbell Newman", and when an MC yells "Newman" through a megaphone the crowd returns with "Out".

Photo: Bridie Jabour

12.32pm: There are protests being held in various places around the city, and the state, today, as well as the large march in the CBD.

A crowd has gathered at a park in Ashgrove, in Premier Campbell Newman's electorate. Photo taken by Fairfax Radio 4BC reporter Amelia Birnie.

12.22pm: Some raw footage of the crowd that's gathered, taken by reporter Bridie Jabour:

12.10pm: Ambulance officers are here in their uniforms, and when asked how they were affected, one replied patient transport services could be privatised, saying Premier Campbell Newman has refused to rule out privatising ambulance services.

Photo: Bridie Jabour

"There is a great concern about what type of ambulance service could be left for Queensland," he said.

12.05pm: With almost half an hour to go before the march about 2000 people have gathered in Queen's Park in Brisbane's CBD to protest the government's cuts to the public service.

Photo: Bridie Jabour

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This morning: Tens of thousands of public service workers are expected to turn out across the state today in a series of co-ordinated protests tipped by union officials to be the biggest Queensland has seen in years.

The protests have been organised by 34 unions across the state, which have been planning the post-budget marches since the beginning of August with some predicting the state could be plunged into "mayhem" with so many on strike.

The major protests will begin at 12.30pm in towns and cities including Brisbane, Cairns, Mackay and Townsville with two separate protests to be held on the Sunshine Coast.

However, about 50 members from various unions have already gathered at a park in the premier's seat of Ashgrove.

Queensland’s public union sector, Together, says it's fitting to start the protests in Campbell Newman’s backyard.

Secretary Alex Scott said there were several budget items that were included only to get Mr Newman re-elected, including $100,000 for new changing rooms for a rugby club in his electorate.

"(It) clearly shows that the budget yesterday was a political budget, rather than a financial budget,’’ he told reporters at the rally today.

The Together union president Vivienne Doogan said unions had planned the protest for the day after the budget knowing the government would be trying to "spin" good news while making deep cuts.

"These cuts have been devastating across all areas of Queensland," she said.

"I've heard many heartbreaking stories. Thousands of workers and their families have had an anxious weekend and are still waiting to find if they will have a job this week.

"No matter where you work, you probably know someone who has been affected by this government's cuts. So many of our friends and families will suffer from not being able to access decent services in future."

Brisbane's protest will begin at Queens Park, near the Treasury Casino, before a march to Parliament.

Police warn the protest will affect traffic along George Street, between Queens Park and Parliament House, until about 2.30pm.


"Police are working with the relevant authorities to minimise vehicular and pedestrian traffic disruptions, however members of the public are asked to avoid the area and use alternative routes if possible,'' police said in a statement.

"Officers are asking members of the public to remain patient and plan their travel before or after lunch time.''

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