

This was published 12 years ago

Coal-fired bid to get budget back in black

By Daniel Hurst

    The Newman government will extract an extra $1.6 billion from coal miners and earmark $800 million for public sector redundancy payouts as its first Queensland budget charts a course back to surplus in coming years.

    The budget, delivered by Treasurer Tim Nicholls this afternoon, confirms the axing of 14,000 public sector positions, predicts softer economic growth than previously forecast and includes downward revisions to the revenue the state can expect in its coffers.

    The previous Labor government, kicked out of office in March, had been projecting total state debt would increase to just over $85 billion in 2014-15.

    The new Liberal National Party government says it own actions will see debt reach $81.7 billion in that year, with the budget indicating borrowings will then rise to $83.3 billion in 2015-16.

    Coal miners will kick more funds into state coffers under the Newman government's first budget.

    Coal miners will kick more funds into state coffers under the Newman government's first budget.Credit: Louie Douvis

    Mr Nicholls said the debt in 2015-16 would be $6.6 billion lower than that predicted by the Peter Costello-led commission of audit report in that year.

    “This afternoon we reset the clock and we break from the addiction to debt and deficit that characterised Queensland's finances under Labor,” he said.


    The government predicts it will achieve a slim operating surplus in 2013-14, a year earlier than expected, when revenue is tipped to exceed regular spending by $17 million.

    But on a broader fiscal balance measure – which also takes into account capital spending on projects and infrastructure – the finances look bleaker.

    Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls outlines the 2012-13 state budget.

    Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls outlines the 2012-13 state budget.Credit: Harrison Saragossi

    The Newman government is predicting to cut the fiscal deficit from $10.8 billion this financial year to $3.8 billion the following year, followed by a $652 million fiscal surplus in 2014-15.

    Other state treasurers have generally focused on the standard operating balance measure when discussing surplus or deficit levels, but Mr Nicholls told reporters the broader fiscal balance figure was “the most transparent and appropriate measure of the state's finances”.

    Journalists pore over the figures in today's state budget lock-up.

    Journalists pore over the figures in today's state budget lock-up.Credit: Harrison Saragossi

    Mr Nicholls has touted some new budget measures despite the belt-tightening, including a $200 million boost for state school maintenance and a $15 million trial to help parents who care for adult children with disabilities plan for future support.

    Householders have also been told to expect a one-off $80 rebate on their water bills in 2012-13.

    However, the LNP government's first major economic statement comes against a backdrop of months of public sector pain as a result of job cuts that have fuelled a drop in Mr Newman's popularity.

    The budget confirms the cuts that are already under way will led to a 14,000 reduction in the number of full-time-equivalent positions in the public service in the current financial year.

    About 10,600 of these will result in redundancy payouts – with other reductions to positions occurring either through non-filling of vacant roles or ending temporary contracts.

    Mr Nicholls said this year's deficit has deteriorated as a result of the need to spend about $800 million in redundancy payouts.

    But the cuts, combined with the former government's voluntary separation program and the new government's 3 per cent employee expenses cap, would produce a net saving $3.7 billion over the four-year budget cycle, he said.

    Coal mining royalties are also set to rise, despite pleas from industry lobbyists who said it would be the wrong time to increase the burden on the resources sector.

    From October, the Queensland government will increase the rate for coal royalties to 12.5 per cent on the value per tonne between $100 and $150 and to 15 per cent thereafter, in a move expected to raise $1.6 billion over the next four years.

    “Importantly, the rate for coal below $100 a tonne is not changing,” Mr Nicholls said.

    “It is only when prices start climbing that the new higher rates will progressively apply, ensuring Queenslanders share in the upside of the value of their resources.”

    Mr Nicholls said the government would then give the industry certainty by guaranteeing no change to coal royalty rates for the following 10 years.

    The LNP government has been a strident critic of the federal government's mining tax, arguing Queenslanders should receive the benefits of the resources they own, not the commonwealth.

    The decision to raise royalties sets the scene for a political brawl with the federal government, which has previously threatened to dock GST revenue flowing through to Queensland if royalties were increased.

    Mr Nicholls said because miners paying the federal mining tax could deduct the value of state royalties, “the incidence of taxation ought not to increase”.

    He told reporters he would be surprised if Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan, a Queenslander, would penalise the state.

    Mr Nicholls said if Mr Swan had a problem with the way the mining tax legislation was framed, he should bring the matter to Federal Parliament to make changes.

    In a break with tradition, Premier Campbell Newman did not join with Mr Nicholls at a news conference at the media budget briefing today.

    Mr Nicholls said the Premier was at a separate briefing for stakeholders and was “very much a part of this budget”.

    The budget predicts Queensland economic growth of 4 per cent in 2012-13, compared with a 5 per cent forecast under the Labor government's final budget update in January.

    Mr Nicholls said Queensland's growth would still be the second highest in the nation.

    The state's unemployment rate is tipped to hit 6 per cent this financial year, before declining to 5.75 per cent in 2013-14, 5.5 per cent in 2014-15 and 5.25 per cent in 2015-16.

    Labor's final budget update in January predicted a jobless rate of 5.25 per cent this financial year, but the latest budget papers say a still-cautious business sector, fiscal consolidation and the competitive pressures of the Australian dollar will weigh on employment growth in some sectors.

    Mr Newman has promised to reduce unemployment to 4 per cent within six years.

    The budget papers also shed some light on the LNP's election promises.

    The LNP estimated it could save $660 million by axing state-based carbon reduction schemes deemed to be redundant, but the true figure turned out to be lower.

    The budget papers say the government has identified savings of $431.2 million over four years by scrapping schemes such as the Queensland Climate Change Fund, the Queensland Renewable Energy Fund and the Climate Smart Home Service.

    “This [lower than expected saving] primarily reflects that it was not apparent from publicly available information that many of these projects were already scheduled to cease in the forward estimates,” the papers say.

    “Further, some savings could not be realised as quickly as envisaged in order to honour contracted commitments and ensure members of the public who had already applied under these schemes were not disadvantaged.”

    Mr Nicholls, who has repeatedly argued promises were fully funded, said today election commitments were being delivered with a net cost to the budget of $63 million over the period between 2012-13 and 2014-15.

    He described this as a “minor impact on the bottom line”.


    Mr Nicholls said he was glad to be at the helm as the state had “exciting” future prospects.

    He said the government was undertaking a fiscal repair task worth $7.8 billion over four years, including expense savings of $5.3 billion, revenue measures of $0.8 billion, and capital measures of $1.7 billion.

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