

This was published 2 years ago

‘Devastated’: The day Berejiklian didn’t take her shot to be premier

By Alexandra Smith

On April 16, 2014, Gladys ­Berejiklian was in an early morning meeting with Larry McGrath, her chief of staff, and Rodd Staples, the architect of Sydney’s metro rail, when premier Barry O’Farrell called his transport minister’s mobile phone. ­Berejiklian walked to the other side of the room to take his call. Not long after, ­Berejiklian turned around and covered her mouth in shock. The enormity of the situation was not lost on anyone in the room when the prudish ­Berejiklian dropped the f-word. O’Farrell had called to tell her that he was resigning that morning, and she should get ready to take on the top job. ­Berejiklian had his full support.

Mike Baird and Gladys Berejiklian in 2016.

Mike Baird and Gladys Berejiklian in 2016. Credit: Ben Rushton

O’Farrell’s resignation came after his unequivocal denial to the Independent Commission Against Corruption that he had received a $3000 bottle of wine shortly after the 2011 election. It turned out he had suffered a “massive memory fail” when a thank-you note for the wine, handwritten by O’Farrell, emerged. He had, in fact, received a bottle of 1959 Penfolds Grange, a thoughtful gift commemorating the year he was born. O’Farrell was convinced that if he did not resign, he would hand the opposition ammunition to question the government’s integrity. He had spent the best part of two decades levelling accusations of impropriety at the Labor Party. He was not going to give them the satisfaction of returning serve.

Immediately after O’Farrell’s call to ­Berejiklian, her factional praetorian guard, led by Matt Kean, sprang into action and huddled in her office. ­Berejiklian had taken the ruthlessly ambitious 29-year-old Kean under her wing when he was elected to NSW parliament in 2011 as the member for Hornsby, on Sydney’s upper north shore. The pair came from very different backgrounds but shared the same social progressiveness as well as Liberal tribalism. An old boy of Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview – a breeding ground for politicians including Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce – Kean took the well-worn path of being active in the Young Liberals before working for ­Berejiklian’s good friend and one-time NSW Liberal leader John Brogden. Kean did a stint as an accountant at PwC so he would not be accused of being a party hack, but by the time he entered parliament, he had already cut his political teeth with some powerful figures in the Liberal Party.

Kean and ­Berejiklian’s long-term moderate ally Don Harwin were in charge of coordinating her leadership bid, although at one point Harwin excitedly skipped off because he had been asked to stand in for O’Farrell, who had been due to meet Prince William, Kate and baby George who were landing in Sydney that day.

Throughout the day, other supporters dropped in to ­Berejiklian’s office, including left-wing warriors Stuart Ayres (partner of Marise Payne) and Andrew Constance, although he also wandered into Mike Baird’s camp. Baird was treasurer at the time and someone O’Farrell may well have seen as a leadership threat. Soon after taking government in 2011, O’Farrell stripped Baird of responsibility for land, gaming and payroll taxes. “Mike Baird becomes NSW’s least powerful Treasurer” read one headline. Baird was relegated to No. 11 on the cabinet list, which ranks ministers based on seniority.

Don Harwin took time off from organising the numbers for Gladys Berejiklian to greet the British royal family in Sydney.

Don Harwin took time off from organising the numbers for Gladys Berejiklian to greet the British royal family in Sydney.Credit: Janie Barrett

In the afternoon after O’Farrell’s resignation, ­Berejiklian worked the phones, and as her team tallied up supporters on a whiteboard, it was clear that ­Berejiklian had more than enough backing within her parliamentary party to win a ballot for the leadership. One of the first MPs to declare support for ­Berejiklian was Daryl Maguire. Kean remembers finding it odd that Maguire would be such a firm backer of ­Berejiklian, but they were happy to welcome anyone into their fold if it benefitted her. A photo of the whiteboard, which her supporters have as a keepsake, shows she had 35 votes, Baird had 25. ­Berejiklian was on track to becoming the next premier of NSW.

Late in the day that O’Farrell resigned as premier, Baird asked ­Berejiklian to come to his office for a chat. Kean told ­Berejiklian that she should stand her ground and insist that Baird come to her, given she was the frontrunner for the leadership. Too polite, ­Berejiklian ignored Kean and went to Baird’s office to tell him she was confident she had the numbers to beat him, and she would be contesting the ballot. ­

The whiteboard in Gladys Berejiklian’s office in 2014, which shows she had the numbers to replace Barry O’Farrell as premier.

The whiteboard in Gladys Berejiklian’s office in 2014, which shows she had the numbers to replace Barry O’Farrell as premier.

Berejiklian’s supporters said she told them that Baird laughed at her, which incensed them. Baird denied her version of events and insisted ­Berejiklian never told him she intended to contest the position. “Gladys came to me and said she would not run if I ran. She said people were running around like crazy which we both found amusing. I said I needed to speak with my family but if I did run I would want her as my deputy,” was Baird’s recollection of that day. ­Berejiklian’s staff members left work late that night expecting to return the next day with their boss as the premier-elect. Kean and Harwin stayed back even later than the others and discussed what was likely to happen. Both feared ­Berejiklian would cave.

Daryl Maguire arriving at the ICAC in October 2020.

Daryl Maguire arriving at the ICAC in October 2020.Credit: Rhett Wyman


They were right. Overnight ­Berejiklian had a change of heart. Those closest to her suspected she would have been tearing herself apart over the idea of denying Baird the leadership. To many, he was the most ambitious man in O’Farrell’s cabinet and even some close friends say he saw himself as born to rule. ­Berejiklian knew that outside the parliament party room, the banker from the beaches, with boyish good looks and a Liberal Party pedigree (his father Bruce was the minister for Sydney’s Olympic bid and later a federal MP), had broader appeal. She may have had the majority of MPs on her side but Magic Mike, as he would come to be known, had the star quality.

There was also another sticking point. Even though he was a moderate, Baird managed to straddle both left and right factions, which made him palatable to the conservative arm of the party, who had long viewed the progressive ­Berejiklian with suspicion.

She confided in colleagues that she feared that the right wing of the party would never accept her and that Baird was the better option for the party. “The party needs me at the shit end,“ ­Berejiklian told a close confidant.

Early the next morning, before the party room ballot, ­Berejiklian broke the news to her chief of staff that she was not contesting the leadership, and had agreed with Baird that together they form a unity ticket. She would be his deputy. Others had toyed with putting their hand up for the premiership, including former sex discrimination commissioner Pru Goward and the right wing’s favoured candidate, Anthony Roberts. Both pulled out and threw their support behind the Baird/­Berejiklian unity ticket.

Baird was elected unopposed as premier and ­Bere­jiklian as deputy Liberal leader. The assumption was that ­Berejiklian would take over as treasurer, which would have been the obvious next step for her and a clear promotion. Instead, she told her staff that she wanted to remain in transport until the 2015 election and work her way through the final projects on a handwritten note she had given to McGrath several years earlier setting out her ambitions for the portfolio. Despite surrendering the job of her dreams, ­Berejiklian had a spring in her step and no one could work out why.


Baird has never divulged what conversations took place, including whether he and ­Berejiklian had a Kirribilli-style agreement, similar to the one between Bob Hawke and Paul Keating back in 1988. (Hawke and Keating had held a secret meeting at the prime minister’s Sydney residence, where the pair forged a deal based on Keating later assuming the leadership.) Kean, among others, had always suspected that Baird told ­Berejiklian that he would serve for three years and then hand over the reins. Little else would explain her enthusiasm and upbeat attitude after missing out on the top job. “I think at the time she thought the Right would tear her down, which goes way back to her preselection,” said Kean. “I was devastated because she had the support to be premier, but looking back, she was right. She was able to send the message that she put the party first, before her personal ambition. Even when it came to being premier, she still thought about the Liberal Party before herself.“ As for O’Farrell, in the days after his resignation he left no one in any doubt about how much he disapproved of Baird succeeding him.

This is an edited extract from The Secret by Alexandra Smith, Macmillan Australia, RRP $36.99, on sale Tuesday, 30th August.

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