

This was published 10 years ago

Water, wine and how they brought down Barry O'Farrell

After an explosive week in state politics, Deborah Snow and Sean Nicholls examine how water, wine and a well-connected Liberal lobbyist brought down a premier.

Taking Geoffrey Watson, SC, at his word, Barry O'Farrell was never in the sights of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Indeed, the razor-witted senior counsel assisting the ICAC told the commission on Monday he had been in ''two minds'' about calling O'Farrell to the witness box at all.

But, he added mysteriously, ''things [had] developed which make me think that he should be called or that he must be called'' and that he would do so the next day.

Barry O'Farrell's faltering memory is exposed at his news conference denial of a gift of Grange after his ICAC appearance on Tuesday.

Barry O'Farrell's faltering memory is exposed at his news conference denial of a gift of Grange after his ICAC appearance on Tuesday.Credit: Sasha Woolley

Little did Watson, or anyone else, know that by Wednesday morning, those ''things'' - most notably a bottle of trophy red wine - would trigger a political earthquake, blowing up the career of a man who had seemed destined for a long and authoritative premiership. The irony was that, just a few weeks earlier, it had been Watson who had thrown O'Farrell a political lifeline.

In late February, the normally polished O'Farrell had come under sustained attack from Labor over his relationship with the mysterious Liberal fund-raiser and water utilities executive Nick Di Girolamo.

Barry O'Farrell's slip-up has already entered the public lexicon, as shown by the ad below for the Reserve Wine Bar in Newcastle.

Barry O'Farrell's slip-up has already entered the public lexicon, as shown by the ad below for the Reserve Wine Bar in Newcastle.

Every day for a week during question time in State Parliament, the then premier faced a barrage of questions demanding details of meetings with the businessman, who, it had been revealed, was under investigation by the ICAC.

O'Farrell floundered. He angrily sent staff scurrying for answers. Initially he claimed he could not remember the last time he spoke to Di Girolamo. But, by the end of the week, he had been forced to correct the parliamentary record twice, admitting to 10 meetings with Di Girolamo as premier. Many colleagues were stunned by his performance.

Then came the initial lifeline from Watson. On March 17, opening the inquiry into Australian Water Holdings - the firm linked to the family of former Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid, of which Di Girolamo had been chief executive - Watson launched into a powerful curtain-raiser.

He said he would show how AWH, under Di Girolamo's leadership, had rorted a loophole-ridden contract with the publicly owned Sydney Water; how it had then sought to use the influence of the Obeid clan to pursue a lucrative government concession for AWH; and how, in the run-up to the 2011 election, Di Girolamo had switched his focus to lobbying the Liberals.


But Watson also declared that the commission had examined the conduct of O'Farrell and former finance minister Greg Pearce and found ''no evidence of corrupt behaviour''.

A grateful O'Farrell seized on this to neutralise the opposition's attack. The ICAC, whose previous scrutiny of Labor governments had contributed so much to O'Farrell's electoral success, had seemingly come to his aid.

That was before Monday's fateful decision by Watson to run the ruler over the premier and the water executive's relationship one last time.

So how did water - and wine - bring O'Farrell undone? The answer has a lot to do with the culture of influence peddling tolerated over decades by both major political parties in NSW, a murky milieu that allows former MPs, ministers, staffers and party officials to trade off their political connections when they leave office, offering advice and back channels to eager business clients who often believe they can buy an inside track with party donations.

The ICAC heard plenty of evidence about the way Di Girolamo used his Liberal connections to open doors, even before the change of state government in March 2011.

He put John Howard's former chief aide and now senator Arthur Sinodinos on his board in 2008 as a ''door-opener''. He hired lobbyists with impeccable Liberal credentials, such as former minister Michael Photios and Paul Nicolaou, who headed the Millennium Forum, a key Liberal fund-raising committee.

The ICAC heard evidence that Di Girolamo poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the pockets of these and other lobbyists - none of it from his own funds - as the bill was being passed on in disguised form to government agency Sydney Water. It also heard that AWH, under Di Girolamo, became one of the major donors to the Liberal Party, again using Sydney Water money.

And if Di Girolamo had succeeded in getting what he wanted - a lucrative public-private partnership between AWH and the government to provide water services to fast-growing north-west Sydney - he and the Obeids (who appear to have been secret shareholders) and even Sinodinos would have stood to gain tens of millions of dollars.

It was against this backdrop that O'Farrell's evidence this week about his dealings with Di Girolamo was critical. And why his claimed memory lapse about that bottle of 1959 Grange Hermitage sent to him by Di Girolamo on the eve of Easter three years ago would prove so politically lethal.

Di Girolamo, like Obeid, was a chameleon with contacts on both sides of politics. As the ICAC heard, he had known the Obeids since school days and become best friends with one of Eddie Obeid's five sons, Edward jnr.

When he took charge of AWH in 2007, he put Eddie jnr and an Obeid nephew, Dennis Jabour, on the company's payroll. And he would use the Obeid connection to try to get to the very heart of the cabinet process when Kristina Keneally was premier, with two of Obeid's minions, MP Joe Tripodi and then minister Tony Kelly, allegedly trying to doctor a cabinet minute in favour of AWH.

But first and foremost, Di Girolamo, former managing partner of a law firm, was publicly associated with the Liberals. During John Brogden's period as opposition leader between 2002 and 2005, he was, party sources say, Brogden's chief fund-raiser. He was well known in Sydney Liberal networks, regularly went to party fund-raisers and was valued as a pipeline into the Italian community, especially after becoming president of the Italian Australian Chamber of Commerce.

O'Farrell told the ICAC on Tuesday that he came across Di Girolamo just after he became opposition leader in 2007, which was about the time the former lawyer was getting his hands onto the levers of AWH.

O'Farrell says he was attracted to Di Girolamo's pitch that the private water company, if allowed to proceed with its sought-after deal with Sydney Water, might speed up delivery of water and sewerage services to north-west Sydney, where more housing stock was urgently needed.

In October 2007, he drove out with Di Girolamo to inspect the area. Both men were also avid fans of the Wests Tigers and Di Girolamo was deputy chairman of the club. The men ran into each other at matches and party events. O'Farrell testified that, at the time, he saw Di Girolamo as ''an upright member of the business community''.

As the state election approached in March 2011 - a poll inexorably carrying the Liberals into power - Di Girolamo moved in on O'Farrell. Watson went so far as to suggest to O'Farrell on Tuesday that the AWH head was ''at you … fairly relentlessly, to get your support''.

The ICAC heard that there were a series of contacts between Sinodinos, Di Girolamo and Peter McConnell, O'Farrell's then chief of staff, and a meeting at Parliament in August 2010, resulting in a letter from O'Farrell on September 28, 2010, broadly supporting the kind of PPP that AWH was seeking.

On Tuesday, Watson put to O'Farrell that there was ''lots of money going into Liberal Party coffers from Australian Water Holdings which coincides with this letter of support. Do you know anything about that?''.

An indignant O'Farrell replied such perceptions were ''what drives me mad'' and insisted he had been the premier who had tried to further restrict party donations in NSW, only to be felled by the High Court.

He had a bit more trouble explaining why he summoned Pearce to attend a meeting with himself, Di Girolamo and staff at Parliament House on May 27, two months after he became premier.

Pearce had already told the ICAC that he had been lobbied by Di Girolamo, Sinodinos and Photios but had not thought much of the AWH proposal. He was ''annoyed'' then to walk into O'Farrell's office and find that Di Girolamo had gone over his head to the then premier.

''When I arrived [at the meeting with O'Farrell and AWH reps], the atmospherics were a bit like a schoolboy being called in to explain to the headmaster why he hadn't done his homework,'' Pearce said.

O'Farrell admitted that Di Girolamo wanted to get a direction from himself or Pearce in favour of AWH but insists that, ultimately, Sydney Water made its own commercial decisions.

Di Girolamo testified that, by 2011, he had O'Farrell's mobile number, knew his home address and would ring him ''once a month, [or] once every couple of weeks''.

Behind the scenes, there were other signs of Di Girolamo getting favourable consideration from the newly installed Liberal regime.

Barely weeks after getting into office, the O'Farrell government was preparing to appoint Di Girolamo to a government board.

A May 3, 2011, email shows McConnell forwarded Di Girolamo's resume to the secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Chris Eccles. Eccles told his senior staff Di Girolamo was ''our next board appointment''.

Nothing happened that year but, in March 2012, Di Girolamo was being considered for the board of another state-owned corporation, Sydney Ports Corporation.

A selection panel decided he was the least suitable of six potential candidates and suggested he might be better suited to a smaller board.

In June, the documents were signed by then treasurer Mike Baird and Pearce to appoint Di Girolamo to a $100,000 position on the board of State Water Corporation from July 1.

Now events move to that bottle of wine. The loudest of warning bells should have been ringing in O'Farrell's ears on March 6 this year, when a News Ltd journalist texted him to ask if Di Girolamo had given him an expensive bottle of Grange.

O'Farrell was under heavy attack in Parliament at the time. He knew one of his former ministers, Chris Hartcher, and several backbenchers were under ICAC investigation in relation to donations, including from AWH.

Why did he or his staff not ring Di Girolamo to check? Instead, the then premier dropped in to see the reporter, told him he did not recollect it and emailed him later to the same effect.

On Tuesday this week, with Di Girolamo insisting that he had indeed given the wine - a $3000 bottle of 1959 Grange, to mark the year of O'Farrell's birth - O'Farrell stuck to his denial, despite the ICAC's unearthing of dockets, invoices and even a record of a brief phone call he made to Di Girolamo on the night the wine seemed to have arrived at his home - April 20, 2011.

O'Farrell remained cocky in the witness box. Even he, not a wine buff, could not have overlooked the significance of a bottle of Grange, he said. It would have gone straight onto his gifts register if he had indeed received it.

''Can I say'', he joked ''that my favourite Christmas present last year - and perhaps the most expensive - was a wonderfully local manufactured Hoselink hose that no longer kinks in my garden.''

After delivering this evidence, O'Farrell put out a media release and gave a news conference, adamantly stating ''the 1959 Grange was not received by me or my wife''.

But, as hearings opened the next day, an ashen-faced Watson rose to reveal the smoking gun. Early that morning, the ICAC had received a note, penned in O'Farrell's own hand, thanking Di Girolamo for the gift. What was striking was its personal tone, addressed to both Di Girolamo and his wife - from O'Farrell and his wife, Rosemary - thanking them for ''all your support'' with the ''all'' underlined.

O'Farrell called it a ''massive memory fail''. Many are finding that hard to swallow. Why, if indeed he had forgotten, had he not got his staff onto the issue like bloodhounds the minute the text from the journalist was received? The puzzle remains. But a handwritten note, a throwback to old-fashioned courtesies, had brought down a premier.

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