

This was published 6 years ago

Politics Live: Labor to oppose stages two and three of government's income tax package

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That's a wrap

We'll wind up the blog right there. 

Today was dominated by Australia's relations with China and the tax battles that will define the next election. A heady mix. And will be back in the morning for more of it.

Until then, you can find me on Facebook here and Twitter here. Photos today were from Alex Ellinghausen – find him on Twitter here.

As always, feel free to email me hot tips and feedback at

Labor's tax call sets up a class war election

By Mark Kenny

The next federal election is shaping as the great class war of 2018-19, with 10 million taxpayers drafted to the cause. No election in the last 50 years has come close.

That Bill Shorten is prepared to stand between moderate income earners and legislated tax relief in order to stop tax cuts for the rich reveals Labor’s confidence that it can prosecute a class argument, and from there, win an election.

Labor is asking the bulk of voters to make a leap of faith: to gamble that Labor will win and, after that, deliver a fairer distribution to more households.

That Malcolm Turnbull has declared it will be his full three phase, seven-year tax package or nothing speaks to the government’s belief in selling an “aspirational” Australia, and the Prime Minister's commitment to prevail regardless.

Either one side will blink in the next fortnight, the crossbench will fold, or one side will crash and burn at the ballot box.

Read the full piece here

Turnbull says Australia-China relations better than they look

Malcolm Turnbull has been speaking at the Australia China Business Council networking event. 

Emphasising the depth of the personal and economic relationship between Australia and China, the PM says there is often "a lot more negativity presented [by the media and some politicians] than is actually the case".

"It's always important to reinforce the reality of the relationship," he says.

"From time to time, there will be differences in terms of issues, particular issues, but the important thing is that we deal with them as friends, with respect. Mutual respect is the absolute key."

He notes "issues at a fairly granular level" like recent delays with wine getting into the Chinese market. 

"I'm filled with optimism about the relationship. I think we should all be positive about it and recognise the strength of the engage and also note that sometimes in the media there is always going to be an emphasis on differences, on conflict, on problems. Overwhelmingly, the relationship is strong and, by any measure, getting stronger," he says. 

This looks like a continuation of a point Julie Bishop seems to have made recently with the Chinese government, associating much of the recent tension in the relationship with media coverage, rather than Australian government policy or rhetoric. 

The truth is that tensions have really stemmed from alleged Chinese Communist Party interference in Australian domestic politics, escalating Chinese activity in the disputed South China Sea, and China's growing role in the Pacific. Australian government ministers, including Turnbull, have made public comments about these matters that have angered the Chinese government. 

It is worth noting that, according to some observers of these issues, there has been an apparent failure by some in China to understand the nature of free speech and an independent media in Australia's democracy. There is a suggestion that this is a pretty foreign concept in authoritarian China, where the media operates under tight government control. So, to some Chinese people, any reports in the Australian media or comments from federal politicians (which are not necessarily positive for China) are sometimes associated, automatically and wrongly, with the government.


Question Time in pictures

QT as seen by Alex Ellinghausen.

The PM.

The PM.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Penny Wong.

Penny Wong.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The Leader of the Opposition.

The Leader of the Opposition.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Abbott steps up attack on climate plan

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has told nervous Liberal and Nationals MPs that Australia must do its part to cut greenhouse gas emissions, as his predecessor Tony Abbott led another attack on the issue in the Coalition party room.

Turnbull held the line on the government’s pledge to cut emissions by 26 per cent by 2030 under the National Energy Guarantee, against vocal concerns from six Liberal MPs, including Abbott.

At one point Abbott claimed he was “misled by bureaucrats” over the cost of the emissions cut he helped decide as Prime Minister in 2015, which was taken to the United Nations climate talks in Paris that year.

Read more here

Q23 - Dixer

Question from WA Liberal Steve Irons to Social Services Minister Dan Tehan.

Irons asks for an update on the national redress scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse. 

Tehan says the Senate passing the scheme, with bipartisan support, shows every MP was "able to put survivors first".

From July 1, survivors will be able to seek redress, which will include compensation of up to $150,000, counselling and a personal apology from the relevant institution.

He says 90 per cent of survivors are now covered by the scheme. 

Labor's Jenny Macklin stands up to associate the opposition with the remarks and praise Tehan's work. 

And, with that, Question Time is over.



Question from Tanya Plibersek to Malcolm Turnbull.

Plibersek asks about cuts to funding for skills, training and apprenticeships while the government also pursues company tax cuts. 

Josh Frydenberg, representing Education Minister Simon Birmingham, takes the question.

He says apprentices have aspiration and Labor's record on skills training is bad. 

Q21 - Dixer

Question from SA Liberal Tony Pasin to Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher.

Pasin asks about the government's work on the NBN. 

Fletcher says the pace of NBN connections had skyrocketed under the Coalition. He says this is helping businesses.


Question from Labor energy spokesman Mark Butler to Malcolm Turnbull.

Butler asks Turnbull to address reports of infighting inside the Coalition on energy policy. 

Turnbull says the government's policies are working. 


Q19 - Dixer

Question from Queensland Liberal Scott Buchholz to Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg.

Buchholz asks about policies to reduce power prices.

Frydenberg says Labor left behind a huge mess and ignored warnings. 

He says the Coalition plan is reducing energy prices and securing better deals for consumers.

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