

This was published 6 years ago

'Blink, fold, or crash and burn at the ballot box': Labor's tax call sets up a class war election

By Mark Kenny

The next federal election is shaping as the great class war of 2018-19, with 10 million taxpayers drafted to the cause. No election in the last 50 years has come close.

That Bill Shorten is prepared to stand between moderate income earners and legislated tax relief in order to stop tax cuts for the rich reveals Labor’s confidence that it can prosecute a class argument, and from there, win an election.


Labor is asking the bulk of voters to make a leap of faith: to gamble that Labor will win and, after that, deliver a fairer distribution to more households.

That Malcolm Turnbull has declared it will be his full three phase, seven-year tax package or nothing speaks to the government’s belief in selling an “aspirational” Australia, and the Prime Minister's commitment to prevail regardless.

Either one side will blink in the next fortnight, the crossbench will fold, or one side will crash and burn at the ballot box.

Labor’s decision to oppose the full package was not taken lightly. Shorten and treasury spokesman Chris Bowen know it is no small thing to tell the 70 per cent of taxpayers in the middle that you will block relief offered by the government of the day because some of it is unfair, and all of it is unfunded.

Labor's bold pitch fits its pattern of making significant policy calls from opposition and then standing by them.

Only half tongue-in-cheek, Shorten correctly observed that it’s easier to remember your lines if they happen to be true to your values.


To Labor’s big calls on negative gearing, capital gains tax, dividend imputation credits, superannuation, and family trusts, has now been added the blunt denial of the government’s income tax plan unless the bill is split.

Opposing phase three is not difficult. Its benefits accrue mostly to the well-off via abolishing the second-highest bracket of 37 per cent. It is especially generous to high-income earners and does not cut in until two elections away, in 2024-25.

But phase two affects the mother lode of voters – the same group Labor must win over to win office. It lifts the income threshold from $37,000 to $41,000 for the 19 per cent marginal tax rate and from $90,000 to $120,000 for those paying 32.5 cents.

Few of these taxpayers regard themselves as rich. Many vote Labor.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and treasury spokesman Chris Bowen announce the tax decision.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and treasury spokesman Chris Bowen announce the tax decision.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Phase one lifts the $87,000 threshold to $90,000 and uses the low and medium income tax offset to deliver up to $530 a year to 4.4 million taxpayers earning between $48,000 and $90,000.


The important thing to remember here is that Labor plans to block all three unless stage one is put to Parliament separately.

The metaphor of choice in Canberra is the "political game of chicken".

The word of choice however, was “aspirational”. The government said it over and over again in Question Time in the wake of Labor’s decision.

This prompted Shorten to probe derisively at Turnbull: “Should a 60-year-old aged care worker from Burnie aspire to be an investment banker from Rose Bay, so that with a $10 tax cut they can get the PM's $7,000 a year tax cut for investment bankers?"

Labor’s approach is in marked contrast to its supine adoption of Peter Costello’s tax cuts in 2007.
The fiscal drag of that compliance turned out to be politically easy, yet ruinous when the global economy tanked in its first years in office.

This time around it is booking the risk on the political side of its ledger.

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