

This was published 5 years ago

Mental health funding, apprenticeships in bid for youth vote

By Sally Whyte

Spending promises for mental health and incentives to increase the number of apprentices are two of the main budget measures designed to appeal to young people in this year's budget.

The government has pledged almost half a billion dollars to a mental health and suicide prevention strategy, including funds for 30 new Headspace centres, mental health workplace initiatives and after-hours support centres.

Carlie Dodds, 22 years old, wants the government to spend money on youth homelessness and mental health.

Carlie Dodds, 22 years old, wants the government to spend money on youth homelessness and mental health.Credit: Jamila Toderas

An extra 80,000 apprenticeships have been promised as part of a $525 million skills package for young workers, with $8000 cash incentives for employers and $2000 for new apprentices.

Funding to increase the participation of women and girls in science, technology, engineering and maths has also been announced.

For Carlie Dodds, a 22-year-old interning at a not-for-profit organisation in Canberra after graduating from the Australian National University last year, the budget seems positive for the capital.

"On the level of Canberra I think it's good, especially in terms of the mental health stuff. On the broader level with returning to surplus, I'm a bit skeptical about how sustainable that is or if it’s just basically a kickstart for the Coalition election campaign," Ms Dodds said.

Youth homelessness is one of the issues most important to Ms Dodds, who said she was also looking for policies around mental health and climate change. She was disappointed homelessness wasn't a priority item but was glad to see a new Headspace centre for Canberra as part of the mental health funding.

"I think that's really great, with this amount of money it's a budget priority, that's great to see," she said.

"The work Headspace does in our community is really important so its great to see that extending."


Living in regional NSW on the outskirts of Googong, she also wants to see measures that support people outside of the big cities.

Measures to increase online resources for those with mental health issues also appealed to Ms Dodd, for their ease of access for people in regional and remote communities.

As part of a wider package to support people with disabilities, the government pledged $84 million to allow carers a break from their duties, allowing their loved one to be cared for safely and giving them respite. This was welcomed by Ms Dodd, who has experience as a carer.

"I think it's such an important issue. When I was a carer I had the support from my school and immediate family members but even then it was such a huge job. You're working 24/7 on it, there's no chance for downtime," she said.

"The carer is just as important as the person they're caring for, I'm pleased to see that."

Ms Dodds is on the board of the Youth Coalition of the ACT and says representation and access to decision-making for young people is something the government should pay more attention to.

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