

Sally Whyte is a reporter for The Canberra Times covering the public service.

'We make no apologies': Government in robo-debt 'backflip'

'We make no apologies': Government in robo-debt 'backflip'

The Morrison government will now require more information when making "robo-debt" decisions but Government Services Minister Stuart Robert makes "no apologies" for the scheme.

  • by Judith Ireland and Sally Whyte


Government to overhaul robodebt program, staff told

Government to overhaul robodebt program, staff told

Centrelink's debt-recovery program is set to be overhauled, with debts no longer to be raised where the only evidence is averaging of tax office data.

  • by Sally Whyte
More than half of FOI decisions overturned on review

More than half of FOI decisions overturned on review

The Information Commissioner overturned dozens of decisions to give more access to government information.

  • by Sally Whyte
ACT police illegally accessed metadata 3249 times, more than first reported

ACT police illegally accessed metadata 3249 times, more than first reported

Metadata was accessed without authorisation more than the 116 times first reported, ACT Policing have revealed.

  • by Sally Whyte
Fraser Anning's ACT Senate candidate has criminal history

Fraser Anning's ACT Senate candidate has criminal history

Shane Van Duren pleaded guilty in the ACT Supreme Court in May 2017 to assaulting a police officer and choking an RSPCA inspector in 2015.

  • by Sally Whyte
Home Affairs releases visa privatisation details right before election

Home Affairs releases visa privatisation details right before election

But the final product may never see the light of day.

  • by Sally Whyte
Federal budget 2019: ACT public service jobs may go bush as Coalition ramps up federal election pitch to regional voters

Federal budget 2019: ACT public service jobs may go bush as Coalition ramps up federal election pitch to regional voters

Good news for those working in security and financial crackdowns, but bad news for health and human services.

  • by Doug Dingwall and Sally Whyte
Mental health funding, apprenticeships in bid for youth vote

Mental health funding, apprenticeships in bid for youth vote

Young Australians are set to benefit from budget measures focusing on mental health, but many want to see more done on climate change.

  • by Sally Whyte
Federal budget 2019: Australian War Memorial, National Library Canberra's big winners

Federal budget 2019: Australian War Memorial, National Library Canberra's big winners

Canberra and its national institutions have largely been looked over in the federal budget.

  • by Sally Whyte
Federal budget 2019: ACT roads win, but threat to APS jobs in re-election pitch

Federal budget 2019: ACT roads win, but threat to APS jobs in re-election pitch

The Coalition is promising tax relief, but is eyeing Canberra jobs in its re-election pitch to regional voters.

  • by Doug Dingwall, Sally Whyte and Markus Mannheim
Budget paper one night stand ends for Treasury officials

Budget paper one night stand ends for Treasury officials

For years, Treasury staff spent the Monday night before the budget locked away with the papers, protecting them from prying eyes. But not any more.

  • by Sally Whyte

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