

This was published 5 years ago


Ken Henry’s fall from grace

The resignation of Ken Henry from his position as chairman of the Board of the National Australia Bank has caused more reflection than that of any other recent fall from grace of a high-profile civic leader - bar perhaps that of Malcolm Turnbull in the political sphere.

Many of Dr Henry’s supporters have stuck with him, regretting the circumstances of his departure, notably former prime minister Kevin Rudd, who wrote a strong defence of his legacy, including "helping save the Australian financial services industry from comprehensive calamity during the global financial crisis". He was, wrote Mr Rudd, "the source of sage and courageous advice" during the crisis.

Media discussions often elicited other sympathisers uneasy about Henry’s fate and willing to speak up for him. Financial commentators pointed to the positive developments initiated within NAB during his reign.

Peter Hartcher reflected on the irony of our political leaders now pontificating about banking leaders needing to regain the trust of the community when no one has lost community confidence and respect more than the political class.

In Hartcher’s words: “The banks abused the people’s trust and took Australians’ money. The political parties abused the people’s trust and took their democracy”.

Dr Henry’s demise coincided with the glowing announcement that he will deliver the 20th Manning Clark Lecture in Canberra on March 12. In doing so Manning Clark House provided a succinct summary of his achievements as an economist, visionary and successful public servant, including as Secretary of the Department of the Treasury from 2001-2011.

Outgoing NAB Chairman Ken Henry.

Outgoing NAB Chairman Ken Henry.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

None of this is at all surprising given Dr Henry’s reputation and record in public life, in which he was regarded by many as a role model for service in the public and private sectors. But Henry and NAB chief executive Andrew Thorborn were singled out by Kenneth Hayne in his final report of the Banking and Financial Services Royal Commission.

In Hayne’s view they stood out among the leaders of the big four banks for their resistance to admitting the failures of their bank. Henry’s disastrously defensive and seemingly arrogant appearance before the commission caused particular offence.


There is scope for a more general reflection. What does Dr Henry’s fall tell us as a case study in politics and public life? It is an example, first and foremost, of leaders taking responsibility for the actions of their organisations. Ultimately the buck must stop with those in charge rather than, or as well as, those in middle management with operational roles in applying organisational policies and those at lower levels personally responsible for failures.


The common cry that "heads should roll" can be caricatured misleadingly as a distasteful, populist reaction to organisational failure. It turns public life into a blood sport, like a Roman circus, in which spectators bay for blood. But that is not the case because that heads should roll is not an unreasonable reaction.

When individuals, whose lives have been ruined, with few if any powers of redress have been hurt by the failures of a system, whether it is banking, politics or the church, it is no wonder that they want someone to be held accountable. Just who should be held responsible is always a matter of debate and disagreement. But in such circumstances the higher the profile of the person the greater the impact.

One or two heads is not enough but it is a start. Such action serves as a valve to release some of the damaging pressure which has built up. Compensation in the medium term and cultural change in the longer term should follow.

Many well-known heads have rolled during and after the banking royal commission. They have included Catherine Brenner and Craig Moller, board chair and chief executive officer of giant corporation AMP, as well as CBA chief executive officer Ian Narev and various heads of financial services firms. We can ponder the list and maybe regret apparent injustice in some individual cases and debate whether the right heads have fallen. But the correct overall conclusion is that this fall-out has been a healthy social outcome.

That is not always the case in other spheres. Proper ministerial accountability is rare, for instance. Rather the first instinct of Prime Ministers and premiers is often to rush to defend the individual in question from opposition and media attacks no matter how guilty they are.

In a closer comparison the relative failure of heads to roll was a weakness of the events surrounding the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Many perpetrators of child sexual abuse were brought to account in one way or another, but most of those in leadership positions responsible for covering up abuse and protecting offenders avoided responsibility. At least that’s how it seemed to many survivors and critics and this was an unhealthy aspect of the whole exercise.

Accountability sometimes seems to deliver rough justice. Those called to account frequently have made admirable contributions to society in so many other ways. They may be widely regarded and commonly named as one of the "good guys" in whatever field they have worked. Their other service to society may greatly outweigh their culpability in the instance which brought them undone.


History will take all this into account in due course. It will also take into account any heartfelt apologies and admissions of error such as Ken Henry subsequently made on television last week. They are all part of the healing process.

But it remains the case that public life is healthier when those in authority take responsibility when things have so obviously gone wrong and when so many powerless people have been badly hurt.

John Warhurst is an Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University.

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