

This was published 7 months ago

Do China and the US need a ‘red telephone’ to prevent a war?

By Matthew Knott

Australian political leaders should push for the creation of Cold War-style “red telephone” hotline between the US and China to help prevent a misunderstanding between the superpowers spiralling into a catastrophic conflict, a new report argues.

In a detailed report for the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Australian National University expert associate William Leben writes that there is a “real possibility” of a war in the Indo-Pacific in the near future.

Taiwanese forces conducting an anti-invasion drill on a beach.

Taiwanese forces conducting an anti-invasion drill on a beach.Credit: Getty

The most likely triggers are a conflagration in North Korea, a conflict over Taiwan or a dispute in the South China or East China seas, he argues.

Leben writes that the increased vulnerability of large surface ships to drone and missile attacks could raise the likelihood of a maritime conflict because of the perceived military advantage to whichever side strikes first.

Defence Minister Richard Marles this week announced an $11 billion funding boost for the navy over the next decade to lift the nation’s number of warships from 11 to 26.


While Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has spoken repeatedly about the need to put “guardrails” on competition between the US and China, Leben argues Australia can play a more active role in helping to avert a conflict between its most important security ally and biggest trading partner.

“A major war would be catastrophic for our security and stability. Yet the risks are growing,” Leben argues in his report, Escalation Risks in the Indo-Pacific.

“We must therefore focus on understanding, preventing, mitigating and addressing the risks, including of inadvertent or accidental escalation ... We can’t default to being a bystander.”


Leben, a former army officer, calls for Australian leaders to “support, publicly and privately, the establishment of crisis-management mechanisms at the operational and strategic levels between the US and China as a risk-mitigation measure”.

Beyond low-level contact between officials, Leben points to “hotline-type mechanisms for dialogue between the great powers” at the most senior military and political levels.

He notes that China has not shown a “strong or consistent desire to support crisis management” and there are risks such hotlines can be abused or manipulated.

It was reported that China had twice cut off such a hotline as a protest against US actions in 2013, when relations between Washington and Beijing were significantly less hostile.

Following the Cuban Missile Crisis, the so-called Moscow-Washington hotline was established in 1963 to help prevent a misunderstanding from spiralling into a nuclear war.


Although popularly known as the “red telephone”, the communication channel between the White House and the Kremlin was never a telephone line: the superpowers at first relied on Teletype then fax machines and more recently secure forms of email.

Lieutenant-General Stephen Sklenka, deputy commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, said last year that the “non-existent” dialogue between Chinese and American military commanders was increasing the risk of an inadvertent conflict.

“The problem we’re having is that the Chinese treat communication as a reward for behaviour that suits their interests,” he said.

Leben also urges senior Australian politicians to participate in war-gaming exercises to test how they would respond to scenarios involving a pre-emptive military attack or inadvertent escalation, arguing this does not represent the “micromanagement” of the nation’s defence force.

“Australia’s elected leaders need a more thorough understanding of the scope and limits of Australian military power,” he writes.

“The risk of a paralysing gap between where operational planners might go and the ability of decision makers to execute informed policy making in a crisis is real.”

This is increasingly important as Australia looks to acquire sophisticated military technologies such as hypersonic weapons and nuclear-powered submarines under the AUKUS pact with the US and United Kingdom, he argues.

The report notes that warships are increasingly vulnerable to being put out of action by a single missile or torpedo strike.

“This arguably leads to a dynamic in which ‘whichever side completes the targeting chain first and fires first always wins’, and creates a powerful incentive to pre-empt,” Leben writes.

“This suggests the potential for maritime scenarios in which escalation pressures are very strong.”

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