

This was published 6 months ago


Albanese’s big funding problem has been diagnosed but not yet cured

It hit with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

Anthony Albanese hadn’t been long elected when the number crunchers came knocking with unwelcome news: National Disability Insurance Scheme costs were blowing out so fast that every Australian who paid personal tax would be on the hook for an average $2800 each in the coming year.

Worse still, they also forecast the annual cost would balloon to $8000 a taxpayer within a decade.

The NDIS program is one of the fastest growing areas of government spending.

The NDIS program is one of the fastest growing areas of government spending.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The message was simple: the NDIS, born just a decade earlier, was on course to blow up the budget.

I was in the budget lock-up in Canberra when the government revealed these updated forecasts. It was a year-and-a-half ago, but I vividly remember the moment it dawned on Australia’s most senior journalists that there was a big problem.

How big? The dollars involved are daunting, but it’s the politics that are the most challenging. That’s because doing something about runaway NDIS costs means pitting the reasonable rights of Australia’s disabled against the reasonable rights of the nation’s other taxpayers – with both groups having good reason to be grumpy about what’s happening.

That’s wake-in-the-night stuff for any government to manage.


So what did they do? It took a further six months, but then the government made a huge call. In May last year, it announced it would make $74 billion in savings from NDIS spending across a decade. That meant the government was promising the largest cut made to any federal program. Ever.


There was only one problem. The largest ever cut to federal spending came without any detail. Instead, we got a number: federal NDIS costs had been forecast to grow 14 per cent a year for a decade, but the government now committed to limiting that to 8 per cent growth. That would be an impressive improvement, even though it still meant NDIS costs would grow twice as fast as the average for federal spending.

But a number isn’t a policy. There’s an old saying in Canberra: “It’s not really a policy until someone is cheesed off.” And $74 billion in savings is so huge that hitting the target meant many people were about to be cheesed off.

A $74 billion saving is so huge that hitting the target means many people will be cheesed off.

A $74 billion saving is so huge that hitting the target means many people will be cheesed off.Credit: Dionne Gain

I wondered how they’d make these savings. It took a further seven months to find out, but the answer finally came a fortnight before Christmas.

That announcement saw money flying everywhere. But by the time the dust settled, it seemed as though the states had agreed to directly take on a huge chunk of NDIS costs, as well as paying for half the costs of a new scheme to help kids with mild autism and developmental delays. (Those kids are the fastest growing group in the NDIS. As an example, one in every eight boys in Australia aged between five and seven is on the NDIS. And yes, you read that last sentence correctly.)

That rejig was enough to shift federal NDIS costs much closer to the 8 per cent growth figure the feds were targeting.

But you may be wondering why the states were being so generous. The answer is as old as politics itself: because they were handed the money to do so by the feds.


Western Australia got a heap of the extra money, with the feds agreeing to extend a funding deal that began under the last government. (It’s a deal economist Saul Eslake calls “the worst public policy decision of this century”. In a completely unrelated coincidence, WA’s seats are set to be central to next year’s federal election.)

But the other states got something big, too. The WA deal – which makes federal taxpayers pay more than they should to support the nation’s wealthiest state – threatens to eat into the funding available to all other states. So the feds extended a guarantee to the other states to ensure they were no worse off as a result of the dodgy WA deal.

So … problem solved? Yeah, nah ... Remember that the government had announced a huge cut to the NDIS. Yet its response was dominated by a big increase in spending on the states.

In other words, overall spending went up, rather than down.

That means we didn’t cut NDIS costs: we just relabelled them as state funding.

We didn’t get courage. We got accounting.

To be fair, achieving reform – any sort of reform, not just to the NDIS – is incredibly difficult. And last week’s government response to an NDIS review is a genuinely valiant attempt to do much-needed things.

But this probably won’t save heaps, so this saga hasn’t finished. Although the states got an extended funding guarantee, part of that trade-off involved them agreeing to pay half the costs of a new scheme to juggle early childhood development issues for those with mild autism.


And here’s the thing: it’s now dawned on the states that, although they got a funding guarantee, they traded that off for a share of something whose costs are rising really rapidly.

That realisation has left them cheesed off. And they won’t be the last. Chances are many more will be cheesed off before Australia finally gets a handle on doing these policies right.

Chris Richardson is an independent economist.

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