

This was published 8 months ago


Dog of a deal means we’ll all pay $50 billion to keep Western Australia happy

There have been plenty of terrible tax decisions made over the years by federal governments of both political hues. But the Coalition and Labor are in lockstep with one that is undermining the Commonwealth and imposing a huge cost on all taxpayers by putting politics way ahead of the interests of the country and the budget.

There’s bipartisan support for a GST policy that is going to cost Australian taxpayers at least $50 billion.

There’s bipartisan support for a GST policy that is going to cost Australian taxpayers at least $50 billion.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

I’m talking about the federal government’s single largest expense – the GST payments made to the states and territories. And in particular, the surging amount of cash being sent to Western Australia.

The problem is a deal, endorsed and supported by the major parties, that is on course to impose the largest cost blowout on federal taxpayers outside of the NDIS. It will force future taxpayers to pay higher taxes to the richest part of the country at the expense of people and communities that really need that money.

The deal was put together by then treasurer Scott Morrison to address the collapse in the share of GST going to WA. One miscalculation about the future price of iron ore means the 12-year cost of the deal – originally put at $8 billion – has surged to $40 billion and is now likely on its way to $50 billion with no end in sight.


That’s $50 billion being siphoned out of federal taxpayers’ wallets and sent across the Nullarbor.

Every year, the Commonwealth Grants Commission shares the GST revenue – this year it will be almost $90 billion – among the states and territories via a system that’s supposed to ensure no matter where an Australian lives, they get access to reasonable government services such as health, education or policing. It’s a single pot of money, so if one part of the country needs more financial support, it has to come from another.

For more than 100 years after Federation, only the nation’s two richest states – Victoria and NSW – ever got less from the Commonwealth pot than if the money was simply handed out on a per capita basis.

That finished about 2005 when WA, enjoying the biggest mining boom since the 1850s gold rushes across Victoria, joined the exclusive club. As WA started to collect tens of billions of dollars worth of iron ore royalties, its share of the GST pool started to fall. It then collapsed. WA’s allocation went from a little over $1 for every West Australian to about 30¢. At one point, it feared none of the GST pot would go to WA.


Under political pressure, Morrison came up with a plan that would ensure WA got at least 70¢ for every $1, which later pushed up to 75¢.

Liberal senators from Victoria and NSW saw that their states could be big losers because any extra cash to WA (or any other part of the country) would likely come from them. To placate them, Morrison enshrined in law that no state or territory could be worse off under the deal until 2026.

And this is where the assumption about the iron ore price becomes pivotal. If iron ore prices fell, as Morrison had assumed, WA’s share would rise from 30¢ to 50¢ or 60¢. That would mean that to make sure no state was worse off, only a relatively small amount of cash – about $8 billion – would have to be tipped in.

But iron ore prices did not fall. Today, a tonne of iron ore is worth about $US128. It had been assumed it would drop to $US55.

At $US128 a tonne, WA’s share of GST would have stayed around the 30¢ per person mark. But as Morrison’s plan meant its share had to increase, billions and billions more had to be tumbled into the GST pot to ensure all the other states and territories were not left worse off.


It’s now expected that instead of costing $8 billion, federal taxpayers will need to hand over $50 billion to prop up the system. Not only is WA’s GST share increasing, it is also enjoying huge iron ore royalties, which this year are likely to reap about $9 billion for the state’s taxpayers.

This is bipartisan fiscal sabotage.

The Albanese government late last year agreed to extend the no-worse-off guarantee by three years, to 2029-30.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers said this would provide “certainty” to the states and territories as they put together their budgets.

The only certainty is that no government or opposition will have the gumption to tackle this expensive boondoggle when 2029 comes around because of the politics involved.

It’s hard to begrudge the WA government trying to get free cash out of other taxpayers. Its complaints about the GST allocation system are valid. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, the system is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. But the solution has been a huge mistake.

Neither major party can ditch the deal for fear it will make their WA MPs and senators unelectable. WA voters will jealously guard their gold-plated begging bowl overflowing with federal cash.

Chalmers has promised another Productivity Commission inquiry into the GST system to determine if it is “operating efficiently, effectively and as intended”.

There’s no way a proper investigation could give the current system a tick of approval.

Chalmers, if he were brave enough, would ask the commission to look at alternatives because the current GST allocation system doesn’t come within a bull’s roar of being equitable.

It’s not equitable among the states and territories and it’s certainly not equitable for taxpayers who have to cover this $50 billion dog of a policy.

Shane Wright is a senior economics correspondent.

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