


King Charles is having a medical procedure. It’s all too common for men

From trouble with the waterworks to deadly cancer, the prostate seems to attract trouble for men. What is a prostate and why is it prone to problems?

World experts tackle myths and misunderstandings about common health issues in our Explainers.See all 21 stories.

Health issues in Britain’s royal family are usually kept under wraps. So it was a sign of the times when Buckingham Palace revealed King Charles was to undergo treatment for an enlarged prostate. The King, 75, will have a “corrective procedure” for his benign condition, the palace announced, with his public engagements postponed for a short time. “His majesty was keen to share the details of his diagnosis to encourage other men who may be experiencing symptoms to get checked in line with public health advice,” the palace said in a statement.

The type of prostate enlargement that the King has, called benign prostatic hypertrophy or hyperplasia, is common in older men. It can cause trouble with urinating or emptying the bladder.

The more serious threat to health, prostate cancer, is not uncommon either. In Australia, it is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer, just behind breast cancer, and the second most common cause of cancer deaths among males after lung cancer. Ten-year survival rates for low-risk prostate cancer, detected early, are 99 per cent. Yet two or three men in every 100 will die from it. That’s more than 350,000 deaths around the world annually. More Australians die from prostate cancer than breast cancer every year.

King Charles in December 2023.

King Charles in December 2023.Credit: Getty Images, digitally altered

This mismatch – high 10-year survival rates and high death rates – signals a cancer with unusual features. Any medical condition that includes “cancer” sounds like something we should treat without delay. But with prostate cancer, in many cases doctors advise against treatment. Indeed, there is raging debate in the field over the value of getting tested at all.

Then there’s the cultural problem: men just don’t like talking about the prostate. “This is a generalisation some won’t like hearing, but women, generally speaking, are more attuned to their health, their wellbeing, and maybe men historically haven’t been,” says Associate Professor Arun Azad a medical oncologist at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. “Although I think that’s changing.”

Indeed. So, what is the prostate, and what does it do? What happens to it as men age? What is a PSA test, and should you have one?


(Note: This article was first published in 2021 and has since been updated.)

OK, what is the prostate? What’s it for?

The prostate is a gland in men, just below the bladder. It is small, the size of a walnut in a 25-year-old, weighing about 30 grams. It partially surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis. Nerves, including those crucial for erection, run along the outside surface of the prostate to the penis – which explains why damage to this small gland can have outsized effects on a man’s sexual function.

The prostate plays a key role in fertility, producing enzymes and hormones that help sperm function normally, as well as producing much of the fluid that, combined with sperm from the testes, makes up semen.

Unlike other organs, the prostate is not static in size. “A natural thing that happens to our prostates as they get older is they get bigger. It’s not so much a disease – I describe it as natural ageing of the prostate,” says Professor Declan Murphy, director of genito-urinary oncology at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.


“You have to remember what the prostate does: it’s the organ of ejaculation. It’s there for reproduction. I don’t think mother nature really intended it to live to be 60, 70, 80 years old because it’s done its job by then. It loses its ability to have normal regulation.”

When a man reaches about 25, his prostate gland begins to slowly grow by about 2.5 per cent a year, roughly to the size of an apricot by 40 and a lemon by 60. It is unclear what causes this growth; one possibility is that the enlargement is triggered by declining testosterone and increasing estrogen as men age.

An approximate illustration of the prostate’s change in size over a man’s life.

An approximate illustration of the prostate’s change in size over a man’s life. Credit: Monique Westermann

But why is the prostate synonymous with problems?

So long as it’s working well, most men don’t think much about the prostate. Yet its location – surrounding and surrounded by, a couple of extremely sensitive parts of the male anatomy, the bladder and penis – means that when things go wrong, they can really go wrong.

Let’s start with benign prostate enlargement, when the prostate grows larger while no cancer is present. As the gland naturally grows over a man’s lifetime, it sometimes – not always – compresses the surrounding tissue. Because the prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder, this natural enlargement can make it difficult to urinate, and can irritate the bladder.

“It leads to those old men symptoms of the waterworks slowing down, dribbling,” says Murphy.


In fact, this can become a problem for men as young as 30, and becomes common as men age. About half of American men aged between 51 and 60, and up to 90 per cent of men over 80, will have benign prostatic hyperplasia. One Dutch study reported nearly one in five men aged between 55 and 74 had a clinically enlarged prostate. Diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure create a greater risk. Most men will not show symptoms but those who do might find themselves passing urine more often than normal, and having an urgent need to urinate coupled with a slow urine flow.

For many men, prostate enlargement will have a major effect on their quality of life (and the life of their partners) because the symptoms are so unpleasant.

Similar symptoms can show up when a man has a bacterial infection in his prostate. Known as prostatitis, this leads to inflammation of the gland, but also manifests in chills and fever; it’s treated with antibiotics. More than half of all men will have prostatitis at some time in their lives.

Chronic prostatitis, also known as chronic pelvic pain problem, is the most common form of prostate inflammation – and the least understood. Between four and nine men in 100 will get it. It can strike a man from his teens. Symptoms can come and go. Infection-fighting cells are present yet there’s no evidence of bacteria. Treatment includes anti-inflammatories and pain medication.

Importantly, having an enlarged prostate or prostatitis does not increase your risk of prostate cancer.

Natural prostate enlargement is not life-threatening. But we shouldn’t dismiss it: for many men, prostate enlargement will have a major effect on their quality of life (and the life of their partners) because the symptoms are so unpleasant: a frequent need to urinate coupled with difficulty doing so. In studies, it’s up there with severe epilepsy, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for worsening life quality.


Still, as the condition is not life-threatening, treatment is really about reducing the symptoms. If they are tolerable, no treatment is needed. If they are frustrating, they can be managed somewhat by lifestyle changes, such as drinking less coffee or alcohol or doing pelvic floor exercises. Medication can be used to soften the muscle surrounding the prostate, allowing urine to flow more easily; other drugs can shrink the size of the prostate itself. Surgeons can slice away some of the prostate, insert a device that compresses the gland, or use a device to mechanically open up the urethra.

What about prostate cancer? How is that different?

Prostate cancer occurs when cancer cells – normal human cells that have picked up genetic mutations, making them grow out of control – begin to grow in the prostate, inflating its size. These random mutations in cancer cells may encourage the cell to grow abnormally, or turn off the normal system of programmed cell death.

The prostate has the second-highest incidence of cancer of any organ in the body, male or female, just slightly behind breast cancer. More than half of American men have some cancer in their prostate glands by age 80 – but compared to most other cancers, it is slow-growing.

This is strange, if you think about it: the prostate is tiny. How can it be more likely to develop cancer than the lungs or heart or the body’s largest organ, the skin? Scientists don’t yet have an answer. One theory suggests that, as prostate cancer is slow-growing, it is unlikely to kill a man before he has had time to reproduce, so there has been no prompt for evolution to find ways to weed it out. “As a consequence, all men accumulate them during their life, and all die with cancer cells inside their prostate,” says Deakin University evolutionary biologist Associate Professor Beata Ujvari. “This phenomenon is exacerbated, too, by the fact that we live longer, thereby giving more opportunity to tumours to become metastatic.”

Many men with prostate cancer won’t have any symptoms. Often, the cancer is picked up only after a PSA test (more on those in a moment).


It can be quite a shock for a fit and otherwise healthy man with no symptoms to be told he has cancer, says Adjunct Professor Peter Heathcote, past president of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand. “The commonest thing is they are stunned because up until then they have been bulletproof. And all a sudden, you consider your fragile existence and mortality.”

When symptoms do show up, they can include trouble urinating, frequent need to urinate, pain when urinating, blood in the urine, nagging pain in the back or pelvis.

Risk factors include age, race and a family history of prostate cancer.

“The one thing I did wrong was not understand the family history of prostate cancer,” says McDonald. “But my dad was only diagnosed six months before me.”


As for preventing prostate cancer, there’s not really much you can do.

“The two biggest risk factors are age and family history and, as far as I know, you can’t do anything about them,” says Murphy.

Eating one or two serves of tomato a day is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer, according to evidence reviewed as part of the Australian Dietary Guidelines. That could be a real effect, possibly because of the fruit’s lycopene (the molecule that makes the fruit red) content, or it could just be a random association.

How deadly is prostate cancer?

Here’s one of prostate cancer’s key contradictions. It’s common – about 13 in every 100 American men, for example, will develop it during their life – but it’s mostly not dangerous. That is, the cancerous cells will grow but won’t leave the prostate and get into other organs. And yet, of the 13 Americans who contract prostate cancer, two or three will die from it.


Over the past decade, scientists have discovered large differences in risk in different men, based on how their cancer presents.

In 81 per cent of newly diagnosed cases in Australia, prostate cancer is contained in the prostate. When the cancer is localised, it is curable, says Heathcote. In “locally advanced” prostate cancer, the cancer has spread outside the prostate to nearby organs, such as the bladder (11 per cent); and in metastatic prostate cancer, the cancer has spread to far-away parts of the body, such as the bones (4 per cent). In these cases, it is no longer curable, says Heathcote, but can be controlled for many years.

A study in the journal Nature found that men with cancer cells only in their prostate (low-risk cancer) had a 10-year cancer-specific survival rate of close to 99 per cent if the disease was found and treated, where necessary, early. But where the cancer had spread across the body, typically to the lymph nodes and bone marrow, the men fared poorly: only one in three would survive beyond five years.

This, combined with the very high rate of cancer, means that although overall survival rates are very high, prostate cancer continues to claim thousands of lives every year.

What do you do if you’re diagnosed?

The side effects of treating prostate cancer can be quite serious. That’s why, for men with low-risk prostate cancer, doctors have been pushing hard to ensure that most get treated with “active surveillance”.

That’s right: the most common treatment for prostate cancer is to simply to leave it – and watch.

“Men sometimes struggle with this idea: ‘What do you mean you’re going to leave it there?’,” says Murphy.

In addition to where the prostate cancer is located, doctors are also interested in how aggressively it is growing. A man with a slow-growing cancer in the prostate but nowhere else will usually be put on the active surveillance protocol. They will undergo a PSA test every three to six months, as well as regular MRI scans and physical exams.


“That’s been one of the great advances in the last five or 10 years: active surveillance,” says Heathcote.

If the results of the tests show the cancer is growing faster or more aggressively, action will be taken. For about one in three men on active surveillance, the cancer will grow and spread, and action will need to be taken.

“The other 70 per cent of that group will never need treatment,” says Murphy. “And that’s really interesting, isn’t it? Developing cancer in the prostate can be looked at really as a natural form of ageing.”

“Watchful waiting” is a similar strategy, involving regular PSA tests but avoiding many of the more invasive tests. This protocol is often suggested for men who are older where the cancer is less likely to cause problems in their lifetime.

Let’s say you need treatment. What are your options?

First-line therapies for prostate cancer that remains inside the gland or has spread to nearby organs include radiation to kill the cancerous cells; hormone injections – also known as medical castration – which suppresses testosterone; and surgery.

“Testosterone is a fuel for prostate cancer growth, much like estrogen is a fuel for many breast cancers,” says Azad. “When you do that, it’s a very effective treatment, but when you significantly cut testosterone in men, there are a lot of side effects – on their libido, their energy, their muscle mass.”

For advanced prostate cancer, chemotherapy is also offered, in which drugs are used to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells. Side effects include hair loss and an increased risk of bleeding and infection.

Surgery to manually remove tissue from the prostate is not a routine part of treating advanced prostate cancer. And when they are carried out, these surgeries can be prohibitively expensive, with costs ranging from $14,000 to $55,000, depending on the surgeon.


“The evidence does not tell us to do it. There is no proven role for surgery in advanced prostate cancer,” says Azad.

Some surgeons advertise the glowing benefits of new robotic surgery for prostate cancer, including claiming the robot’s precision means cancer can be cut out without any damage to sexual function. But the Cancer Council urges patients to be wary, warning in 2016 there was no evidence robotic surgery was superior to normal surgery, despite being much more expensive.

The problem with all these therapies is many do lead to side effects, including incontinence, erectile dysfunction and bowel problems – hence the desire by doctors (and patients) to avoid treatment if possible.“Regardless of what we do to the prostate, whether that’s high-quality surgery or high-quality radiotherapy, there is never no effect on sexual function,” says Murphy. “Sometimes it can be short-lived but, basically, the prostate is not very tolerant of having things done to it, regarding sexual function.”

Can PSA screening help?

PSA stands for prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate. It can be measured with a simple blood test. You’ve heard about it because it’s one of the most common ways of checking the health of the prostate. It also remains deeply controversial.

Essentially, as the prostate gets bigger, it makes more PSA. Two PSA tests with a reading over three (the level varies randomly, so you need two tests) will generally lead to a man being referred to a specialist. However, as we’ve seen, the prostate can get bigger either naturally or because of cancer. All a PSA test can really tell doctors is if the prostate is increasing in size.

(Thankfully, the dreaded digital rectal exam by the GP is largely a thing of the past, as they are no longer recommended by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, but some patients might still need one if they are referred to a specialist.)

Over the years, scientists have fiercely debated the pros and cons of PSA screening tests. Undoubtedly, they do pick up more early cancers. However, they cannot be used to tell a man if his cancer is slow-growing and unlikely to kill him, or if it is fast-growing and lethal. Studies estimate about 20 to 40 per cent of prostate cancers found via PSA test are over-diagnosed. In other words, men receive a diagnosis that does them more harm than good – for example by making them unnecessarily anxious about something that will do them no harm.

Critics, including Professor Paul Glasziou, director of the Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare, argue PSA screening can lead men to seek treatment, including surgery and radiotherapy, for tumours that were unlikely to have ever posed a threat to their lives.

“You think, I’ve got this ticking time bomb. What impact does that have on your life?” asks Glasziou.

Glasziou is 67 but, after studying the evidence, has decided not to undergo routine PSA screening. “I looked at the figures about the benefits and harms of PSA screening, and decided, in terms of my life expectancy, it wasn’t a priority. I would always worry, if I got a positive PSA, I was an over-diagnosed case. More people get over-diagnosed than get saved by PSA screening.”

Indeed, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners advises “there is no right or wrong answer” on PSA screening. For men aged 50 to 69, the risk-benefit ratio for PSA screening is “unclear”, the College says.

National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines say men who are not at elevated risk and aged between 50 and 69 should be offered the test only after they have been informed of the risks and benefits. Men over 70 should be told the harms of screening are likely higher than the benefits.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation, and several specialists we spoke with, vehemently disagree with this position, and say existing guidelines are now outdated. Heathcote says: “In my opinion, all healthy males over the age of 50, who are likely to be more than 10-year survivors, should have a regular PSA blood test. The large European studies show PSA screening saves lives.”

Supporters of PSA screening argue the guidelines do not consider advances in MRI screening, which can now effectively tell how risky a cancer is. With MRIs and more men told to watch and wait, the risks of PSA screening have fallen sharply, they argue.

“Surveillance has been the great mitigator of over-diagnosis. The second great mitigator is prostate MRI scanning,” says Murphy. “If you do an MRI you can, with high degrees of confidence, exclude significant cancer.

“The way you mitigate the harm of over-diagnosis is you don’t do the over-treatment.”

Nine News presenter and prostate cancer survivor Will McDonald.

Nine News presenter and prostate cancer survivor Will McDonald.

How do you decide whether to get a PSA scan?

As you can see, there’s a lot of debate. To help cut through, the RACGP has published a decision-making tool. Take 2000 men aged between 55 and 69, and give 1000 of them an annual PSA test every year for 11 years. What happens? Five men will die from prostate cancer in the untested group and four in the tested group. Overall, one life will be saved. Some would argue this is an excellent thing; mortality cut by about 20 per cent.

However, the tested group bear significant side effects. Some 87 men will learn their test was a false positive after having a surgical biopsy. Some 25 men will choose to be treated because they are fearful of their cancers; as a result of the treatment, seven to 10 men will experience impotence or incontinence. There’s a mental dimension as well; men diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer are more likely to develop anxiety and depression.

Importantly, because of the amount of time it takes for prostate cancer to kill, men with life expectancies of fewer than 10 to 15 years are unlikely to get much benefit from screening.


The first time Will McDonald started to worry something serious might be happening was just after his legs hit the ground. McDonald is a keen skydiver, something of an all-around action man. Channel Nine’s Adelaide presenter is as fit as a fiddle from a lifetime of gym, hiking and biking. But a slight pain in his left hip had been nagging him for weeks – and as he soared through the sky above Langhorne Creek, just south of Adelaide, and then landed hard, it elevated to a sharp stabbing, which kept hurting all the way home. “It felt like something was really wrong,” he says.

McDonald’s GP sent him for an MRI. It showed dark lesions on his hip joint. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test was ordered. Anything over three would’ve been a concern. McDonald’s registered 38. He had aggressive prostate cancer, which had spread to his hip.

“It was like a smack-in-the-face shock,” says McDonald. “You’re trying to process how all this escalated so quickly. But the one thing I remember quite vividly, walking home from the GP – I’ve done enough stories to know prostate cancer is pretty prevalent – I thought, why me? But also, why not me?”

For Will McDonald, over-diagnosis wasn’t a problem. The cancer had spread; he needed treatment immediately. He went through chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone deprivation therapy, stripping nearly all the testosterone from his body.

“I feel very fortunate to be able to say this, but it barely touched the sides. I had so little side effects, I was so lucky,” he says.

The therapy worked. His cancer is effectively in remission, his PSA down to just 0.21. “The science says this works, and it did,” he says. Asked about the risks of over-diagnosis that come with PSA screening, McDonald is adamant: “I don’t even know why there is a debate. The fact I was vigilant about something that didn’t make sense in my body means I’m not dead today.”

McDonald is an ambassador for the Prostate Cancer Foundation, which raises money for prostate cancer research and to support men going through treatment.

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