This was published 7 years ago
The staggering difference surgeons charge for prostate cancer procedure, report shows
By Kate Aubusson
Prostate cancer patients are forking out as much as $10,000 in out-of-pocket costs for radical surgery, with some urology surgeons charging over $40,000 more than their peers for prostatectomies, the latest Medibank data shows.
The average cost of a radical prostatectomy ranged from $14,553 to $55,928 depending on the surgeon, according to the joint Medibank and Royal Australian College of Surgeons report. The average separation cost is the total cost of the surgery and hospital stay.
The urology surgical variation report found as many as one in four bladder cancer patients had to be re-operated on six months after their initial surgery. Credit: Nic Walker
While 18 per cent of urology surgeons charged no out-of-pocket fees, others charged patients as much as $10,704. The median average out-of-pocket cost of the radical surgery was $2766, found the analysis of all urology surgeries funded by the health insurer and performed in private hospitals between 2014-16 and 2015-16.
NSW surgeons charged $7049 in out-of-pocket fees on average, compared to $4110 among Victorian surgeons, and $1579 in Tasmania.
Some urology surgeons chose to perform robotic radical prostatectomies, which could significantly increase the overall and out-of-pocket costs of the procedure.
The Cancer Council Australia has previously warned patients about the often exorbitant out-of-pocket fees robotic surgery could attract in the private system, despite no strong evidence that it offered patients better cancer or functional outcomes than a standard prostatectomy performed by a surgeon of equal skill.
In NSW, 88 per cent of radical prostatectomies were charged out-of-pocket fees compared to 35 per cent of patients in Victoria. All ACT patients had to shoulder some of the cost of their surgery.
The report also found the rate of complications ranged from zero to as high as 313 per 1000 radical prostatectomies.
The authors hoped releasing the data would trigger discussions about how to improve outcomes for patients and highlight "potentially unwarranted variation".
The report is also in line with RACS' commitment to full disclosure and fee transparency for patients, and recommendations that concerned patients ask for second opinions for treatments and the fees surgeons charge.
In 2015, RACS released an information sheet after receiving reports that a small number of surgeons were charging extremely high fees, and patients being placed in "an invidious position, in that they find out late in a decision-making consultation that the recommended procedure will involve very large out-of-pocket expenses".
"Patients may feel compelled to accept the procedure and attendant cost in the understandable hope for cure or relief of suffering, and may not be in a position to make a clear, objective decision," RACS' position statement on excessive fees reads.
Dr Peter Heathcote, president of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ), said no patient should feel they need to put themselves in financial stress to access urological care.
"There is no evidence that the fee level charged by individual urologists equates to better surgical outcomes," Dr Heathcote said, echoing an USANZ position statement.
"We encourage patients to ask their surgeons to discuss the costs," he said.
"Out-of-pocket costs are part of a bigger picture of financial toxicity in cancer diagnosis that we are very much alive to."
Loss of employment, pharmaceutical and pathology, carer's leave and transport added up to "enormous costs for cancer patients getting treatment", Dr Heathcote said.
The Cost of Cancer report released this month found one in five cancer patients said finances impacted their decision-making about treatments, and a "small number" said it resulted in them making different treatment decisions.
Bladder cancer patients back on the operating table
The surgical variance report also found a total of 27 per cent of cystoscopies with resection – predominantly to treat bladder cancer – were wheeled back into surgery within six months of being discharged from hospital, the report revealed.
Its authors questioned whether this is an acceptable rate of re-operating.
The average separation cost (the total cost of the surgery and hospital stay) for cystoscopy with resection varied between $1879 and $8716 depending on the surgeon, according to the report published on Tuesday.
The average cost of a cystoscopy without resection (to examine the bladder) ranged from $783 and $4669 depending on the surgeon, found the analysis of 22,448 such procedures.
"World's best practice dictates that almost every newly diagnosed bladder cancers should have a repeat cystoscopy at six to 12 weeks following initial resection," said Associate Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk, chairman of Bladder Cancer Australia.
"This is to ensure adequate depth of biopsy (for tumour staging) and to ensure that complete removal of the tumour occurred.
"Recurrent cancers often also need to be re-respected again for adequate biopsy and clearance.
"This is as routine as a painter needing to do two coats of paint to complete a job. Thus the rate of readmission for cystoscopy of 27 per cent for bladder cancer is likely extremely appropriate."
A separate report also released on Tuesday found huge variations in the cost, complication and referral rates for orthopaedic surgeries, including hip replacements, knee replacements, and knee ACL repair, leaving some patients over $5000 out-of-pocket.