

This was published 2 years ago

Christian love can offer support to trans students

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit:

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Discrimination laws
At my wife’s memorial service a few days ago, I told of her work with a transgender student – one of the great success stories of her work as a secondary school nurse. She had come across a student in year 6 who was clearly a lovely girl, in the body of a boy. My wife did all that she possibly could as a Christian and a nurse to help that child grow through a very difficult adolescence, working with the young person and the family all though the secondary years. It was tense and demanding work for her, and by the end of year 12 there was still no complete resolution.
Ten years later, a very confident 27-year-old woman visited the school, sought out my wife, and thanked her personally and deeply. This woman had developed into a very capable member of our society, in her own view, largely because of the support my wife had given her at every turn of her journey. My wife had seen it as her expression of Christian love to the troubled young person.
I find it totally repugnant that anyone could withhold that kind of support to anyone who needs help to find their own fulfilment. The federal act currently in debate is disgraceful.
Max Williams, Ringwood

My right to define by gender
The debate on the religious protection bill and LGBTQI issues (“ALP forced to decide on trans students”, The Age, 9/2) generally misses a number of crucial points. First, for safety, it is my right to know whether the person before me is a biological male or female. Second, it is also my right to be called by terms expressing my biological gender, and it to be clear that I am in a monogamous heterosexual marriage.
Then there have been more hurtful terms, even threats, directed at Christians than at LGBTQI people, given expression in various media and generally in the community. Christians, who outnumber LGBTQI people by thousands, also deserve “protection”.
John Weymouth, Ringwood East

First tolerate personal identities
If an individual identifies with one gender more than another, so be it. As John Chapter 7:24 states, ″⁣Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.″⁣ To judge with righteous judgment, rather than have antiquated ideals on what constitutes a man and woman, is a key component towards truly harnessing an accepting society.
By upholding values of respect and inclusion, individuals feel safe to express themselves. Segregating society into one big category or another is a component of the past.
Stephanie Ashworth, Pascoe Vale South

A solution without a problem
Instead of seriously addressing the aged care and health crises, the government is wasting time seeking to impose a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist except in the minds of bigots. If any religious rights are needed, it should be the right to freedom from religion. People can believe any self-serving mumbo jumbo or hocus pocus they like, but they should not have the right to impose it on others in any way, shape or form.
John Laurie, Riddells Creek

No need for Labor to hesitate
Does Labor not see the absurdity of considering a bill which on the one hand is meant to legislate against the discrimination of religious belief but on the other hand will allow religious institutions to discriminate against others? So those who claim to need protection from having their religious beliefs being abused are allowed to also be the abusers.
This is socially divisive legislation that should be sent to the dustbin of history. Current anti-discrimination legislation already protects religions in the context of a modern world where protections against discrimination must be equally applied. Religions do not need special protections to opt out of that equality.
Paul Miller, Box Hill South


Team players
I cannot believe that Scott Morrison has urged his party to do what’s right for the “team” (The Age, 9/2). He should be thinking about Australians, and the most vulnerable Australians at that. He is supposed to be the Prime Minister of Australia not just the leader of the Liberal Party. Perhaps he has never met anyone who is trans. I just don’t understand how he can freely discriminate against young people and their families at their lowest. Forcing trans and gender questioning young people to change schools and leave their friends and teachers would just be the worst.
Jackie Mitchell, Glen Waverley

Upstairs and downstairs
If there is ever a royal commission into the handling of the pandemic let it focus on health and the economy but also on the impact on the wealth divide. Sadly, as reported in The Age (“Wealthy savers could stall the economy”, 9/2), many who are already rich have become richer. Industry exemptions, the rorting of JobKeeper and the huge spending in infrastructure projects has left many casual and essential workers more insecure. And next there will be tax cuts for the rich.
Peter Hansford, Ripponlea


Ticket to ride
The idea that Josh Bornstein is still considering nominating himself for Labor’s Senate ticket is fanciful (“Rudd fires up over Bornstein candidacy”, The Age, 9/2). In these times of personality politics and the need for effective representation from the Senate, Mr Bornstein’s proclivity to withdraw from the good fight and tweet from the sidelines is an affront to the Labor Party and voting public.
As someone who was inspired to join the ALP by the great work of Labor people like Kim Carr and Kevin Rudd, it is shameful to see the notions of experience and dedication overlooked in favour of celebrity and career advancement.
Anders Ross, Heidelberg

True leadership
Kevin Rudd criticising Bornstein for leaving the Labor Party is essentially to criticise democracy itself. It ignores the fact that Labor bled support when many of us cancelled our memberships (myself included) after Rudd’s own backroom dealings to remove Julia Gillard as PM, which we know was mostly an egotistical, revenge-fuelled act. Gillard has kept herself effectively clear of Australian politics since she left the Parliament and instead has gone on to do exactly what a former statesperson should – give back to the community via publicly minded work.
Paul Bugeja, Varsity Lakes, Qld

A path to unity
The Age editorial on global diplomacy, asks whether a “newfound, smart and savvy effort to find common ground can waylay a dire outcome” for the world’s current relations (“Much to dwell on as world order shifts”, 9/2). I argue that it could. The smart common ground lies in safeguarding our natural environment and climate. Perhaps I am radical or naive, but I wonder whether countries uniting over the common threat of the climate crisis would make us all better off. Individual countries like Costa Rica have done it. They abolished their army back in 1948 and provide an excellent example of how redirecting finances and public resources towards renewable energy, reforestation, and other environmental projects is beneficial for all. Could this happen on a global scale? What a thought.
Amy Hiller, Kew

Protect our paths
I am 82 years old. Recently, I was knocked down by a young girl of about eight, cycling on the footpath. She would have been travelling at no more than 5km/h. She had a bell, but due to my defective hearing and despite wearing hearing aids, I didn’t hear her approaching or hear the ring. Her mother was running ahead of her.
Thankfully, no broken bones, no bruising. For people like myself and my wife, electric vehicles – cars, scooters, and especially those food delivery riders, present a serious danger to seniors’ wellbeing. Electric scooters must always be banned from riding on the footpath, because believe me, it’s an accident waiting to happen.
Chris Burgess, Port Melbourne

Overpowered scooters
Both your correspondent (Letters, 9/2) and columnist Aubrey Perry (Opinion, 9/2) appear to be unaware that the use of higher-powered private e-scooters capable of exceeding 10km/h on public roads and footpaths remains illegal in Victoria. Current trials permit the use of more powerful e-scooters only by approved rental operators in participating local government areas. Under these trials, the e-scooters may not be ridden on footpaths, on roads with a posted speed limit above 50km/h, by persons under the age of 18 years, or at speeds above 20km/h. VicRoads fines of $182 apply for most breaches.
Mark Summerfield, Northcote

Attributes unmasked
So Matthew Guy finds the mask-wearing rules too confusing for him to understand (“Guy pushes for rule change after being photographed without his mask”, 9/2). If he could not understand the very clear notice circulated to all MPs last week of the requirement to wear masks indoors, how can he possibly think he could run this state.
Barbara Stroud, Ormond

History not propaganda
When I went to school in South Africa in the 1960s and ’70s our history curriculum focused entirely on The Great Trek and the amazing building up of an untamed frontier by Afrikaner (Dutch) settlers, year in and year out. These dauntless frontiersmen had to deal with various challenges, including the African, Indian, Coloured, Hottentot and Bushmen “problems”. We were expected to be filled with pride by their actions in dealing with these problems – usually via massacre, land grabs and warfare.
Then I went to university and suddenly there was a completely different history. We were expected to ask questions, look at the sources of our information critically and analyse why there were different perspectives. That’s what history classes should be about. If we want to teach patriotism, perhaps we could call it propaganda not history.
Linelle Gibson, Williamstown

Rise in self-reliance
Shaun Carney (Opinion, 9/2) on the decline of unions and workers’ self-reliance on getting wage rises reminds us how successful the Liberal Party has been executing its policy of reducing the power of organised labour in favour of employers. This policy sits at the heart of their commitment to promoting the interests of the individual and notions of liberty as opposed to collective interests. It reinforces their world view that individuals should be rewarded for effort and underlies their belief in competition and success.
Of course if you’re disadvantaged, come from a lower socio-economic group or minority and struggle in this competitive world, this is your fault. Work hard and you too will succeed, or so the theory goes.
The dark side of this view is that those who don’t succeed are somehow to blame for their predicament, probably lazy and get what they deserve. Hence the view that keeping JobSeeker payments below the poverty line is justified. The outcome has been a decline in the real wages of most Australians, greater income inequality and a society that seems to have lost some its egalitarian ethos.
Pier Paolo De Carlo, Ascot Vale

Ill-thought apology
There is no doubt that an apology for sexual assaults and bullying inside Parliament House is deserved and overdue, however it may have been unwise for Scott Morrison to mention individuals. Where does it leave our system of justice when the Prime Minister publicly apologises and names a person who is a complainant in matters that are yet to be brought to trial (“‘Terrible things’: Morrison issues apology to Higgins”, The Age, 9/2). I am sure the defence team would already be looking at their options regarding the difficulty the accused may have in getting a fair trial.
Tony Devereux, Nunawading

Never explain
Why did the Prime Minister apologise? In politics one should never fall for that. It makes him look weak. Apologies, no matter how sincere, give power to the whingers and activists and help to promote the toxic virtue signalling ethos. As the old saying goes, and it will do me for the 11th commandment, “Thou shalt never complain, never explain and never apologise”.
Stanley R Burgess, Healesville

Message in a flame
Peter Hartcher could be reminded that Australia chose Cathy Freeman to light the Olympic flame in Sydney (Opinion, The Age, 9/2). Did we seek to camouflage our historical treatment of indigenous Australians and send the same hypocritical message to the world as China did in choosing an Uighur?
Vic Rowlands, Leongatha

Spinal implants
I feel compelled to respond to Liam Mannix’s article “Hell and back: invasive devices are causing trauma” (The Age, 5/2). I acknowledge the pain suffered by those involved in the study by Caitlin Jones. However, I must add my own experiences over many years. I have had two major spinal fusions. Due to ongoing, debilitating pain, I have had three neurostimulator implants over 10 years. Each neurostimulator has been an improvement on the last. There is always a two-week trial beforehand to ensure the benefits to the patient. The difference to my pain was amazing. My doctor throughout this has always been a wonderful support. Programming the device has been ongoing, which caters for any changes that occur. The level of my pain has been substantially reduced. Anecdotally the success of the clinic I attend is testimony to the success of the devices for many. I know I will always have issues, but life for me would look completely different without the neurostimulator.
Lillian Adler, Caulfield South

And another thing

The Prime Minister states that workplaces should be safe and respectful and immediately tries to create some that aren’t.
Les Aisen, Elsternwick

Why does Scott Morrison apologise to Brittany Higgins and others after all this time? Could it be because there’s an election coming up?
Annette Vince, Hawthorn

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow: Macbeth on the topic of a federal ICAC.
Wendy Knight, Little River

Greg Tuck (Letters, 9/2) summarises what the true priorities of parliamentarians should be. AFL legend Tom Hafey put it even more succinctly: compassion and integrity.
Jim Spithill, Ashburton

The religious bill “only” discriminates against a small group, the trans community. Reminds me of a job ad I viewed in a London shop window in 1982 that ended with “NINA” (no Irish need apply). Who’s next?
Sean Geary, Southbank

Seems to me it’s Christianity that needs an overhaul. Ordinary human values are trumping interpretation of the word – may it continue to be thus.
Tania Hardy-Smith, Mitcham

Poor old Matthew Guy is confused. He doesn’t seem to know when he’s eating or drinking and when he’s not. Maybe he doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going either.
Mike Smith, Croydon

Boris Johnson has brought in a new communications chief who says the PM is “not a total clown”. Must be pretty close though.
Ian Dale, Rosebud

Mr Gittins (Opinion, 9/2), l have no issue about paying taxes, what I don’t like is people finding ways to avoid paying theirs while expecting more handouts.
James Lane, Hampton East

If Captain Cook (Letters, 9/2) had curbed his adventurous spirit and stayed at home we would still have schools but the lessons would be in French.
John Togno, Mandurang

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