

This was published 1 year ago

‘A work in progress’: The primary school year hit hardest by lockdowns

In this series focusing on the wellbeing of pre-schoolers, school and tertiary students, The Age explores what children and young people need to thrive in a post-pandemic world.

By Madeleine Heffernan

Primary school children’s education was disrupted during the pandemic.

Primary school children’s education was disrupted during the pandemic.Credit: Illustration: Aresna Villanueva

In this series, The Age is focusing on the wellbeing of Victoria’s 1.69 million children and young people two years after pandemic lockdowns ended.See all 5 stories.

Year 5 student Kaien Vu would like to be a neurosurgeon when he grows up. A lawyer if that doesn’t work out. “Because I can provide for my family,” he explains.

Kaien’s ambitions are intact despite spending much of years 2 and 3 confined to home. Of Victoria’s 262 days in lockdown, he remembers helping his mother, technical difficulties during remote learning and being allowed outside to buy essentials only.

Kaien is happier now. He plays violin and soccer, and attends a learning club each Tuesday. “We can actually talk, and we don’t have to struggle with hearing and online things,” he says.

Children aged four to 12 increasingly show “prosocial” behaviours – activities that aim to benefit others or society, the Australian Institute of Family Studies says. During the pandemic, Victoria’s 550,000-odd primary school students did something extraordinarily kind: they gave up going to school to protect older generations from COVID.

Matthew Shawcross, Kaien’s principal at Sacred Heart School in Fitzroy, says Victoria’s six lockdowns and long periods of remote learning had an impact on every young person in the state.

From left: Linh Nguyen with her son Kaien Vu  and Sacred Heart School, principal Matthew Shawcross.

From left: Linh Nguyen with her son Kaien Vu and Sacred Heart School, principal Matthew Shawcross.Credit: Joe Armao

“There are things that were taken out of our control during that time,” he says. “But the one thing that we still had was how we responded when those challenging times arose.”


The Age is examining how primary school-aged children are faring, as part of a wider series on the developmental, physical, academic and mental wellbeing of children and young people. It is timed to coincide with the two-year anniversary of the end of Victoria’s lockdowns.

Shawcross says his students, 90 per cent of whom live in housing commission flats, are now thriving academically. “We feel like kids are doing really well. And it doesn’t appear to have had any long-term impact,” he says.

But socially and emotionally, there are strains, particularly among year 3s. “They were the children who missed out on the vast majority of prep and year 1, those really formative years. So, we find that probably in terms of social skills – the ability to be able to interact, co-operate, share, take turns, that kind of thing – that year 3 cohort is still a work in progress.”

Social, emotional maturity in focus

Jacquie Marshall, principal of St. Martin of Tours Primary School in Rosanna, says when primary schools reopened after lockdowns, they focused on helping their youngest students with literacy and numeracy. Now, they’re building social and emotional maturity among years 3 to 6.

Principal Jacquie Marshall of  St. Martin of Tours Primary School in Rosanna.

Principal Jacquie Marshall of St. Martin of Tours Primary School in Rosanna. Credit: Eddie Jim

“Traditionally, when children hit year 4 or 5 they become more socially aware. But I think because they hadn’t been through those milestones in year 1 or 2 or 3 – where you would have activities at schools where you would role-model social situations and learn from behaviours – we found that gap in the social and emotional connection to be wider,” Marshall says.


A Department of Education survey of parents shows 7.4 per cent of preps – mostly Indigenous children and those from one-parent families – have a high risk of significant clinical problems related to behaviour and emotional wellbeing. There’s also been a rise in childhood speech and language difficulties among most population groups, and higher than expected numbers of children with developmental delay and autism.

Marshall says while mental health concerns have escalated among students, parents are often more anxious about school than their children.

“We talk about in school the learning pit, where children sometimes go into a pit for their learning, and they have to work it out and get up and out. I think a lot of parents don’t want their children to be in the social and emotional pit,” she says.

Academic gap

In Australia, there’s a huge gap in the academic results of advantaged and disadvantaged students, and it grows wider with each year of schooling, the Grattan Institute says. The pandemic has widened the achievement gap around the world, education expert Julie Sonnemann says.


Nonetheless, lengthy lockdowns have failed to dent the state’s nation-leading academic results. The latest NAPLAN results show Victoria was first or second in 16 of the 20 domains: reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. The latest international literacy study, known as PIRLS, found Victoria was second nationwide, behind the ACT.

Sonnemann, education lead at Impact Economics and Policy, says Victoria’s 2023 NAPLAN results are commendable given remote learning, but warns the quality of schools varies wildly across the state.

The NAPLAN results aren’t entirely good news: about 29 per cent of Victorians were falling behind tough benchmarks introduced this year, particularly in grammar and punctuation.

Exercise down, screen time up

Most young people weren’t badly affected from contracting COVID, but lockdowns and remote learning disrupted their exercise and dietary behaviours, a Victorian government report found.

“Given that there were quite ongoing restrictions in children’s ability to participate in community sports and even get outside and play outside in the playground at the time, I think it has potential to have a big impact on those children,” says Dr Tara Fitzgerald, an expert in child physical activity and motor development.


Children’s engagement in moderate to vigorous physical activity reduced by 17 minutes a day during the pandemic globally, according to a meta-analysis of studies.

A Royal Children’s Hospital survey found Victorian children during COVID reported less physical activity, less outdoor activity, more recreational screen time and less social connectedness than other Australians.

Preschool and school-aged children are recommended to have 60 minutes of vigorous physical activity a day, but participation in Victoria has fallen since the pandemic, AusPlay data shows. In 2022, just 57 per cent of children aged five to eight did sport at least once a week. That figure was 68 per cent for children aged nine to 11.

About a quarter of Australian children are overweight or obese, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) says. Meanwhile, travelling to school by car has skyrocketed to 64 per cent of Melbourne primary and secondary students, while walking and cycling to school has plummeted, the Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity says.

How they spend their time

Even before lockdowns forced children onto screens for school, screen time has been hoovering up an increasing chunk of children’s spare time. Primary school-aged children are recommended to have no more than two hours of sedentary recreational screen time each day, yet the ABS says screen time is easily the most popular form of cultural activity for this age group. Overall, 40 per cent of children (aged five to 14) spend 10 to 19 hours a week on screens outside school hours.

Fitzgerald says some screen time can be beneficial for children, such as Facetiming loved ones they can’t see in person.


“I think the key thing is really thinking about what activity that screen time is replacing,” she says. “If children start to spend more and more time on screens and families build that into their daily life, then it can form a bit of habit from both a child perspective and an adult caregiver perspective.“

Beyond screens, 94 per cent of primary school-aged children participate in a cultural activity, such as drama, singing or playing a musical instrument, dancing, art and craft, creative writing and reading, ABS data shows. Reading for pleasure and participating in cultural activities peak for children aged nine to 11, before falling.

Importance of volunteering

Meanwhile, the Australian Institute of Family Studies has found that volunteering during primary school makes for happier teens.

The institute’s long-running study of 10,000 children and families found that the level of poor mental health symptoms increased each year of a child’s development, with a substantial increase between the ages of 13 and 17.

The good news is that children who start volunteering before the age of 13 reduce their odds of having poor mental health by 28 per cent. In addition, children who demonstrate “prosocial” behaviour, such as acts of kindness, are 11 per cent less likely to experience mental ill health, the institute said.

“Given the sustained number of young people who are presenting with elevated mental health symptoms, teaching children to be prosocial and kind at an early age and providing them with opportunities to volunteer in civic and social settings may help to reduce the growing burden on the health system,” it said.

‘Has she caught up yet?’

Melbourne mother Joi Zakanj says her daughter Mila doesn’t dwell on being deprived of a regular prep and year 1 experience during the pandemic. ” “She didn’t have that benchmark to say, ‘I used to see my friends, but now I don’t’. It’s more like the friendships were formed online, and they had to try to make the most of it,” Joi says.

Mila Zakanj, 8, with her mother Joi Zakanj.

Mila Zakanj, 8, with her mother Joi Zakanj.Credit: Luis Ascui

Mila had just started prep when Victoria began remote learning and remembers learning with a teacher she called “Mrs Beautiful” and walking to the gelati shop. “But it was sometimes boring because not all of my friends were there. I didn’t like mum and dad teaching me, because it was so complicated,” says Mila, who is now eight and enjoys parties and soccer.


Joi still worries that Mila’s unusual start to school has held her back academically and socially.

“My husband and I have that insecurity, has she caught up yet? She’s doing Kumon, which is maths and English tutoring, so she’s doing maths to make sure she’s got knowledge and habits,” she says. “And [we’re] trying to push her with the social stuff, and say, ‘You make sure you make lots of friends and talk to people’.”

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