

Should you tell someone about their long chin hairs?

By Danny Katz
This story is part of the March 1 edition of Good Weekend.See all 13 stories.

Is it acceptable to tell a darling neighbour she has some long hairs growing on her chin? I could tweeze them, but don’t want to upset her.
M.F., Brighton East, Vic

Credit: Drew Aitken

Wise move not chasing your darling neighbour down the street, tackling her on a nature strip, and then plucking her chin against her will (sitting on top of her like a crocodile hunter so she can’t get
into a death roll). Because I can see how a forceful chin-tweeze might be a little upsetting for her, how it could have a detrimental effect on a much-treasured, neighbourly relationship. And it wouldn’t be easy for you, either. Chin hairs are rooted deeply in the epidermal chin topsoil; you’d have to use both hands to yank them out, pulling back on your haunches like you’re hauling in an anchor.


And you know what? Maybe she wants those chin hairs there. Maybe she likes the way they flutter in the breeze like whispery wind chimes or the way they keep blowflies off her neck in summer like a cork chin hat. Or maybe she’s just fed up with tweezing. We all have hair growing in places where hair isn’t wanted and sometimes you just give up: you pluck them, they grow back, you pluck them, they grow back. They’re tenacious little buggers, they don’t take a hint. Sure, you could mention it or you could try the old Selfie Trick: take a photo of the two of you, show her the photo, zoom in on her face and say, “Oh. Let’s take another.”

But if you value this friendship, don’t say anything: she has a mirror, she owns a pair of tweezers, she knows the hairs are there and she’s made a choice – a choice she’s clearly thought about long and hard, tugging on those wisps like an ancient Chinese philosopher.

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