This was published 12 years ago
Public service to be 'so much better' after Newman 'journey'
By Bridie Jabour
- Full coverage: Queensland Public Service Watch
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Premier Campbell Newman says he hopes public servants will think their lives are much better in three years' time, after recent job cuts took their toll on him and his ministers.
Mr Newman, who addressed the Australian Institute of Company Directors and University of Queensland business lunch at the Hilton yesterday, was asked during a question and answer session how he would judge himself and what keeps him awake at night.
Mr Newman said there were "many, many" things which kept him awake and focused on the cuts to the public service which was reduced by about 14,000 full-time equivalent positions in the state budget earlier this month.
"I know there are many things people are upset about and at the end of the day that was always going to be the case," he said.
Premier Campbell Newman sees a bright future for the state's public servants.
"...I know if public servants come on a journey with me and my team now, then in two or three years' time, at the end of it, people will be saying 'jeez, it's just so much better'.
"I actually promised them that, if they come on this journey, it's going to be a much better public service in a few years' time."
Mr Newman said he was not the only one who the cuts were taking an emotional toll on and his ministers had been affected too.
"The past 2½ months have been the toughest of my life professionally, it will be a cold comfort to those who lost their job in the public service but I was sick about that," he said.
"But they probably don't believe that. I must say it has not been fun...
"I have had one of my ministers talking about seeing people pack up their desks, he was very upset about it, so that weighs very, very heavily."
Mr Newman's comments came a week after he told Parliament not one permanent public service employee had been fired as a result of the budget.
He said his goal was for the rest of Australia to look up to Queensland's public service.
"What I have said to my own team in (the) Premier's (office) is that in five years' time we'll have people around the nation say 'hey, Queensland public service is the best public service in Australia' and that's the pride I want people to have," he said.