

This was published 4 years ago


By law, Queensland government may have duty to fight climate change

Queensland’s new human rights law could be used as the vanguard for a legal challenge to the state government’s own climate change policies.

Legal, academic and environmental experts are discussing scenarios that put Queensland - which now boasts a Human Rights Act - at the centre of new rights-based climate litigation.

With the potential for Queensland’s coal deposits to contribute to global climate change, a climate change case could have national and international consequences.

Just before Christmas, the Netherlands’ highest court upheld a decision that found the Dutch government had obligations to urgently and significantly reduce emissions in line with its human rights obligations.

The case, which had been tried in lower courts on its way up to the Dutch Supreme Court, was the first in the world in which citizens established that their government had a legal duty to prevent serious climate change.

And while several differences in our legal system would make that particular case hard to replicate, the Human Right Act enshrines a specific "right to life", meaning the government needs to take that on board in its policy-making.

Protesters demanding action on climate policies have been disrupting Brisbane's peak-hour traffic in recent months.

Protesters demanding action on climate policies have been disrupting Brisbane's peak-hour traffic in recent months.Credit: AAP

In a paper to be published shortly, Associate Professor Justine Bell-James from the University of Queensland says the new act "presents a timely opportunity to overcome the current impasse in the Queensland courts and open the next chapter in Australia’s climate change litigation history – a human rights-based climate change case".

“A successful rights-based climate change case in Queensland has the capability to set powerful precedent in the growing body of climate litigation both domestically and internationally, where international climate litigation has been observed as taking a 'rights-turn'," she says in the paper, authored with Briana Collins.


Scott McDougall, the state’s new Human Rights Commissioner, agrees that the laws put climate change under the microscope and the commission needs to make "the government and the community aware" of the right-to-life provisions.

Climate change was a mainstream human rights issue, and its effect had been well documented, he said.


"The impacts already experienced in Australia include loss of life, property and cultural heritage, and it is apparent that climate change is now rightly being recognised as a mainstream human rights issue," he said.

"Governments of all levels have a role to play in taking positive steps to safeguard the lives of people by implementing coherent strategies to address climate change."

Such strategies go beyond carbon-neutral economies to include urban cooling schemes and installing airconditioning in schools and public housing. In local government, the effect of any legal challenge could be huge.

Experts say the most likely challenge would "piggy-back" on another. For example, a challenge to a government decision - such as the controversial Adani mine - could include a further challenge under human rights law.

While human rights laws existed in the ACT and Victoria, Queensland was a more likely litigation centre because of the new law and the state’s coal extraction.

Professor Bell-James’ paper looked at links between climate change and reduced human health in Queensland - including heatwaves, nature disasters, infectious disease and drought.

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