
That Thinking Feeling

Their biggest gripe? That they’d grown apart from their father and couldn’t navigate a way back.

What our daughters need from their fathers during home isolation

The challenges for our daughters in the response to COVID-19, and their inability to access the camaraderie of their friends at school, cannot be underestimated.

  • Madonna King


Lola, Ava, and Alexia Warner video-chat with their friends, Ava and Anya, while home schooling due to the coronavirus.

'I'm just lost': What students - and their parents - really say about this year

You’re not hearing them whinging out loud. This generation of 17-year-olds understands how far down the COVID-19 queue of concern they currently sit.

  • Madonna King
After being undervalued in pay and conditions and having your voice dismissed for so long, you’re all of a sudden "essential".

To all the teachers, with love

If there's one thing home-schooling is teaching us, it's how hard it might be to walk in your shoes.

  • Madonna King
Waiting room.

All over the world, patients are lying about virus: GP

For every act of kindness during the crisis, we’ve also seen how the fear of this disease can bring out the worst of human behaviour.

  • Madonna King
Professor Ian Frazer, chairman of  Translational Research Institute Australia.

There is another 'virus' we have to deal with, says vaccine expert Ian Frazer

Professor Frazer pleads for a fact-based public education campaign that did not involve fighting in the toilet paper aisles or stealing sanitiser out of someone else’s trolley.

  • Madonna King
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks to supporters at a primary night election rally in Manchester, N.H.

An old-school lesson from America, thanks to Bernie, Joe and Donald

Just imagine, here in Queensland, a 78-year-old being front-runner for the lord mayoralty.

  • Madonna King
Last week's horrific murder of Hannah Clarke and her three children prompted an outpouring of community grief.

The tragedy of Hannah and her children should be a catalyst for change

The heinous murder of a young family should provide the impetus for us to work together to tackle the scourge of domestic violence.

  • Madonna King
The Camp Hill community has reacted with shock and love.

Futures stolen as we try to make sense of the senseless in Camp Hill

It just doesn’t happen here, in Camp Hill. Not in our suburb. A car doesn’t explode in flames. Children don’t die. We look out for each other. It’s our home.

  • Madonna King
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attracted the crowds at South Bank in 2014.

The royal visit must include Queensland – just look at our name

Queenslanders are used to being left out. Ministerial spots. Cabinet posts. Road funding. So let's not miss out on a royal tour.

  • Madonna King

Don't give your children emojis, give them emotion

Our teenagers learn on computers, upload their homework, set up a date via an app and post their formal dresses on Insta. But something's missing.

  • Madonna King

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